View Full Version : Got Rats? Post here if you do!

07-02-2007, 11:30 AM
If you have any rats post here! Pictures are welcomed and loved. :D

I have one rat named Jazz and I plan on getting her a cage mate.

My Peanuts
07-02-2007, 11:59 AM
Soon enough! The breeder let me know that they were born on Thursday! I'm getting two boys. :)

07-02-2007, 12:45 PM
I have nine of the little buggers. =D
Otto & Venny are brothers. Sid, Pocky, & Ophelia are all from the same litter. Garber & Akio are siblings. And then there is Mason & Durbin. My rats are separated into three cages.

The first group(all males):


Sid. He has a neurological condition, resulting in him having a permanent tilt.


The second group(all females):

Ophelia, one of the sweetest, most outgoing rats I've ever owned.

Little miss Pocky. The most skittish rat I've ever had.

The third group(both males):
Durbin. He was a rescue, and came to me with a pretty bad URI. He's fine now. Though he has never grown to be near the size of any of my other rats.

& Mason. A very big, squishy boy who loves cuddling with little Durb^^.

All of these pictures are a bit older, as I haven't gotten around to uploading any of the new pictures of my rats. I'll get around to that eventually.

And just for a bit of added cuteness, here is a baby Ophelia. :]

07-02-2007, 03:45 PM
:D :D :D

OMG I want them all! Jazz is a very pretty girl!

Chili I never realised you had so many and a few hairless :eek: :D I so badly want a hairless one day! The are very rare here.

07-03-2007, 05:37 AM
Super cute! I love the furkids and the nekkids too. :D

07-03-2007, 08:13 AM
Chili I never realised you had so many and a few hairless :eek: :D I so badly want a hairless one day! The are very rare here.

I adore all of my rats, but I must admit: hairless ones are the neatest to cuddle with. :D And they're rare around here, too. There is only one petstore that has them, and they usually aren't in stock. I've recently been SO tempted by a little hooded hairless girl thats for sale now. :] Too bad Akio wouldn't be too keen on letting another female enter her group.

07-04-2007, 05:58 AM
Aww cute ratties! I love rats, and am privleged to be owned by a big boy of my own. I'll get some pictures of him soon!

07-09-2007, 09:56 PM
Can't wait^

No one else has ratties?

07-09-2007, 09:59 PM
What cute ratties. I am hopefully getting a pair soon. I love the little buggers so much they are so cute. My local petstore had a hairless dumbo rat that I completlely fell in love with I can't believe I didn't bring her home. They also had a fawn colored dumbo that would have been the perfect cagemate. Oh well maybe one day.

07-11-2007, 12:53 PM
I love hairless ratties! I used to be a little scared of them but now I cannot think of why anyone could be, I would love to have a hairless rattie. *dreams* :D

Suki Wingy
07-11-2007, 03:20 PM
**squee!** This thread needs a cuteness warning! I'm probably going to make the 6 hr drive to my dad's house to take 2 bonded females, a himi and a black. Not for me though, My mom would give away Oslo if I brought home another animal and she's totally serious. She thinks he doesn't get enough natural sunlight because he lives in my room in the basement and doesn't get out of the house too often but whatever. The ratties are for a fellow 4-Her who's recently lost his pet rat.

07-13-2007, 05:27 PM
Awe everyones ratties are sooo cute!!.
I used to have a couple ratties..
My favorite of the bunch were Merry and Pippin, brothers.. They had to be put down a couple years ago, it was really sad.. I loved them so much. I will never be able to own another rattie again because I was so hurt when those two babies passed on.. It was really hard for me to let them go.

07-13-2007, 07:45 PM
it is hard to loose a loved one.

I got a new rat. I don't have a picture or a name yet. Her name is Milly.