View Full Version : Some Funny Pictures of Sunny, Pepper, and Storm

07-22-2002, 12:21 AM
I took quite a few pictures of my cats today and here are three funny pics of them. Here's Sunny looking vicious.

07-22-2002, 12:23 AM
Here's Pepper with his mouth open. It looks likes he's a roaring black panther.

07-22-2002, 12:25 AM
Here's Storm hiding his face with his paw," Please no more pictures Mom." :)

07-22-2002, 12:48 AM
:eek: :eek: eeekk those first 2 pics look scary! LOL

07-22-2002, 01:07 AM
What a great furcrew you have!! (but I'll bet you already knew that, huh? ;) )

Former User
07-22-2002, 02:14 AM
Funny pics Tracey! Thanx for the laugh!

07-22-2002, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
... Here's Sunny looking vicious.

And I would have been willing to bet that Sunny COULDN'T look vicious! What a fierce look he has! Ha, he's still a cutie though.

My hugs to your sweet boys. {{{KAK's boy-os}}}

Heather Wallace
07-22-2002, 05:19 AM
Scary pics, what is Sunny doing in the first photo?

Miss Meow
07-22-2002, 06:15 AM
What gorgeous pics, especially Pepper the roaring lion! :)

07-22-2002, 07:19 AM
LOL, those were really funny! Love the first one :)

07-22-2002, 01:38 PM
Awww great pics :)

I love that one of Sunny! (I am considering keeping Angelo again - the orange kitty - and if I do my top name choice is Sunshine or Sunny :D :D :D)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-22-2002, 03:10 PM
Great pictures, KAK. Sunny really does look fierce...and goofy. ;) :D And Pepper does look like a black panther too...with long hair. ;) :D Sometimes the way Tubby walks he looks like a panther so we call him our big black panther boy. :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-22-2002, 04:01 PM
lol.... you always have some of the funniest pics.... like the one where Storm was talkin to Pepper and it looked like he melted into a kitty puddle..

07-22-2002, 05:43 PM
LOL!! I like the first picture!