View Full Version : Update of Piko no worrys

04-23-2007, 07:52 PM
Well its been about 3 days since Piko(Picasso) got back from the vet, and I did ask the vet to call if the problem in his eye is anything serious or a problem in the future, but since he hasnt called back yet, Im just going to assume that it is really no big problem. The vets real nice, Im sure he atleast took a good look at Piko's eye since I asked the assistant to ask him to, so if there really is a serious problem with Piko's eye Im sure he would have called. :)
As for the reason he was at the vet... I got Piko neutered. :o
I still feel kinda guilty but atleast now I dont have to worry about him getting the stray cats in our neighboorhood pregnant if he escapes.
He was a but lazy when he got back of course, but now he is perfectly back to normal.
He got a bit nicer and purrs alot when I pet him. He never did purr before. Buts thats about all.
He still attacks your leg viciously when you dont let him outside. :rolleyes:
By the way, I meant to ask. I remember hearing about these 'herbal remedies' for calming down aggresive cats? Do you think that would keep Piko from being so aggresive when he is refused what he wants? :p

04-24-2007, 05:11 PM
First, EXCELLENT that you had your boy neutered!!! I think he might calm down a bit once the hormones are gone. But, Piko just might be a bit spoiled! Keep us posted on his behaviour.
PS: Tell Piko that it is for his good that he is being kept inside. It is much safer than being outside and you are doing this because you love him and want him to be with you for a long time!! Are there windows that he can look out? Can you place bird feeders where Piko can see them? And be sure to give him quality and play time! Good luck!!!