View Full Version : My dogs run away all the time...

07-14-2002, 09:52 PM
My 2 dogs always run away because we live right infront of woods. and on certian days they will run in the woods and run for about an hour to 2 hours. they always come back but they get smelly, and its a hassle cuz if they run away and we have to leave we have to wait till they come back.. we have an electic fence and we put them on a chain but they'll squeeze by when you open the door and get out.... how do we keep them from wanting to run away?

07-14-2002, 11:06 PM
You cannot keep them from wanting to run. What breed are they? How old are they? All you can do is be extra vigilant (dogs on a leash whenever you are going to open the door is one way) and give them enough exercize so they're too tuckered out to run!

Sam's My Baby
07-15-2002, 10:10 AM
I agree. Give them lots of exersize so they wont run off so much!;)

07-15-2002, 01:56 PM
Having 2 terriers I find the two most important commands to
teach them are "Stay" and "Come". Now could I trust them
to Stay put in an open field with a rabbit hopping by their line of
sight... uh no... :) That would be way too much reliability to expect
from a breed with such an intense chase instinct. So a leash
would be pretty much required in those instances.

But by teaching them to Stay, I can very reliably have them Stay,
Open the door, Walk through it first and then
have them Come through it, when I want them to.

I'm not sure what kind of breed you have, but for me it would be
worth the effort to try and train them to Stay, cuz that putting
the leash on'em everytime you want to open the door would
get real tiresome.


07-16-2002, 08:54 AM
We have two Schnauzers and in any given moment, if they have the chance, they will run away. Their curiosity gets the better of them, and no amount of calling them or demanding that they stay will help. We never, but never, take them outside without a leash on them. We learned that a long time ago. Good luck with your pups.

07-16-2002, 08:55 AM
Ones a German sheperd and the other is A mutt.

Dixieland Dancer
07-16-2002, 09:50 AM
Try border training. My dogs know the perimiter of our yard and will only leave if they are with me. Sheperds are very smart and should pick up on this rather quickly. You can also try basic obedience with them. Work on Sit/Stay and Come. There are numerous websites that give information on training or get a book on positive reinforcement.

07-16-2002, 12:35 PM
I have never had this problem with a pet, but I have always had small dogs. My roommates basset hound will run though. We can always catch him cause he gets caught up in his ears and falls down. I agree with everyone that plenty of exercise should do the trick. Good luck! ;)

Aspen and Misty
07-21-2002, 10:43 PM
We tought Teddy stop. H ealways stops when I say it to. Even if there is a child who needs herded. There as only one time when he didn't stop was when there was a little kid who was to close to the bush and needed herded away from it. But I find it a very useful commmand

07-26-2002, 01:52 PM
Give them walks like 3 times a day they will be to pooped to run

07-27-2002, 12:11 PM
It's hard to predict when a dog will run or not. Buffy has never run away from us, but just yesterday we were outside the mall and I put her down a second for her to pee, and she took off running and gave us quite a scare since she would not come at all when called. She got in between the cars and almost got hit by one. Thank God she stopped and we scooped her right up. She's so tiny!

Now we'll need to reinforce the COME and STAY commands 24/7.