View Full Version : Yodie Yodie

05-09-2007, 11:47 AM
The other day Yodie walked into the room and the smell was awful! It was her ear, the one that she had the polyp removed from two years ago. Of course, the smelly ear acted up on a weekend, so I couldn't get her in to see Dr. Lee until today.

Dr. Lee said that he couldn't see an ear polyp but she's got a bad ear infection. I asked him again if he was sure that it wasn't due to something I'm doing or not doing. Since Cgirl got the bad skin infection, I've been more fastidious than ever about cleaning the house. He said that Yoda's immune system is compromised, too, just like Cgirl's, one of the hazards of being feral or outdoor cats. So he gave me an antibiotic and 2 different ear meds for her and she goes back in 2 weeks. If she's better, then it's only an ear infection. If she isn't better, then he'll have to sedate her and look in her throat to see if an ear polyp is growing downward instead of upward just like before. But he did say that after 2 years, he can't imagine that the ear polyp would be growing back. They usually start growing almost instantly and in 3 months it's full grown. So I'm holding the thought that it's just an infection. My finances can't take much more. Plus I don't want Yodie to have to go through that again.

05-09-2007, 11:49 AM
All my cats were feral or outdoor cats at one time. Once I took them in, they've remained indoor cats. Didn't want anyone to think that they're outdoor cats since my last post sounded iffy, especially my little deaf girl Creamsicle. No, they're all indoors for good.

05-13-2007, 12:34 AM
How is Yodie doing today? Poor thing!

05-30-2007, 05:06 PM
Well, it appears that Yodie Yodie's ear polyp has NOT grown back. Dr. Lee is still surprised. And I was really concerned that it had grown back. When she got the URI that the other furkids had, it took her at least 8 days to get over it while it took the others only 4 days. And she was so whiney and needy, not at all like her. She acted just the way she did when I first rescued her w/the polyp. And she lost 8 oz. since this recent URI. Dr. Lee said that if she acts different in any way, no matter how minor, to call him immediately. If the polyp does grow back, he wants to get it before it grows down into her throat again. He said he has a cat as a patient right now that needs the bulaosteotomy and the cat is very sick. The recovery is tougher than the surgery; many cats don't make it through the recovery. I reiterated to him that if the time would come when Yodie would need that surgery that I would not put her through it. BUT I'm going to do my best to keep thinking positive. She's gone over two years without it growing back and he's still amazed about that. Most start growing back immediately and it requires constant surgery. But he feels that when he instinctively gave it a "tug" that he got it at its root. And the last veterinary journals suggest doing that very thing but he didn't know that at the time. Sorry, guess I kinda rambled here. I was so shocked that I came home with no medicine, no scheduled follow up and no big vet bill. I hardly ever come outa there without having spent a minimum of $200. Today's bill was $26. I was afraid to say anything for fear they'd say "Oh yes, we forgot. You owe____". :p Anyhow, Yodie Yodie got a good report and Mom is happy. Now to get Miss Puddy over her URI and I think we're home free!

05-30-2007, 06:56 PM
Yodie, WHAT a good report you got at the white coats! You sure are wonderful, and no nasty polyp would dare return for another visit.

Yeah, Mary, just one little URI to go. Getting closer . . . . to home free.