View Full Version : Not eatting

07-15-2002, 04:23 PM
My cat (4 yr female..spayed) who hasn't eatten in the last 3-5 days. I don't think this is healthy/normal??? We tried a diff food to see if she just didn't like hers, and we even gave her treats and canned food. She doesn't eat any of it. Any sugestions or experiance you've had??

07-15-2002, 04:50 PM
That isn't good....is she drinking? You should get her to the vet quickly...especially if you've tried different foods....

07-15-2002, 04:51 PM
:eek:!!! This doesn't sound good at all. I recommend you take her to a vet as quickly as possible to rule out health issues. Vaguely remember that liver damage kicks in very quickly for cats who aren't eating. I hope I'm wrong, but this sounds bad to me. Good luck and please keep us posted on her status.


07-15-2002, 05:06 PM
Shes still her normal self, she acts normal, and plays and such..is that still bad?

07-15-2002, 05:20 PM
I think it is....playing is instinctual, something she may not stop if she's sick....especially if you have other cats...

Take her to the vet...please. :(

07-15-2002, 05:46 PM
My mom says she doesn't look sick at all, and she wants to wait till Thursday till we take our dog to the vets and ask then. Can a cat still be sick even though she doesn't look it?

07-15-2002, 06:03 PM
Yea,I got this experience fourtheen days ago,with Koxka my 9 yrs.old Half-spayed female.
My cats are freely feed;I own four;they are all healthy then I don't control the individual amount
of food they intake.Koxka has been always very
tiny,but strong and healthy,full of energy.
But when the summer is geting very hot,like these days,she always get a *crisis*.This year I noticed she wasn't showing up as ussually,she likes to be appart from the furboys,and retrived in the darknes coolest room of the house,that is a good thing to fight againts hot.But I noticed that she wasn't in a good shape and looking more skinny than usual.I pick up her sking with two fingers then see the skin retrieve as usual,nop her skin
hardly regain its place.You Know what it means,she was dehydrated!.We rushed to the Vet.
There she got anesthesia(she's well known at vet office,for being quite agressive),and did the all ritual:Testing blood,X-rays,but nothing seemed to be wrong with her:confused:.Only that she was obviously very dehidrated.The vet gave her a long shot of phisiological liquit?(suero fisiologico)with some antibiotics,left the catheter for me to give her
more of that stuff every evening plus a special diet of canned food called AD from Hill's Presciption Died,that is very smooth so you can force her to eat so with a syringe,without a needle of course!.And in two days she seemed to recover a little.Always with phisiological stuff and forced to it AD.Thanks good she liked that canned food,so when she recovered a little,started to eat by herself,her and me in the kitchen,closed door,no distractions!The others kitties came along attracted by the good smelling of the food!
Now he's already taken dry food but still needs to put on some weight.And a lot of rubs,cuddles,kisses and so on...
My advice is,make the skin test and go to the vet,
a dehidrated kitty can die in no time.


07-15-2002, 06:48 PM
Time for the VET! :eek:

07-15-2002, 10:47 PM
She doesn't seem to be dehydrated..but how do you tell?? Right now shes running around the house from room to room. Also, I gave her some human food..like a little bit of meat slice just so she'd have something in her, and she ate that..So she 'eats' kinda..but not her kitty food. She doesn't get a lot of human food, so I don't see her not eatting her food cause of that..I'm gonna call the Vets tomorrow morning.

07-15-2002, 11:56 PM
Yes, I agree with the others. You need to take her to the vet asap. Last year my cat Pepper wasn't eating or drinking and he became jaundice. I had to force feed him and rehydrate him with IV fluids. It was a long couple of months but he fought and won. It turned out to be Megacolon. He was constipated so he couldn't poop and this caused him to have a terrible tummy ache so he didn't feel like eating or drinking. Now he's on medicine for the rest of his life. Thank god it was treatable. Good luck. Please keep us posted.

07-16-2002, 01:44 PM
I would call your local vet ASAP.

07-16-2002, 02:42 PM
Shes actually eatting now..so maybe it was just a phase or something..I duno, I'm still going to talk to my vet.

07-16-2002, 03:02 PM
I hope she's okay.