View Full Version : Clip those claws, easier said than done

07-06-2007, 01:58 PM
Since there's no category for grooming I guess I'll post my question here...

My cat won't allow me to trim his claws. I have to ambush him during sleep, and if I succeed it's only good for one clipping before he gets the message. He will bite my hand if I persist(not down to the flesh, just kind of a warning "hey, back off"). Will he ever get use to it, and maybe even like it?

Solid advice appreciated.

07-06-2007, 03:50 PM
I also have 2 cats that will try to bite me when I clip their nails. Please read the thread that I started in cat general. This may help you: homemade cat muzzle (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=129971&page=1&pp=10). Good luck.:)

07-06-2007, 04:17 PM
A few years ago I couldn't clip my cats nails either, but being patient, I managed eventually. :) Try to get him used to you holding his paws, without clipping them at first, then one day, you will succeed. I can still only clip two or three at a time, but a few every day will get it done. ;)

07-06-2007, 05:01 PM
Yep, same here. Yodie Yodie is walking around w/only her left paw clipped. Gotta do the right when I can. I don't do the hind paws too often any more.

07-07-2007, 12:40 PM
Goooood Saturday morning to you all, and thanks for sharing your stories and ideas. Tracey, simple but brilliant idea. I will try it and post an update(maybe even try gluing some catnip inside the cup) :p

07-07-2007, 01:37 PM
Skinny, Cindy and Stephen got nails done today. You'd think I was killing them. Such a fuss and grawling noises came out of their sweet little mouths :rolleyes:
A stern voice and good grip (I put them between my legs on the floor) works at my house, when they are fussing. Kisses and words of praise when they arent fussing.
Cindy was all 4 paws outward sticking out for a few seconds until she calmed down to continue clipping. :rolleyes:

07-14-2007, 08:54 PM
I've been doing Finae's and Boris' since they were kittens. I can do Finae's front paws within about 1min total. Boris takes a little longer, but not much. Sophie will squirm a bit, but it's just trying to find the claw in the fluff on her paws that is the real test there. Her paws are so fluffy!!!

Honey and Jorgie were declawed before I adopted them, so no need to do them. Thank goodness I don't have to clip Jorgie... I can't even brush the cat or pick him up... I can't imagine trying to clip the claws!

Some of my fosters are declawed, some are not, but for the most part I can clip who I need to. If they are really skittish, I just let them go till they're half asleep and do a few at a time.

07-16-2007, 11:44 AM
I have two cats, neither of them like getting their nails clipped. Since they were kittens, I have clipped their nails and then when they are both done, they each get a treat. I don't give them treats otherwise. So now when I pull out the nail clippers, they come running, they still whine and complain but they pretty much sit still (stern words work when they squirm a little) because they know that they'll get a treat in the end. Good luck. :)