View Full Version : Is There Such A Thing As A Cat Proof Blind?

04-25-2007, 12:21 AM
Hi, I want to get some new blinds for my bedroom windows but I want to be sure to get something that will last and not be able to be destroyed. Pearl tore up my old blinds and they are the metal kind.

Is there such a thing as a blind that's cat proof? What kind of blinds do you have? I was thinking of possibly getting the faux wood blinds but I'm not sure how sturdy they would be. Thanks.:)

04-25-2007, 12:33 AM
I've given up on blinds and now use shades, I really like roman shades I think they look nicer than blinds and they are harder for the kitties to destroy.

04-25-2007, 12:37 AM
Cat Proof???? I believe that in itself is an Oxymoron.......... :)

Prairie Purrs
04-25-2007, 12:37 AM
I've given up on blinds and now use shades, I really like roman shades I think they look nicer than blinds and they are harder for the kitties to destroy.

Same answer here!

04-25-2007, 12:51 AM
LOL....until recently I have been lucky. My 16 yr old Zip and my 14 yr old Shy (rip) never had that problem, but, since I rescued Zilla that has all changed!!! Blind destroyer for sure. Just the ones on the bottom where she goes to take a peek at the birds. Oh well, I love her all the same.

04-25-2007, 12:54 AM
I've given up on blinds and now use shades, I really like roman shades I think they look nicer than blinds and they are harder for the kitties to destroy.
Thanks. I just received a Blair catalogue today and it had some Roman Shades in there that looked nice. I just wish I could see some in person.:)

Laura's Babies
04-25-2007, 04:20 AM
If you go with them, just make sure they are up enough where they kitties can see out of them. I have gotten shades from most of my windows, simply because blinds are nothing but dust collectors.

04-25-2007, 05:12 AM
Vertical blinds!

04-25-2007, 05:24 AM
Blinds that are sandwiched between the two panes of window glass are probably the closest to "cat proof," but next I think I'll try the blinds that don't have "wands," strings, etc (can't think of what they're called).

04-25-2007, 06:48 AM
I have the faux wood, 2 inch wide ones. The blinds themselves are indestructible ... just be sure you don't have a cord chewer like my Smokey used to be! ;)

04-25-2007, 07:02 AM
I agree with Jenn, verticals seem to be the go, if they try to scratch them they'll just slide down them - "can't seem to get a grip, Mom!"
My house came with them, don't particularly like them, but stuck with them really, they're functional and easy to keep clean - not dust traps like Venetians. You can get some nice colours. You can always put curtains either side for a decorator touch or extra warmth in winter.
What? They climb the curtains? :rolleyes: oh well...
You might have to take off the beaded string at the bottom so kitty can climb on the sill and look out without getting her little pawsies caught and tangled. Colette likes to sneak between the blind and the window and sit in the sunny spot on the sill on Neighbourhood Watch :cool: She also knows I can't see her and run around the house looking and calling for her, which of course she ignores... :mad:

All in all I think they'll like them :)

04-25-2007, 08:23 AM
Oh Topcat3, I wasn't going to post this until I read your response, he he.

My home had vertical blinds when I bought it, but we hated them. You can't close out the sun and still see, as the top of the window is "open" unless you draw them allt he way across. So switched to shades. Those I can pull down part way, 3/4, and still see out.

When the kitties get antsy, they chew on the shades, so I have holes in the edges on one or two. :rolleyes: Thank goodness those are in the rooms where I put the cheap ones. I have room darkening in my bedroom and fancier shades in the living room, and those haven't been touched in 4 years.

I do NOT have curtains, just valances at the top. This was fine until . . . last evening. I brought in one of the female TNR cats, thinking I may keep her. She FLEW from the floor to the valance in a second! The whole thing came down on her, which didn't go over to well with either her or Dad. :eek: The nails pulled right out of the wall. So now we all know what my Dad will be working on today. :D

We still have curtains up, at Dad's house. When we go up there and stay a week the cats come with us. And those curtains are in shreds, I keep trying to find time to remove them. Maybe next trip.

Blinds inside the windows, yeah, I think those may be kitty proof. Good luck!!!

04-25-2007, 09:14 AM
We have vertical blinds on the sliding glass doors and the faux wood blinds on the windows. Taz has not destroyed any of them. However, the vertical blinds always seem to have slats falling out. AND Taz knows he can wake me up by going behind the blinds and moving them so they make an irritating noise. :mad: Surprisingly he has not learned that when he does this he gets kicked out of the bedroom. :rolleyes:

04-25-2007, 09:24 AM
My problem hasn't been so much w/the blinds as w/the cords, etc. Too much temptation there. My RB Peeka couldn't resist and, if her claws would get too long, she'd always get caught and she'd scream and I'd come running to find her hanging by a claw. Then my imagination ran away w/me and I was worried about them hanging themselves. I no longer have blinds but I still have to get something for my kitchen windows. Until I paint next week, they'll stay bare. But I always worry about that.

04-25-2007, 10:38 AM
I have verticals that are a thick plastic. I think they are cat proof, but sometimes they make a lot of noise when my cat goes behind them and I am trying to sleep.

04-25-2007, 11:01 AM
:) Well I am lucky is that my girls dont mess with the blinds or drapes.. In two of the bedrooms I have real wood shutters.. In the living room & my bed room is thick drapes.. Now all stay open during the day time.. And at night all are asleep..

04-25-2007, 11:06 AM
Wow! You are lucky! I have learned, though, to put the fur posse in the basement at night. That's where most of their beds, toys and their food, water and litterboxes are. So at least at night, they're asleep and have less temptations. And Mom gets her rest. Sometimes. :p

04-25-2007, 11:22 AM
Thanks for all of the replys.:) I already have vertical blinds for my sliding glass door and they get knocked around a lot so I don't think that this would be good for my bedroom windows. Hopefully I'll be able to find a store that sells both the Roman Shades and Faux Wood Blinds so that I can see them in person and see how they're made. I usually wrap the cord or tie it up so the cats can't get to it.

04-25-2007, 11:22 AM
:) Yup now I said they didnt bother the windows right.. Now at night time they do sometimes keep me awake playing & or laying all over me.. Of course if I move at all they are like :eek: what the heck do I think I am doing..
Wow! You are lucky! I have learned, though, to put the fur posse in the basement at night. That's where most of their beds, toys and their food, water and litterboxes are. So at least at night, they're asleep and have less temptations. And Mom gets her rest. Sometimes. :p

04-25-2007, 07:10 PM
I just leave them up so that The Found Cats can look out and then they leave them alone.
We are learning to compromise a bit at a time.

04-25-2007, 08:14 PM
When you find some, let me know. Sams's has taught Spunky some bad tricks, such as how to destroy blinds, jumping to high places, opening cabinet doers and investigating, digging up potted plants.

Sams's latest joy is to open and close the cabinet doors in the bathroom in the middle of the night.


04-26-2007, 05:21 PM
Hi, I want to get some new blinds for my bedroom windows but I want to be sure to get something that will last and not be able to be destroyed. Pearl tore up my old blinds and they are the metal kind.

Is there such a thing as a blind that's cat proof? What kind of blinds do you have? I was thinking of possibly getting the faux wood blinds but I'm not sure how sturdy they would be. Thanks.:)

Well I don't know about being 'cat proof', I don't think that actually exists. However what I do is buy really cheap blinds so that when they need cleaning or get destroyed I just replace them.

I get them from Lowes $3.54 per blind! Great bargain!
