View Full Version : I am so tired of waiting!(for another dog)

04-24-2007, 08:26 PM
I have been trying to convince my parents to adopt another dog for 2 years now, and so far nothing seems to be working. But the other night, they seemed to open up a little.

My mom saw a puppy on TV, and she was like "that is the cutest puppy I've ever seen." I said "Then WHY can't we get one??!" She replied "they shed". I challenged her "Why can't we get a dog that doesn't shed?". Then silence from MOM And Dad, so I guess they couldn't think of a reason. Then my dad said "We saw the cutest dog in Staten Island today. It was a spaniel. a little one". I go "A king charles spaniel?" and my mom said "Yes, it was a very friendly little dog and it didn't seem to shed." I was stunned. I immediatly went upstairs and looked up some dogs up for adoption in my area, but I sprung on them too fast. We were back to "WE AREN'T getting another dog!" but my dad was smiling when he said it. Then I hear them talking about it now. He knows he wants one. It's time to take this up a notch! The more I help out with sassy, the more I research, the more I e-mail and show them dogs up for adoption I know it will work! I have been lazy but now I'm getting serious.

Sorry for the pointless board, I can't hold in the joy I'm feeling! I think I may have found the breed they are interested in. I will be doing alot of research and looking into plenty of shelter/rescues. This may take awhile but wish me luck!

04-24-2007, 08:52 PM
Spaniels shed, Goofy is a Cocker, and you will have a lot of coat care to be prepared for. Along with ear care, which many spaniels have issues with, be aware of that, and do your research.

From fall through early spring I keep Goofy in a full coat, but for ease in the summer and because her coat is so hot for me to brush we keep her in a puppy clip. She goes to the groomer about once a month for regular baths (they have a "smell" if not kept up) and Goofy has by nature a oilier coat than her sibs did. Her nails and ears are kept trimmed ,(inside ear care is a must) and her groomer pulls the inside ear hair, total cost each month for bath blow trims and coat care? 40.00+tip so 65.00.

You can learn to do much of it yourself, I prefer not to is all.
You are on the right path, by researching and showing your reliability with Sassy.


04-24-2007, 09:17 PM
Oh yeah, I hear ya Kym. We use to call DJ stinky. If you do not keep up with the ear cleaning it is a nasty smell. And they do shed........quite a bit.
Now I'm not sure about the Cavalier King Charles, but I do know they have longer hair too, and its usually straight, which requires more grooming. Not sure about Goofy, but DJ's hair when it got long was curly.
But keep up your quest for saving a shelter dog. Print them out and just leave it laying on the kitchen table or counter. hee hee :) Good Luck!!

04-24-2007, 10:11 PM
Good luck with this, it took my husband a while after we lost our spaniel, to be ready for another dog, but like cindy and kym were saying spaniels are alot of upkeep, they get ear infections regularly, sometimes even if you do keep up the ear care, do all of your research like you are saying, just make sure you realize spaniels are wonderful, i have a beagle/spaniel mixed now and i love him dearly, there is still a small part of me that would love another cocker spaniel. i used to keep mine cut short in summer and in winter let them grow out some.
good luck to you, hope it works

04-24-2007, 11:04 PM
Oh yeah, I hear ya Kym. We use to call DJ stinky. If you do not keep up with the ear cleaning it is a nasty smell. And they do shed........quite a bit.
Now I'm not sure about the Cavalier King Charles, but I do know they have longer hair too, and its usually straight, which requires more grooming. Not sure about Goofy, but DJ's hair when it got long was curly.
But keep up your quest for saving a shelter dog. Print them out and just leave it laying on the kitchen table or counter. hee hee :) Good Luck!!
Goof can look permed if not kept up!

her ears don't smell as bad as her BO from the oils in her coat, she is well lubed for water work LOL.

Spaniels are a breed not for the faint of heart, they are a small dog with a BIG tude! Goofy has made both my dobies go sub to her.
Do your research, understand there are may bybs, a shelter spaniel will probably be from one, so you will have issues. Is it worht it? YES a million times! I tell Goofy on a daily basis she can be replaced by anything that barks whines and annoys me less! Would I? NEVER. I love my dogs but until you have had a spaniel look at you with those eyes with that love ..............................Sorry I couldn't live with out it, and as my son proved , neither could he! Good Luck hun will pray for you!

04-24-2007, 11:52 PM
Taz and Dr. (I don't mean this as an insult, just an observation) I think that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Cockers are NOTHING alike in scent. I can NOT stand Cockers. I haven't met one yet where i didn't run to the bathroom (to wash my hands) after petting one. Cavies on the other hand... I absolutely LOVE. Well, I'm not in love with their scent, but i never really noticed one on them.

Oh yeah, I hear ya Kym. We use to call DJ stinky. If you do not keep up with the ear cleaning it is a nasty smell. And they do shed........quite a bit.
Now I'm not sure about the Cavalier King Charles, but I do know they have longer hair too, and its usually straight, which requires more grooming. Not sure about Goofy, but DJ's hair when it got long was curly.
But keep up your quest for saving a shelter dog. Print them out and just leave it laying on the kitchen table or counter. hee hee Good Luck!!

04-24-2007, 11:56 PM
Crow as I have never had the pleasure of meeting a Cav, I cannot say. I can only relate what I am familiar with in spaniels and that would be a Cocker :)

04-25-2007, 12:08 AM
Honestly, make sure your parents are really positive and willing to go through with another addition. I'll tell ya, going from one to two was difficult but very rewarding. One way to prep for it is to dogsit for your friends and family. It will acquaint you with how to handle two dogs, how to establish your schedule, and it'll show your parents that you are fully capable of taking care of two dogs. Keep in mind, however, that it can take a couple months to get used to. I know I did!

