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07-05-2007, 03:11 PM
It was 105 yesterday and it is suppose to be close to 110 today :eek: I hate this weather. I was gone all day yesterday but kept the air on all day for the dogs, I can't even stand to go outside.

Is it hot where everyone else is?

07-05-2007, 03:20 PM
Wet and windy here....

Tempretures of about 53-60 F here (12-16 C)

07-05-2007, 03:22 PM
Nah, the heat broke here, we are at about 75. But the humidity has made us turn on the AC. It is cloudy and rainy and icky out.

07-05-2007, 03:24 PM
can we say blistering? We have been having temps like that for the last 2 weeks. The A/C is on all the time with the dehumidifier. We dump off about 25lt of water ever 2 days. That is coming out of the air inside the house. And the house is a paradise compared to outside. :eek: We are at a steady 25° C or 77° F inside. All I can say is thank god for A/C.

07-05-2007, 03:27 PM
It's 83 right now. It's been in the upper 70s - upper 80s for the past several weeks.

I couldn't stand 105 degrees. I would die.

07-05-2007, 03:34 PM
Around 102 here. To stinking hot for man or beast! I've been taking the dogs down to the ball field when the sprinklers are running, that's the only way we can stand to be out in this heat. My husband and son both work out in the heat all day, I honestly dont know how they do it. I feel sorry for them, I would die.

07-05-2007, 03:41 PM
While I am also in Cali, but yes the weather is horrid. My parents own a dry cleaners in Sacramento, so it's worse in there. If it's 105 outside it can be 110 115 inside the cleaners. And you can't have AC in a cleaners, they only have swamp coolers....something about the moisture with an AC, not really sure.
I almost feel like shaving Zoee, but I just can't do it. :p I so wish we had a pool in summers like this.
I can't wait to get to Tahoe next month, even if I have to see the burned hillsides. :(

07-05-2007, 03:52 PM
;) You all don't know what 'hot' is until you live though a summer here in Phoenix AZ!!

Yesterday, 07-04-07 we broke a record with it being 115.

We have gone 13 days now with the tempature of 110 or more with no relief in sight!

I can't tell you the last time it rained, maybe back in January or February - the fire danger is waaay high.

So lets not talk about being hot!! LOL :D

07-05-2007, 03:54 PM
;) You all don't know what 'hot' is until you live though a summer here in Phoenix AZ!!

Yesterday, 07-04-07 we broke a record with it being 115.

We have gone 13 days now with the tempature of 110 or more with no relief in sight!

I can't tell you the last time it rained, maybe back in January or February - the fire danger is waaay high.

So lets not talk about being hot!! LOL :D

I saw on the news that Phoenix was going to be around 115 today. :eek: Is that true? I could not handle that heat, how do you do it? ;)

*edit to add*

How do people that have to work outside handle it? I would think temps that high would make a person sick. I honestly cant imagine. LOL.

07-05-2007, 04:05 PM
My daughter has a friend visiting from Phoenix, she is going back today. I said so you must be use to the heat and she said "you never get use to it", I don't know how you do it in Arizona.

07-05-2007, 10:26 PM
she said "you never get use to it", I don't know how you do it in Arizona.

Well... she is kinda right, but think of it this way, when it is the middle of winter, so cold you can't move what do you do? You stay in the house & warm up, right? Well we do the same thing, we stay indoors and stand in front of the a/c!! :rolleyes:

Hey, it may be 115, but you don't have to shovel it!!!!! ;)

We just reverse our lives, we live outdoors in the winter, and stay inside in the summer.

As for people who work outdoors, they probably start around 5:30 - 6:00 am and then quit by 1-2:00pm, and they are use to the heat believe it or not!

I would not trade this life for anything! I love the hot weather - and so does my arthritis!!! :cool:

07-05-2007, 10:29 PM
Well, it was a 'mere' 90F - 32C in Calgary today. Tomorrow down to a cool 75F - 24C.

I think we have got near 40C - 105F here, usually in July for a few days heat wave.

My place stays cool - but Oscar and Cole are not happy about the blinds being closed in front of the sliding balcony door.

07-05-2007, 10:29 PM
I can't tell you the last time it rained
Can I send some rain your way? Its POURING here.

07-05-2007, 10:45 PM
Can I send some rain your way? Its POURING here.

PLEASE DO!!! We really need it with all the fires!

07-06-2007, 05:09 AM
We are actually getting a proper Winter for a change Australia (Well in Victoria where i am) :D. It is currently 4C/ 39F, and did not get much over 5C all day woohoooo. Ok i lie i just checked and it is just over 3C.

I want snow :p.

07-06-2007, 08:27 AM
Heavy and raining but wish is was hot and sunny we need it badly fed up of rain and this is supposed to be our summer........

07-06-2007, 09:56 AM
It has been hovering near 100 degrees nearly everyday for the last 3 weeks. With the exception of Wednesday, it hasn't really rained, either!

I'm getting pretty tired of this weather, especially since I don't have A/C in our house or in my car. It stays pretty cool during the day in here and luckily it always cools off at night, but I wouldn't mind a nice, cool, rainy day here! :)

07-06-2007, 10:17 AM
How awful!! Believe me, I know ecaxtly how you feel, I cannot stand these temperatures at all, they make me ill.

Right now, it's nice and cool here, but I'm afraid (judging from my migraine) that the next heatwave is just around the corner...


07-07-2007, 12:23 PM
Suprisingly still freezing and raining here ;).

07-07-2007, 02:20 PM
We finally got a little break here in Tucson, we had a small storm come in Thurs night so now it's only in the lower 100s. Usually though when it's around 110+ I try not to leave my house with the exception of work. Generally I like to wait until at least 6 p.m. before I start running errands, it's just too hot to leave the house.

How do people that have to work outside handle it? I would think temps that high would make a person sick. I honestly cant imagine. LOL.

You just get used to it. I spent one summer when I was 19 working outside at a plant nursery, now I have no idea how I did it. I drank lots of water and would make sure to sit in the shade during my breaks. Now that I'm older I can barely walk from the car to my work without wanting to cry!

07-07-2007, 02:22 PM
Wow, that weather i'm SO used to. It's always in the 100's here, usually 110 or higher, i'm so used to it. Since i live here in Arizona it's usually that hot all the time. What we need is rain and I will be fine.

Scooter's Mom
07-07-2007, 02:46 PM
;) You all don't know what 'hot' is until you live though a summer here in Phoenix AZ!!

Yesterday, 07-04-07 we broke a record with it being 115.

We have gone 13 days now with the tempature of 110 or more with no relief in sight!

I can't tell you the last time it rained, maybe back in January or February - the fire danger is waaay high.

So lets not talk about being hot!! LOL :D

I agree! I'm in AZ too and it is so dang hot - I can't even bring myself to get in the swimming pool. :(

07-07-2007, 02:48 PM
I agree! I'm in AZ too and it is so dang hot - I can't even bring myself to get in the swimming pool. :(

I don't even go outside since i'm in Mesa, AZ. we just stay home and just cool off. Though i don't own a pool i don't know how that would be like. Trying to get into the pool while it's too hot.