View Full Version : A wonderful doggie owner

07-14-2002, 01:24 PM
Today while weeding a garden bed at the roadside part of the yard, a young girl about 8 or 9 with her cute, cute dog walked by. I couldn't help but notice how sweet they both seemed to be and I noticed how PROUDLY the little girl was walking the dog. So, I just had to ask her if it was ok to pet her dog. She said yes, and so I did. I asked her what kind of dog it was and she said a Springer Spaniel and Golden Lab mix. It really was a cute dog....named "Teddy" which of course melted my heart even more. I didn't talk very long knowing that kids are told to NOT talk to strangers etc. etc. and I am SO aware of that, that I let her go on her way. She said goodbye, and good luck to me. I didn't understand the good luck part, but thought she was just searching for more words to say and happened to come up with that expression.

About 45 minutes later I was in the back yard doing more weeding and I heard someone yell something. I looked up and it was that same little girl with her pup and she yelled "Have a nice day"......

There are many sweet kids out there and I hope their parents know it. I often run into little rag-a-muffins right off the farm, with no manners. That is not to say that people who live on farms have no manners, just the ones around HERE! And I am sure the sweet farm kids just go un-noticed!

The little girl and her pup just MADE MY DAY!:cool: :) :cool:

07-14-2002, 02:02 PM
It is soo cool when you connect with a child through something you both love, like a cute doggie. And it always thrills me when I have a two way conversation with a child to recognize the true person they are, not just "the child". It sounds like that's what you experienced, and how cool is that!!!! They have a lot more to tell us than we realize, sometimes, and maybe her "good luck" was in regards to the task you were doing? Happy Sunday to you, God just said "hi". You live in one of my favorite places, I love Vermont. :cool: :cool:

07-14-2002, 03:14 PM
What a happy visit! You might have helped make her day just a bit more brighter too!

07-14-2002, 03:46 PM
There is a sign of a girl with good parents, SAS. I love friendly kids. I have one myself :o . I think people and dogs can tell when a person is friendly and a pet lover. The dog sounds precious!! Of course, I love them regardless, but it is always nice to be working in the yard and strike up a conversation with yet another pet lover. What a nice Sunday gift for you!! :D

07-14-2002, 05:33 PM
SAS that is a sweet story! I really believe that children who are raised around animals learn a lot about how to love. How can you not, when a dog/cat offers love and demands nothing back. The sad thing about your story, is that so many awful people lure children with tales of a lost puppy or something along those lines. Oprah has done shows on this. It seems most children put their guard down where an animal is involved. Anyway, back on the bright side, I am so glad you had this pleasant interlude in your weeding duties. :)

07-14-2002, 05:45 PM
What a sweet little story! She sounds like she is a wonderful little girl.

07-14-2002, 07:35 PM
How that must have touched your heart!! My street is a virtual doggie parade on weekends. When gardening I always stop to greet the walkers and their pups. It's so heartening when I talk to a child and learn how many of these younger folks are so devoted to their 4 legged companions! And SO proud! Your story was so lovely! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.:)

07-16-2002, 01:03 PM
That is the sweetest story and I have painted a lovely picture in my head of what the girl and her dog must of looked like. It warms my heart.

07-16-2002, 01:15 PM
What a great story! I bet you made that young girl feel so important. :)

07-16-2002, 01:40 PM
What a nice experience! I too am thrilled when I meet people like that and it makes my day too :)

Maybe she meant good luck with getting rid of all the weeds?

07-16-2002, 01:49 PM
It seems that I have had the opportunity to know a good many of just the kind of little girl you spoke with. Having had two dogs for the last twenty years I am a magnet for the this type of interaction with the little dog lovers. They, like me, have no aversion to being unbridled in their interest and affection for dogs. One day in the grocery store a young woman stopped me and asked if I used to live on a certain street. When I said yes, she said *I used to walk your dogs!*. BECKY, of course I remembered her. As my little neighborhood girls grow up there always seems to be a few more waiting in the wings to be thrilled at my dogs tricks or share stories of their own pets with me. Right now I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of Grace's new puppy or dog. (Her family's GR passed to the RB about 6 months ago.) I made her promise me just last night that I would be the first to know when it arrived.

Dixieland Dancer
07-16-2002, 02:12 PM
Your story made my day too! :D I think dogs and kids are a wonderful combination. We have several kids in our neighborhood that come up and knock on the door to see if Dixie and Dusty can come out and play ball or frisbee with them! One little girl comes by every now and then by herself and asks if she can brush them for me!!! :cool: Of course I don't have a problem with that! ;) I know all of them and their parents and sometimes get phone calls asking if so and so is there with the dogs.

Dixie and Dusty just love to have company and ATTENTION! The more the better for these two official Welcome Wagon Goldens!!! LOL

07-16-2002, 02:51 PM
your right, dogs and kids are a wonderful combination. They wear each other down with all their energy. Ha!:D

07-16-2002, 07:08 PM
When we got Bella last year (gosh, has it been that long?) her breeder gave us a little packet of info that looked like it was hand-typed by her and then xeroxed. It wasn't much, maybe 4 pages of instructions and suggestions for raising a puppy. I have had dogs all my life but I eagerly read each word to see what she had to say as it had been a long time since I had a puppy. One statement in her packet stands out in my memory. It went sort of like this.

"A happy and content puppy is a tired puppy. Let me explain.. Puppies thrive on exercise and stimulation. If you don't have the time or energy to play a lot with your puppy enlist one of the neighborhood kids to help you out. Both puppy and child will benefit!"

I thought there was a lot of truth in that. I remember as a child in elementary school spending many afternoons with a friend of mine in the company of two St. Bernards. Their humans enlisted us to walk them after school and I have such fond memories of those two very regal dogs!