View Full Version : A question about Feline Leukimia

05-22-2007, 10:36 AM
My sister got 2 kittesn ( :mad: ) free from a barn. She said they're sick. They have runny eyes/nose. And like pussy stuff coming out of their nose. And they're weezy I think too.

Do you think it's just a cat cold or do you think it could be like Leukimia? Is that the name of the disease cats get that's really deadly?? I'm not sure of the symptoms of it? If it is contagious, if I went to see them, would I carry it on me and give it to my cats? or would they need direct contact? Or maybe it's not even the same symptoms lol.

Also, is milk bad for them? Appearintly they've been feeding them cows milk at the barn and told my sister to do the same. She said they're 8 weeks and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't even need their mothers milk by that age

05-22-2007, 10:44 AM
I'm not really sure what the symptoms of leaukimia are, but they need to be seen by a vet anyway for a good check-up. I have read where you can carry stuff to your cat by contact with another. I'm always very careful not to let an outside cat rub up against me. I also wash may hands in hot water for about two minutes after I pet one. My experience with milk has been it sometimes upsets their tummy. I would say just have her check with her vet. Sorry I couldn't help more, but I'm sure someone at PT can. Good Luck! :D

05-22-2007, 11:01 AM
These kits need a vet asap. It sounds to me like it could be a very bad URI.
Here is a link about FeLv...Feline Leukemia (http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cls=1&cat=1316&articleid=211)

My Vixen is FeLv+ and we were told it can be passed out through sharing of food and water dishes, inter-grooming, intimate contact, open wounds(scratches and bites) etc. It is not airborn.

Milk is bad for the cats. 90% of cats are lactose intolerate so cows milk is not a good idea.

These kittens most definately need a vet to get checked out and treated. They will most likely need to be treated for worms. And probably fleas and maybe even ticks. They definately need a full examination and treatment.

Let us know how they make out.

05-22-2007, 11:09 AM
These kits need a vet asap. It sounds to me like it could be a very bad URI.
Here is a link about FeLv...Feline Leukemia (http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cls=1&cat=1316&articleid=211)

My Vixen is FeLv+ and we were told it can be passed out through sharing of food and water dishes, inter-grooming, intimate contact, open wounds(scratches and bites) etc. It is not airborn.

thanks. So that means I won't carry it back to my cats just by patting the cats?

05-22-2007, 11:12 AM
thanks. So that means I won't carry it back to my cats just by patting the cats?

No but to feel more safe then just make sure to wash your hands good after you pat them.

05-22-2007, 11:13 AM
Ok. She said she's going to take them to the vets tomorrow. I hope it's nothing serious. Are URI deadly? She said one kitten has a scratch on his nose that doesn't seem to be healing

05-22-2007, 11:36 AM
I really couldn't say as I have never had to deal with a URI (knock on wood) but I guess anything if sever enough and it goes untreated can be deadly. I don't know if I have hear of it and there have been some pretty bad cases that I know of but with an agressive course of antibiotics and TLC they have all pulled through. I am not sure about the scratch though. It could be because the system is so low due to being sick that the body just can't heal it at a normal rate.

All fingers, toes, paws and whiskers crossed here for the little ones. Sending them prayers and good vibes from Italy.

05-22-2007, 12:33 PM
Are URI deadly?

Generally not, but they can be dangerous for kittens. Their nasal passages are so very tiny. URI definately need treatment asap. Hopefully that's all it is and the kittens will be find after some antibiotics.

05-22-2007, 06:42 PM
Sadly Barn Kittens Have A Rough Life Being In A Cold Barn And Not Eating On A Regular Basis.
Michael Was A Barn Kitten And My Brother Had To Give Him A Bit Of Medicine And Anti Biotics Before He Was Well.
We Are Sending Prayers To Those Barn Kittens That They Will Grow To Be As Happy As Michael.