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View Full Version : pregnancy question?

05-20-2007, 08:08 PM
My sister is 25 yrs old and has been trying so hard to get pregnant and never does, She even tried to donate eggs before but had some troubles because the medications werent taking to her body really well like they were suposed to. She is so depressed about not having a baby yet and I know she would be a great mom and do a wonderful job. She will get her hopes up thinking she is pregnant only to be let down that she isnt. For those of you who have had a baby or knows someone who has I was wondering if you know any good ways to help get pregnant? Like for example the perfect time, certain medications she could take? And have any of you had trouble getting pregnant befor? she is too afraid to ask a doctor because she fears they will tell her she cant have babies since the donating thing didnt work out well, but I still have a feeling that she will be a mom if she keeps trying? any ideas or help? I know this is a really thread but I dont know who might beable to help and I feel so bad for her and I know she deserves to have a baby of her own!

05-20-2007, 08:11 PM
There are some conception forums that I have heard my kids talking about. Maybe someone else knows what these are. I think one is Pregnancy Q&A and another maybe Pregnancy Lounge. Maybe she would enjoy reading and posting to other women who are TTC (trying to conceive) ;)

05-20-2007, 08:13 PM
She might have something medically wrong with her. I would suggest that she should visit a fertility specialist. I know exactly how she feels.

05-20-2007, 08:17 PM
Yea I would tell her that so she would maybe beable to talk to people who have had troubles like her and know that there is still a chance she will beable to have a baby and find maybe a special diet or medication that will help her and her boyfriend. :)

05-20-2007, 08:21 PM
She might have something medically wrong with her. I would suggest that she should visit a fertility specialist. I know exactly how she feels.

I really hope not but if she does hopefully the doctors would figure something out for her as well. I just need to talk her into going and seeing one and not be so afraid to see what they would have to say ( She is so afraid to get bad news)...

05-20-2007, 08:24 PM
I think if she visits the boards mentioned, she will hear about other women's experiences, and feel more encouraged to go to the right doctor...someone might even know a person in your sister's area?

I hope she reads the boards for a while - looking for do-it-yourself fertility answers can lead to some possibly dangerous things.