View Full Version : Sugar Tale; Pics added posts 5 & 6 April 23!

04-14-2007, 09:49 AM
I don't have pics to augment this tale, YET. But thought I'd share it with you and give you a smile anyhow.

I have 2 maple trees in my backyard, about 12 to 15 feet apart. I hang bird feeders in one tree, have for years during the winter. We get a nice variety of birds. And this year, we also have had 2 squirrels.

One squirrel has decided that this is HIS yard and Sugar is the intruder! He teases, taunts, chatters and scolds her continuously when she is out there. Sugar has taken to waking me at the crack of dawn. Even though I KNOW it is for squirrel patrol, I can't be certain that she doesn't have to "go," so I have to get up and let her out. Sure enough, she dashes right over to the squirrels, and she and the one start in.

The squirrel will come down the tree and face her off. She has her front paws on the tree. Their noses are less than 3 feet apart! And he just scolds away! Her tail is going, and she whimpers and whines at him, "Come on down and play!" Yeah, like he is going to fall for THAT trick, te hee.

He will run across the pole on top of the chain link fence, stopping every few steps to chatter at her. Of course, Sugar is marching along next to him, at ground level. When he reaches the second tree, he hops onto that and gets comfy on the lowest limb, staring, daring, chattering away.

Meantime, his partner is raiding my bird feeder and having a banquet!

Dad and I have both taken to leaving her out there and coming in to get things done. I feed the cats, check the water bowls, Dad starts his breakfast. The back yard is fenced so she is safe, and we can see her out the windows in all the rooms on that side of the house. Suddenly, it doesn't BOTHER her if it is muddy, rainy, coolish. She just HAS to get out there!

During the day, she will suddenly decide it is time to check for squirrels, also. Sometimes, we have to let her out and wait. She checks around that there are no squirrels in her yard, and comes right back in. No "business" done on that trip! Ha ha.

It is so wonderful, because we both know she couldn't see any of these goings on the first few weeks she was here, before her cataract surgery for her left eye. The squirrels have already learned they can get right past her if they stay on
the right! Wow!

I will attach the only decent shot I have so far. The squirrel is sitting comfortably in the lowest limb on the back tree, Sugar is on guard, meantime the other squirrel (not in this photo) is chowing down.


04-14-2007, 09:50 AM
Dad was holding Billy. Sugar is rather jealous of ALL the cats, and this is what happens if you have one in your lap.


Ginger's Mom
04-14-2007, 12:38 PM
Hehehe, oh Sugar it sounds like the squirrels have got your number. One will distract you while the other raids the feeder. That's okay it sounds like you two are having fun playing anyway. :)

04-14-2007, 12:52 PM
Sweet little Sugar, you are indeed a cutie pie! :D

04-14-2007, 06:27 PM
That's one brave squirrel if you ask me.

That's a cute photo of Sugar on your Dad's lap. Sugar is saying "move over buster...this is my Dad AND MY LAP!" :D

04-23-2007, 05:38 PM
OK I got photos of this squirrel with a death wish!

Here is Sugar; she is unsure which one of the two to stalk.


So the squirrel in the tree gets busy distracting her. He is on the limb:


Around the tree trunk and looking down at her:


Keeping the dog busy:

Maybe a bit closer:


More in next post!

04-23-2007, 05:41 PM
Meanwhile the other squirrel is busy at the banquet:



Sometimes this one gets a huge mouthful and needs to sit upright comfortably to eat it all:


The first squirrel on the fence rail. Keep in mind, this one is chattering and scolding Sugar the ENTIRE time!


Getting a well deserved rest:



That's all!

04-23-2007, 06:32 PM
Can you tell if the squirrels trade tasks so they both have a chance to chow down?

04-23-2007, 08:11 PM
What a racket those two have going on! Sugar, you need to get some tips from Star on how to outsmart those tree rats. She's known in squirrel circles as the "Jaws of Death". I think she's up over a dozen now that she has neatly dispatched. She also gave Rosie and Sherman "how to" lessons. Rosie never did figure it out, but Sheman caught on. (Maybe being a husky helps)

Billy looks sooooo comfortable in your dad's arms, that is so sweet. I imagine Sugar eventually got loved too. :) Those last pics of her in her little red & white house are so cute - she looks like she's had a rough day being picked on by those squirrels!

Daisy and Delilah
04-23-2007, 08:36 PM
What a busy girl you are, Sugar!! Such a little hunter. You're are just adorable, sweetheart!! Great pics Sandie!! I also love the one of your Dad with Billy and Sugar :D That look on Sugar's face is priceless. "Alright already!! Move out Billy, this is my spot!!"

04-23-2007, 09:03 PM
Oh my! That story and the pictures to go with it are just TOO funny! Sugar is adorable.

04-24-2007, 07:10 AM
Thanks everyone.

Freckles, as far as Dad and I can tell it is always the same one teasing the dog and the same one eating. You can't really see it in the photos, but one squirrel has a thin tail the other tail is quite full and bushy. The bushy tail one eats. The thin tail one taunts.