View Full Version : VOMITING CAT!! please help!

06-24-2007, 07:53 PM
Tigger is 3 1/2 and we took him for his usual shots today. He has vomited a few times recently but nothing too excessive or worrying. But about an hour after we got him home today he vomited too many times to count and finally stopped. He is still acting strange but I know a cat can be lethargic after shots. Is this something to worry about? The poor thing has been hiding and has sick looking eyes its sooo sad! Please let me know if there is anything I can do or if I should call the vet in the morning... :confused:

Thanks so much -Ashley

06-24-2007, 10:18 PM
Phone your vet! PLEASE!

06-24-2007, 11:17 PM
Please do call his vet!

Toby got a series of combined vaccines one time and came home very much not himself. He never vomitted but he rested in a tight little ball while his temp spiked, he was insanely dehydrated and lethargic in a matter of a few hours. Turns out that he can't be vaccinated due to allergies to more than one drug.
Because of that, we can't have feline visitors, except for one trusted girlie that visits over Christmas, and my other two are so up to date that calendars are jealous.

I hope Tigger's back to himself and feeling his oats soon!

06-25-2007, 12:21 AM
Definitely call the vet first thing. Is he drinking at all?

06-25-2007, 12:24 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this:( and as the others have said please call your vet. If you can't wait until the morning you can always call the ER vet and ask for advice.

I just took 2 of my cats to my new vet today for their annual exams and she was asking me about their vaccination shots. I told her that Sky just had his 3 year rabies shot last Sat. and that I didn't want to give him any more FVRCP shots because he'd get sick 1-2 weeks after them. She told me that as long as all of my cats are indoor only cats then they shouldn't need any more shots including rabies. I know that some states require rabies shots though. She recommends the 3 kitten booster shots which are the FVRCP shots and then another regular one the next year and then a rabies shot. Ziggy may still need her regular FVRCP shot and then I shouldn't have to worry about any more shots.

06-25-2007, 12:57 PM
Maybe Tigger is allgeric to something that was in the shots. Call the vet soon! I hope nothing serious is wrong with him. Get Tigger to the vet has soon has possible. Good luck and keep us updated!

06-26-2007, 08:45 PM
Hi everyone-
I went to the vet today and I've only been to this place once before so I'm not sure how they are there, but the vet yanked out clumps of fur in order to give my cat a shot. Then she kept saying that the vial of blood appeared clotted (to her assistant) and then they would yank out more fur while my cat cried out!!! Now she has blood staining her white fur and the bald area is all red and I'm not sure if it's still bleeding slightly or just raw. I just now noticed this spot, which is on her leg, and I was absolutely appauled! I've never seen such a thing! I didn't even realize what they were doing until I saw clumps of fur on the table because my view was blocked by the assistant. Maybe I'm in the dark here, but someone PLEASE reply if you know of anything like this! Should I be concerned about this or has anyone else heard of anything like this when a vet says they 'can't locate a vein'? My cat is a bit overweight so I know what they mean about locating a vein, but shouldn't they just shave the area or something??? My poor Kitty. I am so sad for her right now. :( Please reply --- someone, anyone ---!!! Thank you so much.

06-26-2007, 10:52 PM
Hi everyone-
I went to the vet today and I've only been to this place once before so I'm not sure how they are there, but the vet yanked out clumps of fur in order to give my cat a shot. Then she kept saying that the vial of blood appeared clotted (to her assistant) and then they would yank out more fur while my cat cried out!!! Now she has blood staining her white fur and the bald area is all red and I'm not sure if it's still bleeding slightly or just raw. I just now noticed this spot, which is on her leg, and I was absolutely appauled! I've never seen such a thing! I didn't even realize what they were doing until I saw clumps of fur on the table because my view was blocked by the assistant. Maybe I'm in the dark here, but someone PLEASE reply if you know of anything like this! Should I be concerned about this or has anyone else heard of anything like this when a vet says they 'can't locate a vein'? My cat is a bit overweight so I know what they mean about locating a vein, but shouldn't they just shave the area or something??? My poor Kitty. I am so sad for her right now. :( Please reply --- someone, anyone ---!!! Thank you so much.

Not knowing exactly what was going on I can't say for sure in your case however you should call your vet and speak to her regarding your concern.

