View Full Version : sneezing

07-17-2002, 12:36 PM
I have had Emily for almost a year now and in the past few months she has started to sneeze. I am not sure if this is related to seasonal allergies (human allergies are really common in this area) or maybe the pollution (which gets really bad when it gets hot:(). It doesn't occur every day, but it is almost like she has a little tickle in her nose. I have read that cats aren't supposed to sneeze and if they do it can be a problem. I have taken her to the vet a few times and had thorough checkups done but nothing has ever come up.

Any suggestions...:confused:

07-17-2002, 04:31 PM
Hmm... my two sneeze occasionally but generally only when they put their noses into dust or sneak into the bathroom when there is talc going around!

Not sure about cat allergies; my parents have a labrador cross who suffers from skin allergies in the summer so it's not unknown for animals to have problems.

I wonder if your cat has got some sort or irritant in her nose; I don't think she should be sneezing so much. I would get her checked out by the vet.

07-17-2002, 05:26 PM
My cats will also sneeze occasionally. I think that they can have allergies. Sometimes their eyes have sleepy dirt in them too. I'd only worry about it if she keeps sneezing constantly and it seems to be getting worse. Then it could be a case of an upper respiratory infection. Good luck. :)

07-17-2002, 07:29 PM
My oldest cat Mollie Rose sneezes constantly. I have to chase her around the house with a Kleenex like a little kid. The vet said she has allergies and asthma and prescribed Prednisone. It does help her wheezing. I'm hoping that once I move to Michigan it'll stop. We'll have to wait and see. There's nothing worse than cat boogies all over your apartment:eek: .

07-18-2002, 09:36 AM
I called my vet this morning to find out if it's okay to keep Mollie Rose on 1 tablet of Prednisone a day to help with her breathing and she said that was fine. She did tell me that it would make her more thirsty and increase her urine output but it would definitely help her through the allergy season.

07-18-2002, 02:39 PM
The prednisone will definitely help with her allergies and make her more thirsty. Unfortunately one of the side effects of it iswater retention. So there is a possibility that Mollie Rose will look a little bigger. But this will go away (without any permanent effects) once the prednisone is stopped. So keep her on it (and reduce your kitty boogies :)).

A couple of weeks ago Emily woke me up in the morning by sneezing on me ... and you are right there is nothing quite like kitty boogies (especially first thing in the morning:eek:).

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-18-2002, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by emily_the_spoiled
The prednisone will definitely help with her allergies and make her more thirsty. Unfortunately one of the side effects of it iswater retention. So there is a possibility that Mollie Rose will look a little bigger. But this will go away (without any permanent effects) once the prednisone is stopped. So keep her on it (and reduce your kitty boogies :)).

Prednisone is what Peanut is on for her allergies. I thought she was getting a little bigger, but then I cut her dose down to 1/2 a pill each day and she went back to normal. I ran out of pills last Friday, and the vet said if she looked like she was doing good I could stop and see how she does. Well, I refilled it today because I saw her newly hairy legs getting balder by the day. But it's not near as bad as when she first started, so the vet suggested I try 1/2 a pill every other day. If she continues to lick her legs clean I'll have to up it again, but if she does ok, then that should be sufficient to keep her allergies under control.

She wasn't sneezing on me, but if you remember, Tubby was pestering her and they were going at it just about every night...or should I say morning, about 2 - 3:00 *every* morning. :rolleyes: Lately it's so hot that Tubby hasn't been bothering her much even though I stopped the pills. But I'm glad the vet said he'd refill for the 1/2 a pill a day because she, he or I don't need that stress again. :)

08-01-2002, 10:51 PM
My kitty, Isabelle, started sneezing (almost) non-stop about a year ago. Through trial & error (the vet diagnosing her with viruses), we discovered that she suffers from allergies. She is on Prednisone now & doing very well.
