View Full Version : Question For Animal Owners that have Signatures

07-10-2007, 07:18 PM
Hi there, PT members :D . I've noticed some of you have what you call online "signatures" and they have your pets on them. Sometimes they say, "The Gang" or "The Boys" and "The Girls". I was wondering how you made them and if I could do that with my kitties. Thanks a lot, everyone, and have a great day ;) !!!!
Catloverforever and her three kitties, Nitschke (4 mos.), Reggie (1), and Nellie (3)
I especially like Cats, but I like all animals!
Adopt a Shelter Pet and Save a Life! You'lll also make a Friend for Life!

07-10-2007, 08:36 PM
I used Photoshop Elements 5.0 to make mine; and then had help from someone on here who has lots more experience than I do with Photoshop.

The first thing you will need is close ups of your pets. Then with photoshop or one of the other programs, you select out the head shot, and start placing it the way you want it.

My first one took me 5 hours and I gave up and had someone else make me one. I had never used Photoshop before. I am getting better; only THREE hour for this one! So someone else with more experience can walk you through it better than I can.

07-10-2007, 09:41 PM
I made mine using Paint Shop Pro but it took me quite a while - I'm not too good at it.

There are several people on the board here who are willing to make them for other people. Usually if you just ask on the General board someone will do it for you. Usually they just have you send the pictures you want used in a PM or email.

07-11-2007, 01:24 AM
If you check in the "General" section of the forum there is a thread titled "Graphics People and others" where you can post some pictures of your fuzzy family and some very talented people will make you a signature.

I'm dreadful at using photoshop, and so I was very happy to receive my siggy in a private message. :)

07-11-2007, 06:15 AM
I make signatures all the time. I do my own and do them for others. I have been doing them for about 3 years. I use the newest release of Photoshop. I used PaintShop Pro when I first started but didn't like the program at all so got Photoshop (not sure of the version at the time I think 7 or 8). Now it is Photoshop CS3. It took me awhile to be half way decent at them and it takes practice. I just played with the pictures and setups and the tools, textures, and the other neat things until I found what I liked. If you want I can make you a signature. I also do the animated avatars beside your name as well. Just let me know. I would be happy to do it. :)


07-11-2007, 11:08 AM
i just posted a request for one in the general section.

how do i attach it them to my "profile" so it comes up every time and ya'll can see it?


~Aki :D

07-11-2007, 01:26 PM
My Signature Was Made By My Friend Kim England Of Tennesee
As I Could Not Do That By Myself.
I Am Just Sorry I Accidentally Eliminated The Signature With Miquelito And Pouncierge.

07-11-2007, 02:15 PM
You go into your profile under User CP in plop it into the signature box. Click save and you're done.

i just posted a request for one in the general section.

how do i attach it them to my "profile" so it comes up every time and ya'll can see it?


~Aki :D

07-11-2007, 04:35 PM
a link or insert pic, when i tried to insert a pic, it changed it to a word code thing. then i dunno what to do. :D

07-19-2007, 12:58 PM
Thank you guys for all of your help! I am thinking it over about how I want to do my signature (Who do I want to do it? I am not sure). I don't think I will be able to do it by myself, so I might want someone else to do it. Kittycats_delight, thank you so much for volunteering, and Aki, thanks for posting a request for one in the general section. Where can I find the request? I am still thinking it over and have a lot of work to do before I can even ask anyone to do it (take good pics of my cats, etc). Thanks for volunteering, and I'll keep you posted (about who I'd like to do my sig)! Kittycats_delight, I've seen your sigs, and they are excellent. Great job! :)