View Full Version : ferret questions

06-21-2007, 08:03 PM
How often do you need to take your ferrets to the vet?

I know they need distemper shots and rabies but is there any other necessities?

also my one ferret is really fat..... literaly :p

another thing is treats......... does anybody have treats that their ferrets love because I want to buy my ferrets some treats they'll really like.

Lastly, is having a ferret nail clipper a necessity or can you use a regular nail clipper.

06-22-2007, 06:02 AM
I think they get a 3-1 like puppies and then it is yearly for rabies(at least here in Florida).

The fat thing, well just limit treats and be sure to give them as much free times out of their habitat as possible. My ferret use to like the cat toys with the little pole with the string and fuzzy toys at the end. She would chase that all over the house as long as someone moved it. If you are limited to home much your ferrets can be out try picking a room that you can put up a baby gate in the doorway. We have an extremely large masterbath so we took a baby gate and put plexi-glass on one side so she could not climb the gate or get her head stuck in the wholes. This way if I knew I was going to be gone all day I would just put the gate up and leave her cage door open in there with all her food and toys and she would play by herself.

I never really gave her treats. I know she liked the ferret-vit and cat hairball stuff. I actually taught her to sit and stand on her hind legs by putting a little on my finger and then letting her lick it off.

For the nails we just used regular people nail clippers. Hope this helps some.

I am sure there are many others on here that can give better advise or add to it. Here is another site that is pretty informative and will also answer questions. www.craftycreatures.com

06-22-2007, 09:19 AM
Welcome to PT :)

How often do you need to take your ferrets to the vet? I know they need distemper shots and rabies but is there any other necessities?
Ferrets need rabies and distemper shots, and depending on your area and the amount of time that they spend outside, they may also benefit from the anti-heartworm meds that dogs and cats get. I've pasted a couple links at the bottom, that have good information about diseases -- its a good idea to be familiar with the symptoms of the most common, so that prompt vet visits can take place.

also my one ferret is really fat..... literaly :p
another thing is treats......... does anybody have treats that their ferrets love because I want to buy my ferrets some treats they'll really like.
I'd be careful about your ferret getting too fat, since like any pet it isn't super healthy for them. For treats, mine likes the 8-in-1 cans of treats with raisins, and the Bandits chicken. See here for some treats -- FerretStore.com (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/NavResults.cfm?N=114133+62743)

Lastly, is having a ferret nail clipper a necessity or can you use a regular nail clipper.
I only ever used a regular human nail clippers - and it works best with 2 people. If someone can hold a tube of vitamins with just a litle coming out the end, usually they get so distracted that they forget its nail cutting time, and then the other person can clip away. Also, have some Quik-Stop handy, just in case (since ferrets are squirmy and its always possible that the nail could be cut too short and bleed).

If you would like some good ferret resources to read through -



06-23-2007, 09:23 AM
it is yearly for rabies(at least here in Florida).
Dogs only need their rabies shot every 3 years in Florida. It may be different for ferrets, I haven't had one in years.

06-25-2007, 06:27 AM
Dogs only need their rabies shot every 3 years in Florida. It may be different for ferrets, I haven't had one in years.

Your right, must have had a brain fart. I think it had just changed here in our county the last time my two had their's ;)

06-25-2007, 09:39 AM
1st they need there ditemper every year here i think in england idk about where you are and make sure they have rabies

2nd for treats the best thing you can give them is: raw rabbit, raw chicken wings, raw pigeon (feathers and all) not coked as this causes blockages :eek: and ya dont want that! also there is ferrettone or ferretvite

3rd ferret nail clipper? my guess is that they are crap i just use a pair for cats and dogs

(P.S joining this forum www.forum.ferret.com would give ya great help on al your questions!)

06-25-2007, 09:44 AM
and take your ferret for a vet check yearly oh and about your ferret being fat dont bother with a diet ferrets should always have limited treats also but i wouldnt bother with a diet a have a 4 pound ferret and he hops, skips and jumps every where just as much as our others and love's to play!

:D hope this helped :D

and i need pics so where are they I LOVE PICS OF FERTS!