View Full Version : Patches dives into dinner!!

07-22-2002, 01:19 AM
tonight Patches got into trouble for the first time... I will let him tell you about it in his own words! LOL I love having kittens around!:eek:

heewo eveybody! tis is Patches! I got into twuble t'nite! mommy had a plate of sa-ghetty, an it yooked weally yummy! I got up on her lap, an I even purr, but she say no, and put me back on the floor! so I am sneeky! I go to other chair and jump to the twable!, and into her plate bafor she can catch me!! haha, it was FUN! but I get my feet all full of sa-getti sace! mommy laughed, but then she put me in baffroom! she say I have to learn not to do tat!, I was a bad boy ta-nite! I might have only got cleaned up, but on the way to tha baffroom, I dig my claws into her arm! I no want to go to my room! then she WASHED my feet! yucky! I don't yike that! 10 minutes yater she let me come out! yea! get to run with Charlie again! bye!

heres a pic, looks like he's saying, yes? what do you want?
I wish I had tonight on video! he landed right IN the plate! I had to throw it out!

Former User
07-22-2002, 02:14 AM
Awww, you nawtee Patches! Did you even like the spaghetti? ;) I hope that taught you a lesson, but I doubt it :rolleyes:

07-22-2002, 05:15 AM
What a sweet little kitty you are Patches. I have used your photo as my background on my home computer!

Spagetti eh? I had a cat years ago, that loved the sauce! He would have a red stain on his chin from the tomato coloring! He lived to be 18.

Oh Patches, I hope your health problems clear up. You are such handsome boy. I just want to reach through my computer screen an touch you!

Stay out of trouble now. ;) :eek: ;)

07-22-2002, 06:42 AM
Patches you type really good for such a young kitty! I loved your "nawtee kitty" story and your picture!! Maybe your mom will let you at the keyboard more often. :) My Trevor (age 9) occasionally loses control and gets out of touch with reality (and the rules around here) and will jump up on the table right in the middle of a meal. He doesn't do it often but I guess he feels the risk is worth it if he is able to escape with a bit of people food. He has never tasted spaghetti though! :D One time after a meal I left the kitchen for a minute before clearing off the table. Big mistake! Within less than a minute Trevor was galloping off with a big piece of roast beef in his mouth. It was so comical that it was hard to be mad! :D

07-22-2002, 09:33 AM
You naughty boy, Patches! (but you're a cutie anyway ;)) Jumping up in your mums food and let her starve all evening! :rolleyes: Next time you plan on doing some of your antics, make sure your mum has got her video ready!

Pam! Trevor must have looked hilarious running off with that piece of steak! :D

If anyone can get away with anything - it's CATS! :D We gotta love them!

Fister is amazingly well behaved when it comes to jumping on tables, but he WILL sit in the windowsill next to us, watching what we're having! Poor cat - he can't have any!

07-22-2002, 10:43 AM
Hmmm, what brand of spaghetti sauce was it Patches? If it wasn't homemade, maybe you could do a few spaghetti sauce commercials and pay your way around there.

You can type pretty well, so it shouldn't be hard for you to contact the company.

Sorry that you got into trouble.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-22-2002, 02:59 PM
Oh Patches, you naw-tee little kitty, you are so adorable! :) I'm glad you made your mom laugh, and I'm glad you're not feeling bad because of your eyes. Hopefully that darn vet will get them cleared up for you soon. Go have fun with Charlie now, but don't forget about Emma, Louise and Muffin too. :)

07-23-2002, 12:48 AM
Oh Patches you naughty boy. You are such a cutie pie that I bet your Mommy could never stay mad at you. You even made her laugh.:D Kittens sure are a lot of fun aren't they but they are also very unpredictable too. :) Kittens you gotta luv'em.:D

07-23-2002, 03:32 AM
Naughty Patches! But oh-so-cute :rolleyes:
It is fun having kittens around!

07-23-2002, 07:12 AM
So adorable, how could anyone be mad at him for long? All the cats I had (expect from Gigio) liked/like spaghetti (they live in Italy after all :D ) especially with a little bit of butter and freshly grated parmesan cheese! :D

07-23-2002, 08:48 PM
What a cutie! I love that picture of Patches!! :)

So, how did you like your sauce Patches? Did mommy at least give you a chance to taste it? ;)

07-23-2002, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by Gio
So adorable, how could anyone be mad at him for long? All the cats I had (expect from Gigio) liked/like spaghetti (they live in Italy after all :D ) especially with a little bit of butter and freshly grated parmesan cheese! :D Or Chinese, since Marco Polo brought them to Italy(noodles)...Gung Hay Fat Choy*
next year, sir!

*Yeah yeah you probably know this but it means happy new year.