View Full Version : Should I be Concerned??

04-25-2007, 06:49 PM
Lately, I've noticed Fender has been really mouthing my arms in play, I mean wrapping his whole mouth around my forearm. I'm 99% sure it's not aggressive, because his tail is wagging the whole time, but I just wondered what I could do to stop it or if there was any chance this was an early sign of aggression. Thanks for any input.


Ginger's Mom
04-25-2007, 07:12 PM
I should probably wait until someone more knowledgeable comes on, but my guess it is just enthusiasm, and maybe some show of dominance, but not necessarily aggression. How old is Fender now? My first recommendation would be for you to fold your arms across your chest and turn your back on him. This may cause Fender to bark and jump around you to get you to do what he wants. If he does tell him "no" and walk away from him. Go in another room if necessary. But just for a couple of minutes, then go back and ask him to play again. You take charge of how and when to play. May I just ask what kind of game you and Fender are playing when he starts jumping up and mouthing on you? Brittanys are great dogs, but very high energy. You just have to let him know that you will decide how and when that energy is going to be expended. not him.

04-25-2007, 07:36 PM
It may not be aggression but it's certainly not acceptable behavior in any dog.

How old is he? It's more than likely it's the retrieving instinct coming out and it may be time to begin teaching him to retrieve with a canvas training dummy.

Canvas training dummies (http://www.morrco.com/cantraindum.html)

04-25-2007, 08:32 PM
Thanks for the help. In answer to your questions, he usually mouths during play, like fetch, or when he has been play fighting with Stella. Fender is just over 4 months old right now. Applesmom, I totally agree with the idea it might be retrieving instinct. Infact, tonight he was the most enthusiastic I've seen him while playing fetch.


04-26-2007, 08:05 AM
He thinks its perfectly acceptable, so just ignore him when he does this. Once he realizes he doesn't get anything from you, he'll stop it. Its a play maneuver with his puppy friends, and an attention getting behavior for you. Remove the attention and you remove the unwanted behavior.