View Full Version : Has anyone ever dealt with rodent ulcers?

04-13-2007, 12:25 AM
My beautiful tortie, Punkin, has had problems with eosinophilic mouth ulcers for a couple of years. In the beginning, they gave her steroid shots and the ulcers went away. But steroids can bring on diabetes in cats, and she reacted so badly to the last one, that I don't want any more shots.

So then we went to oral prednisone which I crushed into her food. She ate with no reluctance, but it didn't do a thing for her.

Now she's got another mouth ulcer, plus several plaques on her lower belly. If you aren't familiar with this condition, they are shiny red or white indented sores. They look so painful and they are very itchy.

I am getting very worried about her. She's not an old cat, she'll be 9 on 4/15. I've never had a cat with this condition before, and never had a cat that got sick so young. My vet seems stymied.

I would be grateful for any advice. Punkin and I seem to be on our own.

Thanks, Kore

04-13-2007, 06:56 AM
2 5 mg pred at the flare-up fix Purrz; if it's a bad one, sometimes I give him 1 the next day.

04-18-2007, 11:28 PM
Some people (anecdotally; there aren't any randomized studies that I can find) say that essential fatty acid supplements help. 3V Caps is the one I'm familiar with (my cat likes the taste, and it helps with his eczema).

Love, Columbine