Just don't argue, and you'll be fine ;)

04-25-2007, 12:31 AM
I haven't met very many Cavies, but they vary *widely* in personality. The sweet ones though are about the sweetest things of all dogs! :- ) I wish i could say i had the pleasure of meeting more. *sigh* Such neat little dogs.

Be forewarned though M_L the bossy ones can be really bossy, and the temperamental ones will give some psyche wards a run for their money. If you and your parents do decided to get one look very carefully for one that will fit well with your family.

Crow as I have never had the pleasure of meeting a Cav, I cannot say. I can only relate what I am familiar with in spaniels and that would be a Cocker :)

04-25-2007, 05:31 AM
Be forewarned though M_L the bossy ones can be really bossy, and the temperamental ones will give some psyche wards a run for their money. If you and your parents do decided to get one look very carefully for one that will fit well with your family.

Thank you, everyone for your help and advice. I am driving more towards something that doesn't shed, and sadly these cute little dogs do. I've looked on every website, but they all say the same thing. LOTS of shedding! :( I have to look for a different pup.

Crow_noir, thanks but rest assured, if Sassy sees this toward herself in anyway, she will put the dog back in its place. I can tell you right now she will be Alpha dog.

critter crazy
04-25-2007, 06:11 AM
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are The cutest little dog, but boy are they Hyper! They do shed, but nothing like a Cocker spaniel. They require very little grooming. But do have many health Probems. They have eye problems, hip problems, heart problems, and knee problems, and some have Intestinal problems. But they are very sweet!


04-25-2007, 03:03 PM
oh please get a Cavvy! :D I can tell you hand on heart I've never met a nasty cav! They are gorgeous dogs and quite laid back after the mad puppy stage. The grooming isn't too much work and you could probably keep on top of that at home or take her? in for a shave off but they do shed.

Cavs are associated with heart problems and are very prone to getting things caught in their ears and getting ear infections. I'm getting a cav when I leave home! :D

04-26-2007, 09:32 PM
Good luck, I hope your parents say yes and that you find the perfect one for you. I don't have much experience with Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, but I do know that they are very active little dogs. They don't require as much grooming as a cocker, but if your parents don't like shedding, be sure to brush the dog outside every day. They sure are adorable little spaniels. :)

04-26-2007, 09:38 PM
No shed dogs don't give you very much option. But really, any dog can be shaved and well groomed to reduce shedding.

04-27-2007, 02:13 PM
It took me around 4 years or so to convince my parents, so hang in there!

04-27-2007, 02:27 PM
I haven't really been doing much research but I just looked up a list of non-shedding dogs. I'm leaning toward a Norwich or Norfolk terrier. I'm still unsure though, because I don't want a dog that will annoy Sas.

04-27-2007, 02:30 PM
I haven't really been doing much research but I just looked up a list of non-shedding dogs. I'm leaning toward a Norwich or Norfolk terrier. I'm still unsure though, because I don't want a dog that will annoy Sas.
I really don't suggest a Terrier then :/

04-27-2007, 02:36 PM
Yeah, they may be too hyper. I was also thinking a schnauzer or a schnauzer mix, and maybe 5 years or older. Still playful, yet they know when it's enough. He seems perfect!


I'm still not sure though. It could take me months or even years to convince them so we'll just have to wait. If I do get another addition, it will probably be a mutt.

04-27-2007, 11:46 PM
It took me around 4 years or so to convince my parents, so hang in there!

A year for each dog ?? ;)

04-28-2007, 12:14 AM
It took me 10 years. Blah :-/p

And i saw an ad in the paper for a breed my dad mentioned he had when he was a kid. I seen that as my wedge to hold open the door... and it worked! Then when i finally seen what they were I about gagged. I'm a shepherd person and here was one of the ugliest pups i had ever seen... a four month old Rat Terrier. LOL. ..."Do you want it or NOT?!" "YES!!!!!!!" No way was i giving up the chance to have a dog. She was a challenge, but i loved having her around.

It took me around 4 years or so to convince my parents, so hang in there!

04-28-2007, 12:19 AM
Awwwwe, this one seems like a sweetie!

Be careful though if you go looking for Schnauzers. Too often they become habitual barkers. I seen so many people bring them in to obedience class for that very problem. I've heard many people at dog parks asking advice because of that very issue. If you get your heart set on them, learn how to deal with this issue before you adopt one. It's easier to break a habit you've never started ;)

Yeah, they may be too hyper. I was also thinking a schnauzer or a schnauzer mix, and maybe 5 years or older. Still playful, yet they know when it's enough. He seems perfect!


I'm still not sure though. It could take me months or even years to convince them so we'll just have to wait. If I do get another addition, it will probably be a mutt.

04-28-2007, 07:14 AM
Awwwwe, this one seems like a sweetie!

Be careful though if you go looking for Schnauzers. Too often they become habitual barkers. I seen so many people bring them in to obedience class for that very problem. I've heard many people at dog parks asking advice because of that very issue. If you get your heart set on them, learn how to deal with this issue before you adopt one. It's easier to break a habit you've never started ;)

Trust me, we are VERY used to the barking from the white little monster. :p If someone comes over, after they leave she will bark and bark for hours until she knows its OK. So, barking shouldn't be a problem for me or my family.