View Full Version : Vegas - His BIG Belly and Red Twinkle Ball

04-17-2007, 02:59 PM
Vegas asked that I share some photos of him....he feels so deprived that I have not had a lot of time to post about him or all the other fur kids, so last night he made it quite difficult to not stop and take at least his picture.

Here he is showing his BIG belly (if someone dares to rub it....we will most likely bite your hand) ;)

I KNOW I am soooo handsome.

Oh my red twinkle ball.....I love you so much....mommy threw out my blue ball, so I have to love you.

Here are just a few other misc pics of him last night.



This one is my favorite of all the ones I took of Vegas last night. Hope you enjoyed. :)

04-17-2007, 03:18 PM
Oh Vegas, the temptation to rub is almost too hard to resist... even if I would walk away wounded. I think I just might send you a new blue ball to replace the one meowmie threw out -- shame on her! And she can't stop me from replacing that ball no matter how much she protests you don't need one. :p

Laura's Babies
04-17-2007, 06:07 PM
:eek: Look at that BEAUTIFUL tummy!!! Ooooooo.... rub, rub, rub, rub!!! Vegas is one big boy... how much does he weigh? Wow! If Samantha were that big, I'd have the best lap warmer!! Is he a lap warmer? Lordy, he is one handsome boy!

04-17-2007, 07:01 PM
Vegas Sure Is A Black Beauty , He Is Black And Hes Proud.
My Sonny Tubster Liston Also Is A Little Touchy About His Tummy.
Hes Having A Field Day With The Pet Angels All Visiting The City Named After Him.

04-18-2007, 07:15 AM
:eek: Look at that BEAUTIFUL tummy!!! Ooooooo.... rub, rub, rub, rub!!! Vegas is one big boy... how much does he weigh? Wow! If Samantha were that big, I'd have the best lap warmer!! Is he a lap warmer? Lordy, he is one handsome boy!

He's around 22 pounds :eek: and he is absolutely the BEST body warmer (not a lap....he's too big). At night when I get into bed and Vegas is downstairs all I have to do is call "Vegas time for bed" and within 2 minutes he is up and snuggled on side of me for bed.....it does get crowded with Vegas and Abner both sleeping together on side of me, but I LOVE the cuddling.

smokey the elder
04-18-2007, 07:16 AM
Now that's an enormous mega-cat! My foster Marnie loves that same kind of ball. She carries it around in her mouth.

Laura's Babies
04-18-2007, 08:05 AM
WOW! What a BIG luv bug, all 22 pounds of him! I am so impressed with him. He looks like he is all boy! 100% male!