View Full Version : Bobby went to the ER vet tonight

05-19-2007, 08:51 PM
Bobby is the little 8 months old boy with the tilted head, from the TNR project.

When I picked him up this evening, his left eye was all covered in "gunk," he could barely open it. :eek: When I was trying to look at it, everything inside was red. So off we went to the ER vet. :rolleyes:

Bobby has a bacterial infection in BOTH eyes! I have some terramycin to put in, it is a gel. Has to go in morning and evening for 10 days. This should be interesting; normally, I don't always SEE him morning and evening each day, let alone "get" him! He is still getting adjusted to being inside and trusting humans. He is NOT going to approve of this.

Depending what is it, it "could" be catching to the other cats. So the ER vet suggested keeping him in a separate room for the time being. He is so happy at night chasing around the house and playing with the cats and cat toys. I have a collar with bell on him, so we know where he is, and we've been hearing him at play all night for almost a week. Keeping him in one room will make it easier to catch him to put the stuff in his eyes. But he is not going to be very happy about any of this.

The ER vet said it "could" be conjunctivitis, or it "could" be a sign of something else. We will know more if it doesn't clear up in the 10 days. Hmmm. I think we better keep paws crossed that it DOES clear up!

05-19-2007, 10:42 PM
Oh gee...I hope it is "just" conjunctivitis...there isn't anything irritating way down in his ear that could cause this, is there?

Someone here mentioned ear polyps....just wondering if your vet checked.

Having Bobby in his own room might help him calm down - he will associate you with Food and Treats and other charming niceties! (The eye ointment will be a minor thing if followed with Treats, I understand! :D )

I hope he is well soon! HUGS to little Bobby and his devoted purrent!

05-20-2007, 10:36 AM
O dear!!! Prayers and patience for Bobby's parents, and prayers that Bobby will let you give him the eye medication!!! Bobby, please be a good boy, and get better soon!!!

05-20-2007, 04:15 PM
I hope that Bobby gets well soon and that it's nothing serious.

05-21-2007, 03:05 PM
Hopefully, there won't be nothing really bad with Bobby. Good luck and keep us updated. Keeping my fingers crossed ;)

05-22-2007, 07:53 AM
Bobby is doing ok, his eyes are looking better with three days of meds.

This afternoon he will be going to visit the white coats. In all the excitement of theTNR project, he never was tested for feline aids / feline leukemia! I can't believe I missed that step. I make cerain to do that testing for any newbie who has no medical records coming with him. Saturday the ER vet asked me about it and that is when I realized I hadn't done the testing. One (or both?) of those could be a factor with his eye infections.

Last eveing he fell asleep in my lap for over 2 hours. I watched a lot of TV I didn't need, as Dad was already in bed and the remote was out of reach. I didn't want to disturb Bobby, he was so calm and peaceful sitting with me.

As an aside, four of the cats are going for their annual checkups and shots this afternoon, so I will be taking 5 of them in.

05-22-2007, 08:59 PM
Last eveing he fell asleep in my lap for over 2 hours. I watched a lot of TV I didn't need, as Dad was already in bed and the remote was out of reach. I didn't want to disturb Bobby, he was so calm and peaceful sitting with me.

Isn't it amazing what we will do to not disturb our furkids?? I've slept in some strange positions so I wouldn't disturb Tazmoe. :D

I hope Bobby is better soon and that none of the other kitties "catch" anything. :)

05-23-2007, 07:14 AM
Be sure to have your vet check for an ear polyp while you're there. My Yodie's head was tilted that way and it was because of an ear polyp which you can't see unless the vet looks for it. That is until it grows and then you'll be able to see it but by then your cat will be miserable. I have a sneaking suspicion that my Yodie's ear polyp is growing back and she has an appt. next week when my vet comes back from vacation. Good luck.

05-23-2007, 09:23 AM
Thanks all.

Mary, the vet did check, no ear polyp. Nothing to see at all, no mites, no infection, ears are both clear. Everyone who has looked at him - the TNR vet, the ER vet, and my regular vet - have said it seems he had some nerve damage from an untreated ear infection. It does happen, especially with the ferals.

Unfortunately, Bobby's blood test for feline aids did not come back negative. However, it didn't actually come back positive, either! So he has to be retested in a month. Liz just had the test done on her Max, so I put Bobby's info there. Look at post #15 here:

His eyes are looking bright and clear this morning, so that is clearing up quite well. We've done 4 days of the 1 day meds; I get some in his eyes, most all over his face and over me! I may have to buy another tube before the 10 days are up!!!

05-23-2007, 10:50 AM
Ok good. Just wanted to alert you. Yodie's ear polyp grew downward instead of upward and he had to sedate her to look in her throat and sho nuf, there it was. I'm glad it's not a polyp. As for the other news, we'll hold a positive thought that all is well. :)