View Full Version : Wow- Dora the Explorer

04-25-2007, 06:15 PM
Tyler watched Dora this afternoon while I was doing dishes and has been saying something like "Salta" all afternoon. Our conversations go like this:
T: Mommy, say Salta! <bouncing up and down>
M: Salta
T:Very good Mommy! Salta now! <bouncing up and down>
M: Salta
T: Very good Mommy!
(repeat a zillion times)

We went through this routine countless times before I decided to look up just what he was saying. Turns out he was telling me to jump in Spanish :eek: and he knew exactly what he was saying :eek: :D I think the only reason he was bouncing instead of jumping was because he doesn't have the dexterity to jump yet!

04-25-2007, 06:18 PM
lol, how cute. He knows more Spanish than I do. :p

04-25-2007, 06:27 PM
and that is why my friend I watch cartoons too........ hehe kids are such sponges....... you gotta keep up to what they learn......;)

so how about an early bilingual start....... impresive...... go Tyler!!

Ginger's Mom
04-25-2007, 06:35 PM
Ah, but Mommy he wanted you to jump, too. I love Dora. I was visiting my great-nephews a few years ago and they were watching it (I think they were around 2 years old?). Anyway, I was hooked for about a year after that; even with no children in the house I still watched it on Saturday mornings. She is great. :)