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07-09-2007, 02:28 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070709/od_uk_nm/oukoe_uk_china_cats;_ylt=AhC5JvKyWlW4QUz0DlrBxfPMW M0F

BEIJING (Reuters) - The power of the Internet has saved more than 800 cats from being skinned and served up on Chinese dinner tables.

About 30 animal lovers rushed to a parking lot in Shanghai after reading an Internet posting sparked by animal rights activist Huo Puyang that said two trucks carrying cats in wooden boxes had been intercepted, Huo said on Monday.

Huo's daughter-in-law had been looking for their missing pets and stumbled into the trucks, one of which sped away. The daughter-in-law called Huo, whose animal-loving friends then sent out an Internet alert last Friday.

The felines were on their way to the booming southern province of Guangdong, where some residents pride themselves as gourmets who will eat anything that flies, crawls or swims.

"It was a cruel sight ... Pregnant cats and kittens were packed into the boxes," Huo told Reuters.

"Many cats had died and smelled," she said. "Some were trampled to death. Others bit each other."

Huo also telephoned police, who took the driver and the truck to a police station.

Police said Huo had lacked evidence to prove the 42 boxes held stolen pets and told the animal lovers to buy the cats.

The driver demanded 14 yuan (91 pence) each.

After hours of haggling, the animal lovers paid more than 10,000 yuan for 840 cats.

"We have a difficult task. The cost of feeding them pales compared to medical fees, vaccines and sterilisation," Huo said.

She called for donations and for other animal lovers to adopt the cats, which were initially being cared for at her shelter.


Huo's expensive act was another small victory of sorts in Chinese citizens' efforts to harness Internet and cell phone technologies to mobilise around often long-stifled grievances.

A slavery saga at brick kilns in the northern province of Shanxi came to light partly as a result of an Internet campaign conducted by the fathers of missing children.

The Maglev train project between Shanghai and nearby Hangzhou was put under review after petitions by thousands of residents.

Construction of a chemical plant in the southeastern port city of Xiamen was shelved after thousands of protesters received cell phone text messages that warned the plant would be the equivalent of an "atomic bomb" and threaten seaside environment.

Internet censorship is common in China, where the government employs an elaborate system of filters and tens of thousands of human monitors to survey its 140 million Internet users' surfing habits, surgically clipping sensitive content.

(Additional reporting by Vivi Lin)

07-09-2007, 02:34 PM
Oh, thank God some were saved...how horrible and sad for the others. RIP, poor abused babies!

Aki - any indication how many lived? I know they paid for 840 cats...but I am sure not all were alive.

As deeply sickening as this is, I am glad someone stopped it!

I hope these cats return to forever homes.

ETA - I pm'd Lilith Cherry as she lives in China - hopefully she has a network of email people she can send this to!

07-09-2007, 02:59 PM
i dunno how many for sure. just stumbled onto the article and thought that many here would enjoy.

~Aki :D

07-09-2007, 05:51 PM
That Is Terrible And We Are Glad To Know That Some Of These Cats Will Be Saved. Its A Shame That In Many Countries Cats And Dogs Are Just Animals .

Lilith Cherry
07-09-2007, 09:29 PM
Hi there! I have emailed the article to all my contacts and friends in Guangdong and asked them to see if they can enlighten us as to what has happened to the rescued cats... I hope they can find out something so at least I can send a donation to help feed them. China is divided about how they feel regarding animals; One sees terrible cruelty in market places etc and yet there are many very kind and loving people who have pets and would never mistreat them any more than we would.

My two cats were recued in a market in Foshan where they were being sold as food :eek: My husband and I bought them and carried them home alive (having been offered them skinned and gutted :eek: ) inside our jackets and since then they have become little empresses and been totally spoiled!

I am in Canada right now for the summer visiting my family and the empresses are being spoiled and petted by some very good friends of mine in a nearby small town. I really miss them! Let's hope that many of the rescued cats will find homes with loving people too.

07-09-2007, 10:54 PM
Thanks, Lilith - I hope some of your friends can make room for a pet. :)

07-10-2007, 05:51 AM
Seeing this first thing this morning actually upset my stomach. This is just awful!

07-10-2007, 06:07 AM
I have been following this kind of thing for over a year now after seeing a BBC documentary about the cat and dog fur trade in China, and also the meat trade. It is downright disgusting, and the way the animals are treated is just plain sick. Skinned alive, beaten because it makes the meat taste better.
In this day and age there is no justice and there is no reason for humans to behave this way, we have the freedom of will and choice, this is what makes us different from animals 'I do it because I choose to'.
The more this is known internationally the better, there is now the EU ban on Cat and Dog fur, and hopefully the meat trade will soon begin to be noticed and suffer too.
If you'd all seen what I saw on the documentary you would've wanted to kill yourselves, it's despicable.

07-10-2007, 01:05 PM
I recall watching a special years ago and the investigator had to pretend that he was interested in buying the furs of all these dead cats. When he walked into the warehouse, he wasn't prepared for what he saw. Neither was I and I was only watching it on TV! He said that he didn't know how he kept the look of shock and disgust off his face but he had to, otherwise the investigation would've been jeopardized. I would've passed out.

07-14-2007, 08:29 AM
i think this is an update!


the story is about a wonderful woman, but FYI it's a bit hard to read in parts

~Aki :D

07-14-2007, 08:37 AM
Wow, you're not kiddin' that it's tough to read.