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View Full Version : Great Pyrenees

05-26-2007, 10:17 PM
Hey, we just got a great pyrenees puppy today. She is 8 weeks old. We got her wormed & put flea Med. on her. She was fine all the way home (which was an hour drive) After we got her home she acted fine until she slept about an hour and then woke up. Then she went and used the bathroom and it was very watery like diarrhea! Then later she threw up. Could it be from getting wormed & all?? She had never been wormed or given any shots at ALL before we got her. So maybe this is all just 'too' new for her??? Also she had a little bit of blood in when she went to the bathroom.

critter crazy
05-26-2007, 10:31 PM
If there was blood in the stool, I would take her to the vet, sounds like she could possibly have Parvo!

Aspen and Misty
05-26-2007, 11:34 PM
I wouldn't jump to such scary conclusions right off the bat. However I would ask a vet to see her as we can't diagnose her over the internet.

I'm not a vet or a vet tech or anything but I've worked in boarding kennels since I was 16 and the general rule of thumb we use is if it's a little bit of light blood then the dog is probably just stressed (which could be right in your case since the puppy is new). If there is a lot of light blood, or the bleeding continues for a long time then there could be a serious problem.
Dark Blood is a HUGE worry and requires a vet appointment ASAP. There are many causes of Dark blood in the stool and none of them are good.

As far as the throwing up and such, I would be concerned. Personally, I would call my vet tomorrow and tell them your pups symptoms and ask if she needs to be seen.


05-27-2007, 03:08 AM
Deworming often causes the symptoms you are describing, including blood in the stool. I would ask your vet's opinion before jumping to any conclusions -- they will probably tell you to give it a while and not to worry. The combination of deworming and stress is enough to cause all of this.

05-27-2007, 09:57 AM
I agree. Worms and de worming can cause those symptoms and i know somebody who's terrier pup had the same thing and it turned out it was just a bad infestation of worms. It's a good idea to get them checked regardless but don't assume it must be parvo.

05-27-2007, 04:12 PM
Hey, thanks for your replies--but I thought I should tell you what happened today. I went ahead and my mom & I carried her to the Vet. We had to call the Vet. from home and told her what was happening and she told us to come on and bring her that she'll see if it is parvo.

We got there and she tested her and said she knew it was a virus but didn't think it was pravo, so I'm hoping that the med. she gave us to give her will clear everything up soon. She hasn't eaten anything since she's been here though so that concerns us.

She hasn't had blood in her stool anymore...yesterday was the only time so that's good.

I think she must have been kept outside because the man we got her from also had chickens, goats & ducks for sale so she must have been a farm dog and he said they kept them outside...so maybe he didn't know she was sick? But we did get her some medicine and right now she's sleeping. We've been giving her gatorade and she'l drink it on her own so I'll let you all know how she is later. Please say a prayer for her--We named her Sadie.. Thankyou,

05-27-2007, 04:15 PM
You gave her GATORADE?

05-27-2007, 04:26 PM
Yeah, we gave her some gatorade. Why?? :eek:

05-27-2007, 04:47 PM
Stop the Gatorade right away, it will make the problem worse. It is mostly sugar which upsets the balance of instestinal flora, feeding bad bacteria and causing it to spread which will only make her more sick.

05-28-2007, 02:42 AM
Yeah, definitely don't give gatorade to a dog!!!

You can give the regular Pedialyte if a dog is really dehydrated - but gatorade is just bad for them, way too much sugar.

05-28-2007, 09:24 PM
I wanted to let you know that Sadie is doing better today :) She has eat a little on her own--and she will run and play now :) She even will bark to tell me she wants to go out.

Thanks for the help :)

05-29-2007, 11:35 AM
Glad she's doing better!
Can't wait to see pictures!