View Full Version : Shy Guy Aguilar, Kitty with diaphragmatic hernia

04-28-2007, 07:48 PM
Cat Crazy People ~ iMOM is raising funds for this poor kitty. We've all been busy donating to get our own PT kitties to good homes, so I've hesitated to post Shy Guy's plight. If you can spare a few $$, his person would be eternally grateful.


His story so far:
Shy Guy is a beautiful, tall, laid-back 3 year old Orange Male Tabby. He is our pride and joy, our giant "tiger". (Everyone who sees him says he should be on a calendar:)) We aided in bringing him into this world, actually. Shy was born on Super Bowl Sunday: February 2nd 2004, during the game. He was the "runt" (the last of 6) and mom was so tired from birthing 5 others she wasn't able to remove him from his sack, so me and my roommate had to pierce it and lightly blow on him to bring him around. He was the one we kept out of the litter. The others went to happy and healthy homes. He's always been our little boy. He's always been big and strong, loving to absolutely everyone, healthy, and silly...even adopting a stray kitten as his brother, Maximus. Max and Shy have been as tight-as-blood for over 2 years now. He's constantly depressed that he can't play the way they usually do.

Shy has been diagnosed with a Diaphramatic Hernia. About 9 months ago we came home to find Shy curled up in a ball and bleeding from his nose. We rushed him to the vet to be told he was hit by something, which we'd already figured. The xrays showed nothing major wrong (bruised rib, chipped teeth, and facial swelling). They prescribed antibiotics and sent us home. He healed quickly and continued to live his normal, happy life. Then about 3 months ago he stopped eating as much as usual, and began hacking and coughing a lot, as if he was trying to dislodge an enormous hairball. We started him on a hairball treatment. To no avail, the hacking got worse. We rushed him to the vet and they took an x-ray that showed us he has a diaphramatic hernia. The accident caused a rip in his diaphram, causing all of his organs to slip and push their way into his lung cavity. The rip has gotten considerably large over time and his lungs are so crowded he hacks all the time and can hardly breathe. He's not able to function normally, having difficulty even sleeping. The good news is that the surgery will return him back to normal, because although its extensive, it's very remedial. Until then, however, if Shy is bumped the wrong way or jumps off too high furniture, he could dislodge his organs from the chest cavity and his lungs would collapse. He would die instantly. This is is our current situation. The surgeons, who are the best in town and even present at conferences nation-wide, cannot operate on him unless they receive payment first, which is $3933. As humiliating as it is to admit, we just don't have that kind of money, resources, or credit (but we're working on it) I currently work 10-12 hour days just to make the bills. And neither myself or my partner have friends or family who can help. Until then we live in a state of constant panic. He is now an indoor cat. Most cases of this nature do not go on more than 3-4 months before the animal passes . It's been over 6 months for Shy. :( But that's our boy, he's a strong soldier.

So far, because this has dragged on so long (and I lament over the pain he must be enduring all this time) his liver, stomach, a kidney, and some of his intestines have slipped into his chest cavity. If this continues, his lungs can become engulfed and he will die. We have just faxed all of the necessary materials to IMOM, and have completed our application. I am very fortunate to have heard of this organization and we'll be keeping everyone posted throughout Shy's process. Thank you so much for all of your generosity, concern, and support.


This kitty has been in need of this surgery for 6 months.

Continued next post

04-28-2007, 08:12 PM
iMOM accepted Shy Guy as a PIN (Pet in Need)

Diagnosis: Diaphragmatic hernia
Amount of estimate: $2814 - $3933 - applicant has nothing to contribute. We need to raise $2814 to reach the low end of the estimate
Spayed or neutered: Yes
Case worker: Tracy

As of today $175 has been raised towards this life-saving operation.

