View Full Version : Charlie kitty is still sick with his foot problem

Scooter's Mom
05-20-2007, 12:46 AM
Starting this off by saying this is kind of a vent ... about being sick and about the kitty being sick...

Tuesday they gave us antibiotics for his foot and the infection in it. Wednesday I went in the hospital and just got out today.

My hubby didn't even try to give Charlie his medicine while I was in the hospital. I tried when I got home today... but can barely move either of my hands because of the swelling from having IV's in them. They're throbbing they hurt so much.

I sure hope I can get him to take these antibiotics. The one I attempted to give him earlier ended up mostly gteting swallowed but when it got super small, he spit it out. :( I couldn't get a good enough hold on it b/c of not being able to grasp things, to get it back down in the back of his throat. So I'm going to try again for the 2nd one today.

I just needed to vent a minute. Hubby just came to me and said, "his whole foot is swollen all the way to the ankle now." No!? really - imagine that. An infection and nobody treated it while I was in the HOSPITAL!? I can't imagine why!

So now I am dealing with an even MORE sick kitty because of being in the hospital. And, I'm still sick on top of it since the hospital has no idea what is actually wrong with me!

Sure wish I could start this whole stupid year over.

Thanks for reading this if you did.

05-20-2007, 09:03 AM
I wonder if Charlie should go to the vet for another kick-start shot of antibiotics? Call the vet anyway and tell him what happened!

Did your husband say WHY he didn't give Charlie his medicine????

I think telling hubby that it will now cost 2 days' stay at the vet so Charlie DOES get his medicine regularly.

Sheesh - I am p***** off on your behalf too!

And I hope YOU feel better soon!


Scooter's Mom
05-20-2007, 01:26 PM
I know why hubby didn't give Charlie the meds. It does take both of us to do it. Him to hold Charlie down wrapped up in a towel, me to shove the pill in Charlie's mouth. I'm just frustrated about it all. He CAN do it. I know it... if he can gut a deer by himself, he CAN pill this cat.

05-20-2007, 04:10 PM
Sorry to hear of Charlie's relapse. They can be so hard to deal with sometimes. They just do't understand thatthe medicine is for thier own good.

05-20-2007, 04:21 PM
I'm sorry to hear that both you and Charlie are sick.:( I also have to medicate Starr twice a day and I was using pills but I just got the medicine compounded into a tasteless liquid today so I hope that it'll now be easier. Would it be easier to give Charlie liquid? Have you tried putting his pills in pill pockets. They sell them at Petsmart or your vet may have them. Good luck and I hope that you both start feeling better soon.:)

05-20-2007, 07:15 PM
We are praying for You and Charlie to be better.
I am having trouble with my feet due to diabetes and I know what a pain it is to give My Ctas thier meds.
If it was anyone other than Michael who is older and mild I would not have a chance.
We hope that Charlies foot heals and your hands as well.

05-21-2007, 01:49 PM
Can you get liquid? With Snow I found the only solution to getting anything down, since I never had any help. I walk up like nothings going on, grab the back of her neck real quick, squirt onto her back, rubbing slightly so it dont roll off her fur... and voila. It was a guarantee she would clean it all off in no time.

05-21-2007, 04:14 PM
Oh gee Crystal, I'm just now reading this thread.

Pet Edge has pill pockets and something new called Flavor Doh. Maybe one of those would help? I've never used either. It does take both Dad and I to pill some of the cats here. Others I can maneuver myself.

Hang in there!

Link for Pet Edge pill pockets:

Link for Pet Edge Flavor Doh:


05-21-2007, 07:21 PM
Prayers on the way that you feel better soon and that Charlies foot starts to heal.