View Full Version : Vibational therapy

05-28-2007, 02:57 PM
I start vibrational therapy today.

My mom had a free week trial a couple weeks ago and in four days she lost 4 inches! Her headaches dissapeared, her neck and back didn't hurt as much, etc. My boss went for a week too and she was laughing her butt off all week, she was in the best mood of her life, and she found after the first couple days she was coughing up phlegm like crazy. She has poor lungs (we all do from our work environment) so it is probably a very good thing she got all that junk out.

I am hoping it will help my tingling (if you guys remember my thread about the tingling all over my body -- the chiro, massage therapist, and doctors still do not know what it is and it's not going away) and hoping it will help my lungs too. My back and neck aren't the best and I get headaches because of it.

Has anyone else tried this, and what were your experiences?

05-28-2007, 03:12 PM
when you hav the tingling, have you been sitting still for a while?

05-28-2007, 03:50 PM
No, I am tingling 24/7 no matter what I've been doing -- it just changes places on my body. Currently my middle and right side of my back and my right knee are tingling.

05-29-2007, 09:11 AM
What a great experience. I only did it for 6 minutes (will get up to ten today, that is as far as you go). 10 minutes is equal to one hour of weight training. Basically the machine tricks your body to try and stay in balance so muscles are triggered on both sides of your body, sending electric impulses everywhere. Your lymphatic system is greatly stimulated (which is why my boss coughed up junk from her lungs). They invented the machine for astronauts to get back in shape after being in space for a long period of time. Now they use it mostly for rehabilitation and weight loss for those who can't move freely.

All I did was stand in one spot for 6 minutes and I had two cramps in my abdomen, my lungs were burning, etc -- my body was really working out. Jynnelle was there with me just cracking up because every inch of skin or fat on me was jiggling like crazy lol.

They took measurements of every part of me. I don't expect to lose much as my waist is only 20-something inches (can't remember). But I really hope this will help my neck and back and help to get rid of the tingling. I will keep an update as I really believe in this stuff, I feel great since yesterday -- I only got 3 hours of sleep lastnight and woke up like I slept for 9 hours. I have another appointment today!

05-29-2007, 11:43 PM
Thanks for sharing your experience!

What key words should i use to look it up to see if it's around my area at all?

05-30-2007, 12:01 AM
Vibration therapy or vibrational therapy are the only words I can think of, but I have a brochure around here somewhere I will find and see if there are any other key words on there. :)

I got ten minutes on it today and we went up to frequency 15. It was awesome, but boy did I cramp up after just a minute. It's not that I am out of shape, it's that I am working out muscles I never use. Vibration is a REALLY good core strengthener, that is mostly what it is used for, and my massage therapist tells me I have a very weak core so I think this is really going to help me. I have so much more energy and I'm so happy. I biked ghome afterwards and spent hours just cleaning my house. I am very excited to go again tomorrow! It is $150 a month and I can do drop-in once a day. If I sign up for a year it's only just over $700, so I think I am going to do that (as broke as I am lol). I can't even believe the change it has made in two days. My mom and boss were just as amazed with their's.

05-30-2007, 12:05 AM
There were a few things that you mentioned that it can clear up... really peaked my interest. With all my various problems, i wonder if it will help.

Nothing i can afford at the moment, but still something to consider.