The only help I can give you is to share with some of my experiences at work. Sometimes if we have a tight hold on a squirmy, or nervous cat they can shed unbelievable! And if you are trying to hit a vein with a needle you definately don't want the critter moving. Some pets are very difficult to find a vein on, particularly overweight ones, and a clotted blood sample can not be used for blood tests. Cats are notorious for not liking to be held still or being poked by needles, so crying out or struggling is not totally uncommon. Tranquilizing is not always an option because of many reasons including; blood pressure drops when they are tranquilized resulting in even more difficulty obtaining a blood sample, not knowing the pets lab work/health status greatly affects which (if any) tranquilizers can be used without harming the pet. From an owners perspective any signs of struggle/pain can be difficult to see in your own pet, however sometimes a little bit of a poke now might save much heartache later (ie. blood draws to diagnose diseases early before symptoms appear) Many owners get very upset seeing their pets struggle and sometimes their stress translates to their pets causing their pet to be more upset, I have seen this MANY times at work and sometimes when we take the pet in the back they are good as gold and do not fuss one bit.

With my own cats for drawing blood; Dusty usually sheds in clumps and struggles like crazy, Jack has to be muzzled for most procedures and sheds in clumps because he struggles out of my grasp frequently, we tranquilize Jack when we can for more difficult procedures, Cami cries alot but just wrap her up in a towel and she doesn't struggle much, Bear has to be wrapped in a towel also and wailes horribly but doesn't struggle much. All of them forgive me when we are done, except Jack who won't forgive me until I get him back home.

I repeat myself in saying you should contact your vet and express your concern. If she seems to ignore your concern, or you feel that she does not have your pets best interest at heart, you might consider finding a different vet, if nothing else for your own peace of mind.

Good luck and I hope your kitty is doing ok.

06-27-2007, 11:27 AM
Hi everyone-
I went to the vet today and I've only been to this place once before so I'm not sure how they are there, but the vet yanked out clumps of fur in order to give my cat a shot. Then she kept saying that the vial of blood appeared clotted (to her assistant) and then they would yank out more fur while my cat cried out!!! Now she has blood staining her white fur and the bald area is all red and I'm not sure if it's still bleeding slightly or just raw. I just now noticed this spot, which is on her leg, and I was absolutely appauled! I've never seen such a thing! I didn't even realize what they were doing until I saw clumps of fur on the table because my view was blocked by the assistant. Maybe I'm in the dark here, but someone PLEASE reply if you know of anything like this! Should I be concerned about this or has anyone else heard of anything like this when a vet says they 'can't locate a vein'? My cat is a bit overweight so I know what they mean about locating a vein, but shouldn't they just shave the area or something??? My poor Kitty. I am so sad for her right now. :( Please reply --- someone, anyone ---!!! Thank you so much.

That is cruel! Why didn't they just shave the hair off, but why yank it out. That is cruel! Call your vet and talk to them about it. I'm concerned too. I hope your cat is feeling better. Keep us updated!

06-29-2007, 10:38 AM
So far, Kitty is doing OK, but her legs are still raw in the areas where the vet yanked out her hair. One leg has about one square inch of hair missing and the other is about 1" long by about 3/4" wide of raw (and red) skin showing. She seems to be licking the spots where these raw red patches are on the inner part of her thighs. I don't trust the vet I went to at all. She really seems insensitive to me. Not only because of this episode of yanking out my cat's hair, but in general, she seems like she doesn't want to be bothered answering questions that I ask because I just want to be sure I'm doing everything I possibly can for Kitty during this time when we evaluate if she might possibly have pancreatitis. It is so difficult to diagnose.

06-29-2007, 11:23 AM
Could your local shelter or HS recommend another vet?

If the vet yanked out the hair on purpose - and NOT because your cat was squirming and lost hair that the vet was holding on to - she should be reported.

Good luck with her. :)

06-30-2007, 08:16 AM
I would "yank" my cat right out of that vet's office. If she truly did yank the hair out and not shave it, what the hell??? Find another vet, report this one and keep asking questions until you get answers. That's what you're paying them for. They're there to serve you, not the other way around. When my cats are stressed at the vet's, which is every time, their hair will come out in clumps. And my Creamsicle has a hair follicle infection right now and it comes out as though it was a paintbrush. Do you feel any little bumps or scabs on your cat? If so, this might be the problem. At any rate, just keep searching for the right vet and demand answers, in a polite way, of course. :)

06-30-2007, 09:27 AM
Here it is, the 30th of June. This topic was posted on June 24th - 6 days ago.

Does anyone else wonder how the vomiting cat is doing?

06-30-2007, 10:54 AM
I was wondering the same thing, how is Tigger doing???

06-30-2007, 11:02 AM
I PM'd Tigger yesterday. Told her we care and want to know how the kitty is doing.

So we'll see...

06-30-2007, 09:41 PM