View Full Version : Stray Cat With A Happy Ending!!

06-03-2007, 09:47 AM
I just love happy endings.

For the last 2 weeks or so, there has been a black cat hanging around our house. She had been getting braver and braver, and eventually was sleeping on a chair on our front porch every night. Everytime I would go outside, she would come DASHING over, rubbing against my legs and begging for love. This was clearly not a "feral" cat. It had a home, and someone abandoned her :( She looked to be about 6-7 months old. She had a flea collar on that was WAY too tight when she first started coming around, so we loosened it for her.

I posted ads up, and finally I corralled her into a cat carrier and brought her to the vet to be scanned for a microchip - nope!

So, I posted an ad looking for a home for her on craigslist, not expecting to get much of a response, since everyone wants kittens :( I had originally toyed with the idea of having her just live with us, but she was NOT ok with the dogs lol. She came inside, plopped right on the back of our couch like she owned the place....but was not happy when our pups tried to play with her. They got so confused....they had never met a cat that didn't want to be played with!

So, the morning after I posted the ad, I got 5 replies! 5!!! I was very upfront with people, and told them that although she appears healthy, I'm sure she needs tests run, shots done, and to be spayed. I'm just praying she's not already pregnant! I chose a home for her with a single guy who was one other boy cat who is very laid back. We agreed that if it did not work out, I would come take her back and find her another home. He emailed me last night and said that it was going well, and that she just loves attention! Yay!

Here are some pictures of her. I'm so glad she's inside, and safe now!




06-03-2007, 09:51 AM
Oh, she's beautiful. And I'm w/ya on that one. I just love happy endings!

06-03-2007, 09:52 AM
Isn't she pretty?! I love her orange eyes! She does this thing, she rolls over on her back and wants you to pet her tummy, but when you do, she grabs your hand with her paws and play bites the side of your hand. Too funny!

06-03-2007, 10:12 AM
The photo of her licking her face is just too cute!!! LOVE the PINK tongue!!!

Laura's Babies
06-03-2007, 12:03 PM
She looks exactly like my Samantha!! Good for you, finding her a new furever home. Let's hope she melts her CatDad's heart and he spoiles her rotten!

06-03-2007, 01:19 PM
And we thank God that there are people like you and many other Pet Talkers who take up the slack when these idiots will not take care of thier pets and we have to take care of them when they come to us scared and hungry.
Tubster thinks that shes cute and he wants to know if he can gave an Elegant Ebony as his Girl Cat.
Sorry Tubster.
That Kittens taken.

06-03-2007, 02:16 PM
Yup, the kitty grapevine was working again, told her there is a Liz person who takes in all and welcome! She knew just where to go to be cared for and fed and get some TLC.

Great job!!!

06-03-2007, 02:52 PM
Thanks guys, that's really sweet :)

06-03-2007, 04:36 PM
What a little cutie!!! Groucho is doing his happy dance because another lost kitty is now in a loving furever home. Bless you for helping this sweet little one!

06-03-2007, 06:17 PM
She's adorable.:) I'm so glad that you could find a wonderful home for her.:)

06-03-2007, 07:36 PM
What a wonderful story. And what a beautiful cat!