View Full Version : Hiccups

07-06-2007, 12:11 AM
OMG i HATE hiccups. Everyone is like "oh they aren't so bad." Well, excuse me, but they friggen hurt! I've been hiccuping for the past hour and a half, 1 - 3 times per minute. (I knew when i had my first 10 or so i should go get a teaspoon of sugar, but i dislike sugar very very much. And yes, sugar has been proven to have a chemical reaction that works.) At least they aren't as hard as they were racking my whole body. Now it's just from my upper torso up.

Sorry, needed to vent.


Update: Right after i posted this i decided to go wake up S.O. so he could get the sugar down for me from the highest shelf in the highest cabinet in the house.

Man, my throat was raw!

Took one large heaping tablespoon of that vile stuff. I think i hiccuped once or twice more and they were gone. :)

07-06-2007, 12:59 AM
My husband and his kids get hiccups ALL the time. My son and I never do. Really, I can't remember ever having hiccups once in my life. I have no idea what they feel like. So, I wonder if hiccups are somehow hereditary? :confused:

And, yes, sugar DOES work very well.

07-06-2007, 01:32 AM
Hmmm... good question.

Found this link. More info on hiccups/hiccoughs/singultus than i needed to know. http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic252.htm

I knew long time ago that hiccups can be psychosomatic, but what if you're completely happy and preoccupied when they start up? (I just wonder if the nerve thing in my brain that sets mine off is related to the same section of brain that gives me my tachycardia. ...I mean they're both misfiring that set off a muscle spasming at a rate that isn't proper.)

My husband and his kids get hiccups ALL the time. My son and I never do. Really, I can't remember ever having hiccups once in my life. I have no idea what they feel like. So, I wonder if hiccups are somehow hereditary?

And, yes, sugar DOES work very well.

07-06-2007, 04:11 AM
Had a dose of them yesterday. Oh brother did my ribs hurt because it was a really bad case of them but it was related to being stressed about a file I was working on. SO at least I know the cause. Held my breath for about 2 minuites and they went

07-06-2007, 05:13 AM
Sugar always works for me. I don't get hiccups often. ;)

07-06-2007, 11:00 PM
Gah, i got out of bed this afternoon and leaned over to check the caller ID on my way to the bathroom... got another spell of hicups.

(Hmmm... leaning over sets off my tachycardia sometimes also. It's almost like this morning was an answer to my quandary.)

That was something else though... having a tablespoon of sugar even before i had any breakfast.

07-06-2007, 11:14 PM
Hiccups - I don't get them often, but when I do, I swallow AIR. It's a little harder to do than you think....probably what swallowing the sugar does?

Anyway, getting the air completely swallowed seems to do the trick!

07-06-2007, 11:51 PM
Eating raw carrots or rye bread often means hiccups for me!

Folks who can't eat sugar - a bit of cornmeal sprinkled on the very BACK of the tongue stops them too. Something about the rough texture.

Love, Columbine (who will eat carrots and rye bread whenever she wants to)