View Full Version : leo is sick!!! please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-14-2007, 04:03 PM
leo is sick and he is peeing every where we have been told it is most likely kidney gravel (whaaaaa whaaaaaa i keep crying i dont want him poorly)i dont want to loose him but he is only 4 and he will be having them removed in op for the rest of his life! it wil start of at eery year then when he gets older it will be every 6 months then when he gets old 3 months we dont have that kind of money and it isnt fair on him what do i dom (im crying whilst making this thread) does anybody know what else this could be he wees every where he is weeing evry minute and cleaning him self constantly and even when he is asleep he will jump up and have to wee there and then but he never wee's where he sleps or on anything of his help me (i cant stop crying i dont want to lose my baby!)

05-14-2007, 04:48 PM
I wish I could help in a more concrete way but all we can do is send prayers from the Found Cat Hotel for poor Leo and pray that you can work out a deal with your Vet to help him.

05-14-2007, 05:09 PM
If the vet says it is kidney stones, there's special food he can eat to alleviate the problem in the future. Don't panic, just talk calmly with the vet. Make sure it's not just a urinary tract infection.

05-14-2007, 06:07 PM
Yep - my cat had sand or crystals in his urine, and now he has a special food. It got rid of the crystals.

Just ask your vet - your kitty might also need some antibiotics for a few days.

I know it looks bad, but quite a few cats get it.

05-14-2007, 09:53 PM
It's really common, and a change in food often does the trick! But make sure you have the vet get a good conclusive urine sample, because the kind of food he needs depends on exactly what kinds of stones are in his urine.

Get him to the vet right away, and find out what kind of food he needs. Meanwhile, make sure he's got plenty of fresh water to drink, and offer him some canned food because that's got water in it too.

Love, Columbine

05-15-2007, 08:20 AM
thanks for the replys WHAT IS THAT FOOD? it isnt def kidney gravel yet but a vet said that it may be! he had a wee on a lid for a washing basket his wee looks normal (yellow, total liquidy smells normall) we bought some tablets from the pet store (vet licenced) he has 1 twice a day he is a total star when i give them to him i just open his mouth put it in the back of his mouth hold his head up and he will swallow! so he may not have to keep having operations? if the food wil stop that i will get some with my money is it expensive? idk if i could pay for all of it (i only get 2.50 a week from pocket money) but i may have enough at the mo please any reply i would be greatfull what is that food again plz?!?!?!?!?!?!?

05-15-2007, 08:59 AM
The prescription foods are quite expensive. Ask your vet about them cause there are several. There is one by Hill's called S/D Feline and there is one by Royal Canin called URINARY S/O. In My opinion out of these 2 I would use the Royal Canin as it deals with both types of crystals whereas the Hill's only deals with one and can sometimes cause the others.

There are also others so like I said give your vet a call and find out what types are available where you live. If you tell me the country you live in I can get you the price on the Royal Canin food.


05-15-2007, 09:14 AM
Never mind the pet store stuff!!

Get an official vet diagnosis and get him what the vet recommends. If this is not treated soon it only gets worse the treatment gets more expensive. At the beginning, it is a quite easy thing to correct.

05-15-2007, 11:32 AM
What Freedom said!!

05-15-2007, 12:20 PM
well we are gonna get him to the vet maybe he will show me the food to get btw kitycats_delight i live in england - staffordshire we will probably take him to straiton vets idk i think i may be saving up for a while then if the food is expensive :( i just want my baby to get better! (sob, sob, tear, sob, sob)

05-15-2007, 12:23 PM
Boris, I started using the vet food - and though it seems more expensive, it works out to mere pennies a day. There are feeding instructions on the bag, according to how big your kitty is. Feeding the right amount helps with cost, too.

ALSO - with the food preventing more health problems, there's money saved on extra trips to the vet!

I hope we can see a picture of your kitty when he is feeling better! :)

05-15-2007, 12:44 PM
yup you will be seing loads!!!!

05-15-2007, 08:32 PM
As soon as the vet gets the urinalysis results back, they'll know whether it's struvite or calcium oxalate crystals, and then they'll be able to tell you what's the right food for Leo. Meanwhile, encourage Leo to drink lots of water - put water bowls in multiple places, and change the water daily. You could also try adding some of the water from a can of tuna into his drinking water. The more water he drinks, the better chance he has of dissolving the crystals that are hurting him. Some cats enjoy drinking from a fountain (http://www.nextag.com/cat-water-fountain/search-html), but my little chicken was so scared of it he took to drinking from the toilet! But at least he was drinking water, and that's the important thing.

My cat Smudge is fine now, and Boris will be too. I remember how scared I was when Smudge had urinary crystals - I felt awful that I couldn't keep him safe, and couldn't stand to see him in pain. But he's a happy, healthy boy now, enjoying his healthy food with vitamins, extra water, and fish flakes mixed in. We just had to get the recipe right.

Love, Columbine

05-16-2007, 07:08 AM
we have tuna regularyly so shall i get the stuff with brine, sunflower oil or water? thanks!

05-16-2007, 08:01 AM
we have tuna regularyly so shall i get the stuff with brine, sunflower oil or water? thanks!Just plain water.

Love, Columbine

05-16-2007, 08:08 AM
ok thanks!