View Full Version : Need help with visitors and Reggie

07-07-2007, 08:32 PM
Ok, when a visitor comes into the door, Reggie will bark and bark until i say " Be Quiet!" Then she will run up and jump onto the visitor.Then from then until the visitor leaves she will rub hair onto the visitor. I need help with this.

07-08-2007, 04:04 AM
Hi, it happens quite often that dogs jump onto people. To give you some advice i would need some more information.
Does she only jump onto guests or also onto her human "family members"?
If she does it with you as well: how do you react?
What do you do generally when you leave the house/when you come back?
Every info helps me to understand your personal situation.
So if you could provide me with that i will try to tell you what i think about it and what you could do to change the situation.
All the best from Vienna,

07-08-2007, 01:57 PM
what they said in the other post is right--more info would be good) My uncle's dog does the same thing, but it's not a small dog--it's like a 40 pound irish setter so that can be aggravating! I hope you get Reggie trained so s/he will do better when people come in.

07-08-2007, 02:06 PM
Everything Reggie does is on account of whether or not you allow it. Everytime Reggie jumps up, the behavior is reinforced. Dogs don't have an idea of good or bad behavior. Good behavior is whatever you make of it.

First, keep Reggie on lead. Have a friend ring the doorbell (your friend will be outside and you'll be inside). Let her bark, then tell her to be quiet. Ask for a sit and then treat/praise her. Take a couple steps back, ask for another sit and t/p. Have the visitor come in and if Reggie jumps up, walk backwards and get her attention. Ask for a sit, and then t/p. Allow the visitor to walk into the home, and ALWAYS have Reggie's attention. Now that the visitor is in your home, ask the visitor to make contact with Reggie if they want to. Ask the visitor to leave, and release Reggie from her sit.

What you're teaching is this: Reggie is not allowed to jump on visitors anymore. Reggie is not allowed to initiate contact with the visitor. That is the human's decision, not hers. It'd be a good idea to teach "Watch Me" or "Focus" before doing this.

07-08-2007, 04:28 PM
Hi, it happens quite often that dogs jump onto people. To give you some advice i would need some more information.
Does she only jump onto guests or also onto her human "family members"?
If she does it with you as well: how do you react?
What do you do generally when you leave the house/when you come back?
Every info helps me to understand your personal situation.
So if you could provide me with that i will try to tell you what i think about it and what you could do to change the situation.
All the best from Vienna,

She only jumps on guests. When we leave the house my mom tells her to guard the house (which she wouldnt do very effectivly) then when we get back we ask her if anyone called (she never answers)

07-10-2007, 04:52 AM
Well, i would suggest to make your leaving and coming home a very boring thing for your dog, that means, do not give it attention. Just leave and just come home without talking or stroking your dog, and wen there is a guest visiting i would take the dog out of the exciting situation - maybe you have some treats or a little game. Whenever there is still some jumping onto someone, a sharp "no" should do and then again - bring the dog out of the situation, give some commands and treats afterwards.
all the best