View Full Version : Iris Is Found!

06-20-2007, 03:29 PM
We have an older TV that we didn't know there was a gap under. She was there the whole time. Fancy Feast didn't even draw her out! *sobs, completely relieved!*

I know cats are great at hiding, but most of our house is already packed. We can't find her anywhere and we leave in only 3 days! I don't know what to do! We just spent $120 at the vet getting her shots and we've already fallen in love. What do I do?

06-20-2007, 03:31 PM
try some smelly food she just canīt resist...... letīs hope she comes out on time.......

06-20-2007, 03:32 PM
Do you have any tuna fish in the house? You could open a can and see if Iris comes out.

06-20-2007, 03:48 PM
awww....she really IS hidden well. I bet you feel frantic don't you. Has there been any opportunity to slip out the door? I have had a "lost" kitty two times. One time was for several days and it turned out that Bert had been in the wall crawlspace in the attic. The most recent was Lizzie who went missing for most of one day. We never knew for sure where she went but later found the lining of our boxspring torn and think that must have been where she went. Boomer also disappeared into the springs under a couch. Maybe check extra well under boxsprings and stuffed furniture. Bet she comes strolling out to you by sometime tomorrow.

edit: I read that she is found :D YAY!! What a fright!!

06-20-2007, 03:50 PM
glad to hear it!!!
(that she's found not that she's lost) ;)

06-20-2007, 06:35 PM
And The Darned Thing Is That Iris Might Sense How Much You Want Her To Come Out Ad Shes Making A Game Out Of It. Thats So Sad When Our Cats Unwittingly Work Against Thier Best Interests.
Good Luck.