View Full Version : Adopting kittens

05-09-2007, 06:34 PM
We are considering adopting 8 w/o sibling kittens from the local Humane Society. one is male, one is female. We are considering two kittens so that, besides the early handling and all things that may enhance a kitten's early development, they can keep one another company. They would be indoor cats. I have never had more than one cat and currently do not have a cat. I am looking for suggestions, pros, cons, etc on rearing sibling kittens.

would i need 2 litter boxes, 2 feeding bowls? Once they are both fixed do i need to worry about the fact they are opposite sex?

They would be indoor cats. not declawed. and well loved. your advice would be great and much appreciated. thank you.

05-09-2007, 07:38 PM
Adopting two kittens is a wonderful way to keep each other company when no one is home. It'll also help socialize them.

Another thing is to get them spayed/neutered as soon as they're ready.

Ya done good!!

Ohhhhh!! I'm so excited and can't wait to see pictures.

05-09-2007, 07:51 PM
They should be fine with one litterbox and one food bowl. Make sure they have fresh water to drink too. Congratulations on your new little friends! It sounds like you understand the important things about cats (spay/neuter, keep them indoors, don't declaw).

Love Columbine

05-09-2007, 07:54 PM
2 kittens are ALWAYS better than one (for many reasons) so THANK YOU for wanting 2!!

It is preferable to have 2, if not 3, litter boxes for a home with 2 cats. And food and water dishes as well. While it is all together possible for some to get away with one, why make them compete? Having extra helps prevent rivalry.

A male/female pair is perfectly fine. But be aware that a female can get pregnant rather young, so do not postpone neutering once they are of age.

Congratulations on your additions, and have fun!!

05-09-2007, 07:55 PM
That will be so much fun. You won't have to go through the "introduction and transition" stage that some multi cat homes go through, as they will already be friends.

You get all the pleasure and none of the work!

Waiting for photos of your new buddies.

05-09-2007, 08:05 PM
I have one male and one female that are not siblings (although, are only a few months apart in age). They've always used the same litter box, same bowls, same everything with no problems. Even when I brought home a foster (two, but at seperate times) they all used the same bowl and box with no problem. However, I can't say they'll all be the same way. :)

05-09-2007, 08:37 PM
They should be fine with one litterbox and one food bowl. Make sure they have fresh water to drink too. Congratulations on your new little friends! It sounds like you understand the important things about cats (spay/neuter, keep them indoors, don't declaw).

Love ColumbineI agree. In October we adopted siblings (picture enclosed). They get along great and share everything. They were spayed and neutered at the rescue -- and microchipped. Please don't declaw.

Our experience is that the male (Willy) is very dependent on his sister (Willow). He nursed on her for a few months until she had enough of that. It weirded me out at first, but they managed to work it out.

Congrats on your new babies! Can't wait to see pictures.
Here's Willy (short hair) and Willow. You can see why we fell in love with them!

05-09-2007, 08:37 PM
Both of my cats are quite happy sharing...but with only each other! Every time Ive had more than Remus and Spook in the house they've become rather teritorial (fur flying terirorial :rolleyes: ) They are about six months apart, and I guess I just got lucky that they tolerate each other so well! I think having siblings will help, as they are used to sharing accomodations as is.

Im looking forward to "meeting" your pair :D

05-10-2007, 03:55 PM
You Should Have No Trouble As They Will Bond At That Young Age And Grow Up To Be Lifelong Friends.
I Would Have Two Litter Boxes As They Fill Quickly And A Pair Of Food Dishes One For Canned, One For Dry.
And We Can See Why You Fell For Willy And Willow As They Are Fantastic Little Ones.
We Would Love To See Them As They Mature To Catdom.