View Full Version : Foster dog needs some training...

07-03-2007, 12:08 PM
OK Group, I need some help here. I am fostering a mix breed dog, looks like a Border Collie mix. He came from a home that loved him very much. But he as far as I can tell wasn’t disciplined very well. He will bark to be let in, and wont stop until you do let him in. And when he is in the house playing either with you or with the other dogs. He will start barking again. He is driving my poor husband up the wall. The other problem we are having with him is, he will start fighting you when you try to take him outside to go potty. He will jump up and put his paws around your arms. Or he will lay down and try to twist his collar out of your hands. And lately he has started to nip me. Nothing that has broken the skin, but that is a big no no in the first place. I need to stop that problem before it gets too big to handle. Does anyone have any good ideas?

07-08-2007, 06:29 AM
Hi, i can imagine that this is pretty hard!

I would not take part in the game. If he jumps up on you and puts his paws around your arm, do not respond by saying anything, just take your arm back, turn away and show him that he does not have the power to involve you in his little game. Ignore the behavior you do not like. A strict no in combinatin with ignoring him is also recommendable. When he gets excited and starts barking, try to draw his attention to something else. As soon as he stops barking, praise him and give him a treat. Maybe you can give him a command like "sit" and as soon as he does this, praise him and give him a treat. Now he is in another situation and behaved well. So the exciting situation is over and forgotten.
I hope it helps!
All the best and nice greetings from Vienna


07-09-2007, 03:08 PM
Thanks for trying to help me with some great advise. The only problem is he does this only when I am trying to put him outside to go potty. So I can't ignor him when I am trying to put him out.

07-10-2007, 08:08 AM
I'm babysitting a dog that doesn't want to go out at bedtime. Any other time she's fine. I finally decided to take her out on a leash and stay with her in one spot until she peed. She's very strong so I had to put her on a wire tied to a post to keep from being dragged back into the house. I stay just out of reach and as soon as she's finished, I let her loose. After 5 days or so, she's getting the picture.

I don't know if that's any help.

It sounds like he needs to understand that nothing in life is free. Have you tried this method?