View Full Version : Please help decide....

06-29-2007, 04:01 PM
I've been beardieless for almost a year now... I really miss Lisa and would like to look into other reptiles in the future.... What reptiles would you suggest?? I'm intrested in mabey another bearded dragon, or possibly even an iguana... I would just like to concider others too, so if you have any suggestions, that'd be great!! :D

06-29-2007, 05:12 PM
How much reptile experience have you had? I wouldn't suggest an Iggy unless you've got a lot of experience.

A few of my favorite reptiles are...

Leopard geckos, fat-tailed geckos, crested geckos, Rosy Boas, corn snakes, beardies (for course), Rankins dragons(think miniature beardie!), collared lizards, and uromastyx lizards.

06-29-2007, 05:53 PM
How much reptile experience have you had? I wouldn't suggest an Iggy unless you've got a lot of experience.

A few of my favorite reptiles are...

Leopard geckos, fat-tailed geckos, crested geckos, Rosy Boas, corn snakes, beardies (for course), Rankins dragons(think miniature beardie!), collared lizards, and uromastyx lizards.

I've had a year or two of my own pets, but years with others pets... Lisa died of a genetic problem, and I got her as a senior beardie. My cousin is very experienced with reptiles and has many of them and works with them. He has an iguana, Amber, and I've been around her a lot and taken care of her before. Thanks for the other reptile suggestions... I will definately look into them! :)

06-30-2007, 09:16 AM
oooo it will be so great to know what you choose! I would go for a snake or an iguana. they have an iguana at our petstore right now and it is the sweetest thing. They put it on a shelf and we are aloud to pet it and it literally pushes its head into your hand because it loves it so much and then when you pet its back it closes its eyes lol. It's so cute!

I think you'll get the best pet for you:)

06-30-2007, 11:51 AM
oooo it will be so great to know what you choose! I would go for a snake or an iguana. they have an iguana at our petstore right now and it is the sweetest thing. They put it on a shelf and we are aloud to pet it and it literally pushes its head into your hand because it loves it so much and then when you pet its back it closes its eyes lol. It's so cute!

I think you'll get the best pet for you:)

Yea, it would have to wait a while before I achually got a new pet, but I like looking into different options :) That sounds like the nicest iguana :D

06-30-2007, 11:56 AM
I know nothing of reptiles, but I love Ribbon snakes.