Donations can be made thru Paypal, credit card or snail. If you can help, please go to: http://www.imom.org/donation/online.htm and under the "Dedicated Donation" enter: GF - Shy Guy Aguilar

Continued next post

04-28-2007, 08:23 PM
We've started a "Wheel of Fortune" game to raise funds for Shy Guy. You can follow the progress HERE (http://www.imom.invisionzone.com/community/index.php?showtopic=2655)

Please cross-post Shy Guy's story. If you have any experience with this kind of surgery, I'm sure his meowmie would love to hear from you.

Here's some info from one of the iMOM volunteers:

Thank you to all who have donated for Shy Guy so far. I know there are several other pets needing our help, but I'm not sure people understand how serious Shy's condition is. We're not talking about a little abdominal hernia here. Diaphragmatic hernias are the most complicated and severe kind. Here's some info, courtesy of Drs. Foster & Smith:

Acquired Diaphragmatic Hernia: An acquired diaphragmatic hernia is a rupture of the diaphragmatic muscle. This is the result of trauma to a cat such as a severe fall or blow to the abdomen. As the abdominal contents such as the stomach and liver are forced against the diaphragm, a tear or rupture of the muscle occurs. Once an opening in the muscle occurs, abdominal contents such as the liver, stomach, or intestines may herniate through the rupture, enter the chest, and put pressure upon the lungs. The diaphragm muscle is now compromised, as it cannot properly expand and contract. In the authors' experience, most acquired diaphragmatic hernias in cats are the result of being struck by automobiles.

What are the symptoms?

Signs associated with acquired diaphragmatic hernias may occur immediately after trauma or may not be noted for weeks. Signs of congenital diaphragmatic hernias may appear early in life or at several years of age. Difficulty in breathing is the most common symptom. The degree depends on the extent of the damage and may vary from unnoticeable to extremely labored. In severe cases, the tongue, gums and lips may appear blue. Gastrointestinal upsets such as vomiting or not eating may also be noted when the stomach or intestines herniate through the diaphragm (move through the opening of the diaphragm into the chest). The organs can then become "strangulated" or pinched off by the muscle and other organs.

What are the risks?

The risk depends on the size and location of the hernia within the diaphragm. A small hernia in the diaphragm may go unnoticed and the cat will live a normal life. Cats with severe hernias in the diaphragm, may develop symptoms quickly and die if left unattended.

What is the management?

Anytime a diaphragmatic hernia is suspected, a veterinary exam should be sought at once. Radiographs (X-rays) will often lead to immediate diagnosis. If a diaphragmatic hernia is suspected, surgical correction is the only treatment and should be attempted as soon as the pet is stabilized. (emphasis added)

Folks, this cat's organs are poking through into his chest cavity. He should have had corrective surgery 9 MONTHS AGO. His family still has $2639 to raise.

04-28-2007, 10:21 PM
His family still has $2639 to raise.

Make that $2589.00

Let's go, PT! :)

04-29-2007, 08:52 AM
Catty ~ Thank you so much! Shy Guy's donations are $300 now.

The volunteers at iMOM have started a Wheel of Fortune game to raise funds. You can buy a letter for $25 to help fund Shy Guy. Check it out HERE (http://www.imom.invisionzone.com/community/index.php?showtopic=2655)

04-29-2007, 06:13 PM
OH man....$300 and this kitty has been waiting for MONTHS. Folks, the owner did try to get several different quotes - but she's in an area where the regular vets have no experience with this surgery, and the one specialty place is the only game in town. She is too far from anywhere else to take Shy Guy!

She has increased her work day from 12 to 14 hours to pay for the surgery. She is checking out other organizations to help with the surgery costs. She is now oraganizing a bake sale to help too!

Check out the link Tracy posted and play the Vanna White game there...the woman who created the game says when it is done, she will donate $100 herself!

$25 a letter. Check it out!

04-30-2007, 09:00 AM
The Wheel of Fortune game continues on iMOM. Letters are $25. Here's the board so far....


04-30-2007, 11:09 AM
I bought an E... so we're at:

We're getting so close now! Who else would like to help Shy Guy by buying a letter for $25?


04-30-2007, 11:36 AM
Fund Update for Shy Guy: $600 in donations

04-30-2007, 12:35 PM


I think I can guess the answer - but if people buy more letters, the better!

