View Full Version : A funny, funny sight.....mental picture

07-16-2002, 09:31 PM
I was on the phone for quite some time with a friend tonight :D.....that's another story for another time.

But, I was sitting on the couch, and all four dogs were very active, even Murphy, the senior girl. Honey was standing in front of me, and Splash came up behind her, grabbed her tail and started pulling. Those Golden feathers are quite tempting to the little girl, who is so rambunctious!! LOL!!! Honey immediately hit the floor and Splash proceeded to drag her, backwards, across the living room floor!! I have recently removed my rug, as I am redecorating, and that hardwood floor is quite slippery!! Ha ha!!! Oh, I would have killed for a digital camera, or even my regular camera, to have caught that picture to share!! You should have seen the look on Honey's face!!! It obviously did not hurt her, but the look was priceless!!!! She was so startled, she didn't even react and let Splash drag her across the room!!! LOL!!

After that excitement was over, and I was still on the phone, Murphy came right up in front of me and started talking and barking at me. I was on the phone with her dad, who is out of town this week, and I asked him what in the world was she saying? She kept this up for quite some time, and I figured she was trying to tell me it is time to go to bed. "Come on"!! Well, I walked her back to my bedroom and realized that her "bed", a folded up comforter, was not on the floor tonight. So as soon as I put it down for her, she plopped down and I haven't seen her since!!!! :D :D :D

There is never a dull moment here anyway, but especially not when there are 4 dogs in the house!!! :)

Logan, "weary" mother of many

07-16-2002, 09:44 PM
That's TOO funny!!! I wish you had had a camera too!

07-16-2002, 09:45 PM
Oh Logan, it's Tuesday night again! You KNOW things are never normal around your house on Tuesday nights! LOL! What cute stories! :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-16-2002, 11:24 PM
:D :D LOL :D :D
Don't you just hate it when super funny stuff happenes and you WOULD GIVE ANYTHING to have caught it on camera to show off!!

THANKS FOR THE SMILE!! Truley a priceless mental picture!! I bet you were rolling laughing!!:D

07-17-2002, 09:07 AM
Logan, LOL! I can just imagine the look on Honey's face.

I tried taking a nap after work yesterday and about 5 minutes into it, I had that feeling someone was watching me and woke up to stare into a pair of big blue eyes. :D

07-17-2002, 09:11 AM

Edwina's Secretary
07-17-2002, 09:54 AM
What a vivid description...what a fun thing to see! Extra treats for Honey for being such a good sport with the youngster!

Is Murphy blending in well with Honey and Lily? Sounds like a good idea! ;) ;)

Dixieland Dancer
07-17-2002, 10:22 AM
OOOOHHHHH POoor Honey! She must have such a gentle disposition. Dixie would not let Dusty do that, I'm sure. He is hilarious on his own though. He "catches" his tail and spins in circles until he gets dizzy and falls over! :rolleyes:

Murphy sounds so sweet! I am sure her dad is grateful to have you watching his baby girl while he is out of town. And I know you don't mind!! ;)

07-17-2002, 11:05 AM
Aren't most pets so darn entertaining? I never tire of their games and behaviors. There is always something new and exciting to do/see/eat/catch/throw-up/chew etc. etc.

A co-worker of mine has asked me to cat sit her kitty while she is on vacation for a week. I agreed to. That will take the cat population to 4 in my house. I will have the camera ready, for sure. I hope it is not total melt down! I may have to keep Gidgit (the boarder cat) in her own little room for that short of a time span, if things don't work out. I surely don't want Miley girl to begin a new "hot spot" over a temporary situation.

I can just picture the doggie tail routine! What a delightful drag"ee" you have there. Maybe the next time she will be prepared and react differently!:D

07-17-2002, 11:26 AM
My "serious" conversation flew out the window when the tail thing happened. Too funny, and my friend was getting the play by play over the telephone!!! LOL!!! :D It really was funny, and it was obvious that Honey was too shocked to be in any pain!! That Splash is a laugh a minute anyway, and Honey adores her! Even Lilly got in on the action last night, like a three ring circus, with the three of them biting and playing with each other the whole time I was on the phone.

And Murphy is adorable. She prefers to be wherever I am. In fact, her dad says that I have her so spoiled that she is not going to want to go home with him at all. She is here until a week from Friday, so by that time, she might think this is home! If he wants her back, he'll have to come and get her! Ransom, I say!!! :D

07-17-2002, 11:57 AM
What a chuckle I get from that story! Isn't there a law that says you must never have a camera on hand when you need one? Thanks!:D

07-17-2002, 02:34 PM
Logan, I'm still laughing, what a mental picture that is, I can see it now, Honey must be a gentle giant, what a sweet girl she is.
I have to tell Don about that one. lol
If you have four dogs in the house, no other entertainment is needed. lol
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

07-17-2002, 02:43 PM
That sounds like a really funny picture of Honey & Flash! So Murhpy really likes it at your house huh? Maybe you'll have to dog sit her on a regular basis as she seems to fit right in and thats good;)

07-17-2002, 03:51 PM
Must have been a sight to see!! Cincy like to grab hold of whatever toy Sadie has in her wouth and drag her across the carpet. Rather funny to see the shorter dog pulling this long tall skinny thing :) Sadie is also one to let you know when it is bedtime :)

07-17-2002, 05:32 PM
This was just as funny in writing as it was on the phone, Logan! Splash really has "star" quality;) and of course, dear, sweet Murphy girl can do NO wrong in my book! After all, how would we all feel if we went up to sleep and OUR beds were rolled up!:D

07-17-2002, 05:34 PM
After all, Sandra, both of their names start with "S". Are you sure you dont' want Splash to come up there and swim in Star's Pond? I'm sure she would love it.. Although all 4 are sacked out at my feet at this moment!!! LOL!!! She will get her energy burst shortly and will be wishing for Star, rather than the other three couch potatoes!!!! :D :D :D

07-18-2002, 12:16 AM
I've GOT to get off this computer - Dadcat is getting jealous! But stories like that, and all the great Pettalk that goes on here, is why I come here religously everyday. I've actually been checking you guys out for years, just recently started posting! I will have great dreams of Splash hauling Honey around by her tail, and I can truly imagine the expression! Thanks so much for the cure for the evening news! Love you guys! 'Nite!!

07-18-2002, 01:17 AM
LOLOL!!! Too funny! (and cute at the same time) :rolleyes:
:D :D :D

07-18-2002, 06:19 AM
Soooo funny and cute :) Gotta love those pups :) They sound absolutely wonderful and fun to be around :) Love the mental image I got when I read your post. Wish you had a camera!!!

07-18-2002, 12:37 PM
That sounds so funny. LOL!!:D

07-18-2002, 02:28 PM
Logan, I think all 4 of your pups would just love it if you would get them all on leash's (that would be 4 seperate leashe's) put them in the car and take all of them to pet-mart or the like! Let them all pick out a treat. Should be worth a few laughs for the day !:D :D
Oh, don't forget to stop for Frosty- paws after. LOL:eek: