View Full Version : *** Update On Samantha's Health ***

05-04-2007, 08:06 PM
Results of "Blood Workup".................

All Of her Organs are in excellent shape.

White blood cell count is twice what it should be. Vet claims white blood cell
count for a cat of her age should be around 1600. indicating a real bad infection

I have her on Orbax 22.7 mg. 1/2 a tablet only once a day.

Vet wants to do some x-rays next week.

Hopefully this *New* drug will work a lot better.

Wish us both Good Luck! *sigh*

We're hanging in there!

05-04-2007, 09:17 PM
I hope Samantha is better soon! She must have quite an infection...did the vet have any idea where it might be?

PT Prayers for Samantha! :)