04-30-2007, 04:07 PM
He's still $2000.00 away from what he needs the poor guy! I gave as much as I could. I hope they can raise enough for him!

04-30-2007, 04:36 PM
I cross-posted to Cats in Calgary, a Yahoo group. I hope the moderators will allow it in, and someone will help.

04-30-2007, 07:32 PM
From Shy Guy's mom today:

Hello Angels!
I have been diligently working on baking cookies, brownies and cupcakes to raise for Shy. Me and my friends and partner will be selling these for donations at out local Natural Food Market. Theres alot of traffic through there and many animal lovers. Im hoping it will be a big success. As for Shy Guy, he's not doing so well today. :( he's been very lethargic and tired. Just not himself. I'm really worried about him. He's been hacking on and off a little today and he hasn't for awhile now. He's been resting a great deal today, he still eating which is good. I think there was a question posted about how large his chest is. He is normally a bit barrel chested anyway, being the big ol tiger he is. But yes his chest is expanded and enlarged even more due to his intestines etc being pushed up through his chest cavity, causing him extreme duress when he breathes. Thank you all for your continued help, support, prayers and kind words. Shy sends his love to all of you. I'm in the midst of packaging all the goodies and still baking so I will post again asap. Have a wonderful day Angels.

If you are heading out to a restaurant or bar or whatever, take up a collection in a baseball cap! Pool or other game player? Play for Shy Guy!

I know everyone here has given what they can - now bug your friends and family! :D

05-01-2007, 02:06 PM
5/1/07 fund update (http://www.imom.invisionzone.com/community/index.php?showforum=12)

We're making great progress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GF - Abbe Morana 165.00
GF - Anna Van der Merwe 3,410.00
GF - Buddy Shoesmith 353.00
GF - Chappy Luzaber 420.00
GF - Charley Okel 500.00
GF - Dustie George 894.00
GF - Dylan Edens 300.00
GF - Honey Pets Haven Rescue 466.00
GF - Justice Van Allen 391.25
GF - Molly Elkins 105.00
GF - Mya Critter Connection 1,320.00
GF - Nakita Speciale 0.00
GF - Shy Guy Aguilar 1,000.00
GF - Star Marcotullio 293.26
GF - Tucker Van Allen 226.14

05-01-2007, 03:55 PM
OH WOW. If the people at Shea's bake sale come through, she'll have it...I am sure they will do more than buy cookies when they know the scoop! :)

All it would take is one wonderful person coming by the stall..

Fingers crossed - I just hope they can get Shy Guy in for surgery ASAP after the money is raised!

05-02-2007, 08:03 PM
"FUND UPDATE FOR SHY GUY: $1675 in donations!!!

Thank you wonderful angel donors, each one of you.

Shy's case is very urgent. We have $1139 left to raise to meet the low end of the estimate."

Shy's meowmie was baking like crazy for a bake sale today, and we sure are hoping it went well. IMOM even did up a page she could print off and put on display there.

It's hoped that surgery can be booked and started with this much raised, and that payments can be worked out. Another source of funding is being applied for.

However, if someone here still wants to chip in a bit, there is ALWAYS room for one (2,3,4,5) more! :D

UPDATE: Bake sale raised $76.00 so far. Still a day or two more to go.

Zac and Zoe's Mum
05-02-2007, 08:35 PM
I've tried http://www.imom.org/donation/online.htm a few times now, using 2 different credit cards and every time I get the following message:

Order not processed

Your order could not be completed for the following reasons:

* 112 Failed AVS check

Please go back and try again.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? What's an AVS check?


05-02-2007, 08:54 PM
I looked up AVS and it stands for "Address Verification Service".

Did the IMOM site ask for your address? (I can't recall if it does).

If it did - then for some reason the address you typed in and the one assigned to your credit cards don't match.

Does that make any sense?

