View Full Version : I Had Read About It, Now I've Seen It....

Edwina's Secretary
04-18-2007, 06:15 PM
I am on a business trip in Puerto Rico....up in the mountains...well outside of San Juan and the tourist area.

The people I am working with, and the people I have met, could not be more gracious, more kind, more intelligent.

But...oh my the dogs....my heart is breaking to see the dogs. I will not describe what I have seen.

But I will ask (and promise for my own part)...if you have an opportunity to contribute or help in any way with the over-population of feral dogs in Puerto Rico...please help. There are so many.

04-18-2007, 06:22 PM
Did you happen to venture into Old San Juan? There are just as many feral cats there. :( Or did you pass by the large cock fighting arena? :mad:

Puerto Rico is beautiful, but they certainly need some education on the treatment of animals.

04-18-2007, 07:03 PM
This is a very good group that has been around for a long time.


Anything that would help not only to rescue these poor animals but to
bring attention to the problem with education for the people of Puerto Rico
would certainly be helpful & needed.Thank you for seeing the problem and
trying to help.

Killearn Kitties
04-18-2007, 07:33 PM
:( I have never been to Puerto Rico, but it always upsets me when I am travelling to see the amount of cats and sometimes dogs too, that live on the streets. I always try to help where I can.

04-18-2007, 08:50 PM
I went to Puerto Rico over spring break this year, and I was also shocked by the number of stray animals. My family and I stayed in Luquillo, and just outside the condo there were so many dogs and cats. I think there were four cats that lived around the condo (that I saw) and many more dogs. :(

We found that sweet guy running around the rain forest. Thankfully, he had an owner. I think his owner worked at one of the shops up the road a bit from there. The dog was hanging around some of the workers (one was friends with his owner).

I will definitely be checking out that website. I felt so bad while I was there because it seemed like there was nothing I could do to help. Hopefully more people will find out about the situation and we will be able to change things for the better.

04-18-2007, 09:20 PM
Yes, we went to Puerto Rico a few years ago and there were MANY dogs and cats roaming the streets. It is very sad. :(

I also saw many dogs roaming when we went to Mazatlan last year.

I will also check out that site lizbud posted.

04-19-2007, 08:41 AM
I imagine that Puerto Rico is much like Dominican Republic.... Yes, it is horrible to see the poverty there. :( In such poor countries, there tend to be lots of stray dogs and cats. It seems most people have a completely different view on animals, but then, they can hardly feed themselves, so....

I'm glad there are organisations that do their best to help - spaying and neutering is a big step of the way.

When I see the way some of the stinking rich people spend their money, I'm disgusted! :mad: