View Full Version : How to Jumpstart a Stalled Kitty Tummy

05-22-2007, 09:06 PM
The Problem: Kitty's had a cold. No sense of smell. Stopped eating the canned food, hardly touching the kibble any more. Cold's gone, but food's been largely forgotten. Multiple metabolic systems on orange alert.

What You'll Need:
An ultra-fresh swordfish steak
Knife & plate

Fry swordfish in butter. Cut out red middle part, cut into tiny pieces on plate. Hand-feed to formerly unhungry cat until he's full. Leave remaining pieces on plate next to his regular food dish. Fill up his regular food dish.

Thank you, little Smudge! :)

Eat the rest of the swordfish in celebration!

Love, Columbine

05-22-2007, 10:17 PM
Cute :)