Here's a quote from another site:
"AVS works by comparing the billing address (street address and ZIP Code) information supplied by the Internet shopper against information logged in the credit card issuing bank's database. The AVS code returned corresponds to different degrees of match when the address and ZIP Code information is compared against the database."

Only in the USA apparently...

Maybe Tracy can figure this one out!

Zac and Zoe's Mum
05-02-2007, 10:17 PM
It did ask for an address and I'm guessing the fact that it's in Australia is causing problems. I'll have another go and try and fill in the address fields differently.

Hang in there Shy Guy, you WILL get a contribution from Zoe and I!

05-02-2007, 10:21 PM
As long as it matches the address the bank has for your credit card, it should be ok.....I'll dig for a little more info and update!

update: there is a PayPal link on this page....that might be easier? You don't have to have an account to send money. Just make sure you type that it is for Shy Guy Aguilar.


05-03-2007, 12:21 PM
Maybe Tracy can figure this one out!Not sure who Tracy is, but if you're talking about me (Lisa), I have e-mailed iMOM's treasurer (Juli Beatty, Treasurer IMOM [email protected]) to see if she can provide assistance.

05-04-2007, 10:55 AM
Update from iMOM today.

Wow, we've really made a lot of progress. A week ago Shy only had $175 in his fund and now he has $2050. The top of the mountain is in sight!!

Shea, good job on the bake sale and rebounding from losing your job (sorry about that ). I'm crossing my fingers that the vet office will schedule Shy's surgery based on what's already been raised and let you pay off the remainder in installments. But if not, we have $764 to go.....

05-04-2007, 09:41 PM
I really hope they will do the surgery and allow us to raise the rest after. this poor kitty has been suffering for so long!

Zac and Zoe's Mum
05-06-2007, 10:13 PM
Using the PayPal link on the IMOM site worked for me! :)
I think that's probably the best way for anyone outside North America to send money to IMOM.

05-07-2007, 01:19 PM
From Shea, Shy Guy's Mom:

Greetings again...I just got off of the phone with the vet center and they said they can get Shy in surgery as soon as thursday am may 10th. However they would need at least 60% of the high end of the estimate which they say will be $2300 minimum. Money has become incredibly tight after being laid off. I was already living check to check.

The vet office also stated that would need to have recieved the $2300 for surgery either before or at the time of drop off. I know you have your proceedures for that and I let them know I'd post giving you the info. If I'm not able to have the minimum they need. I need to let them know no later than Wednesday late afternoon, so they open that slot for another pet. At that point he would be able to be seen on Monday the 14th.

This is the short version of her post - she is pawning her TV, and recontacting some people thru her IM groups.

I think at last count there was $2,050.00. I have emailed Julie for an update on funding.

I will see if I can get a more recent update - Shy Guy is so close!

05-07-2007, 03:31 PM
It also sounds like the vet is changing the rules... he signed an agreement about payment (not before or at drop off, but invoice IMOM and they send the check). If they change their mind and say they have to have it BY drop off or will give the spot to another animal, that would be really unfair of them!!

05-07-2007, 03:53 PM
IMOM had let Shea know that, and posted it on the forum. They also have a copy of a letter from the vet agreeing to their terms.

05-17-2007, 04:17 PM

THings are coming along....

05-19-2007, 09:00 PM
Any more drama?! The things you find out and don't really want to know on that thread!

05-19-2007, 10:32 PM
They have moved the thread to the All Funds Raised section. The owner is now in touch with Juli only. The one vet centre had been in touch with iMOM, and vice versa.

An individual offered to cover Shy Guy's examination on Monday morning, and if all goes well, the vet said he might even have his surgery that afternoon. The vet thinks the amount iMOM has will be just fine.

Needless to say, fingers crossed - but having Shea communicate directly with Juli, and Juli reporting the updates, seems to work a lot better.

Prayers that Shy gets his surgery!

05-19-2007, 10:43 PM
Any updates?

05-19-2007, 10:44 PM
Ummm....post 30 was the update...I just did it a few minutes ago. :)

05-19-2007, 10:50 PM
Oops,sorry. :)