View Full Version : The proof that they can SEE what's in a picture!

04-09-2007, 08:30 AM
This was very interesting to watch this morning! Yesterday, I framed a print of a Luna photo, and now it's on my wall. It's a larger-than-life shot that only shows her face. When Lily spotted it this morning, she was at first paralized and very alarmed, then she approached the picture carefully, climbed onto a sideboard to reach the frame, and then she sniffed on it. After that, she seemed to be convinced that this was no thread, but when she walked away, she looked back a couple of times, just as if she was wondering why this cat was behind glas.

She did the same a while go when she saw a picture of herself on my computer. At that time, she even walked around the monitor to find the cat that was apparently inside.

I think this is interesting because it's usually said that cats cannot recognize objects on a two-dimensional medium. I think it's wrong. It was very obvious that Lily recognized the cat in the picture, and she acted as if she was approaching a cat that has entered her territory.


04-09-2007, 08:32 AM
I can just imagine what she looked like. I've seen my guys react in similar ways to their image in mirrors. Obviously, researchers haven't spent enough time around cats :)

04-09-2007, 09:23 AM
I am absolutely sure they can recognize at least a cat in a two-dimensional picture. Filou even looked on a screen on whihc slides (of himself ;)) were projected and tried to walk behind the screen and see whether the cat was there ;)
And later, he sat on the desk and heard the click when the slide changed and began to look from the projector to the screen and again, from the projector (which made the click) to the screen.
You could literally see his little brain working :D

04-09-2007, 09:26 AM
Yup. I believe they can see also. And I swear two of mine can see reflections in mirrors; not just the light. Crystal does NOT like the cat in the mirror, she hisses at it. Vita ADORES looking at herself in the mirror. :rolleyes:

Cinder & Smoke
04-09-2007, 10:18 AM
And I swear two of mine can see reflections in mirrors; not just the light.

Boots, da Kat, uses the bathroom mirror on a daily basis!
He's comfortable "looking" in the mirror to save the effort of turning his head!

If he's on the vanity (that's where his Krunchie Kup & Water are - out of the Mutts' view)
and facing the door - he *watches* me come & go, wash face, brush teeth, shave, comb hair, etc
in "direct view" - eyeball to eyeball.
BUT, if he's inhaling Krunchies and more facing the big mirror ... he'll use the mirror when looking
up - he'll *watch* me enter the room, wash, brush, comb, etc - by *looking*
into the mirror!
If I *talk* to him, he'll continue to *watch* in the mirror.

Earlier in life, he'd occasionally reach out and "touch paws" with The Cat in the Mirror,
but now doesn't seem bothered or threatened by his Image; and he's comfortable
*talking* to my Twin in the mirror.


04-09-2007, 11:19 AM
Interesting posts!! My RB Katz once saw her reflection in the mirror and looked for the cat behind the mirror. And when Luna saw her reflection for the first time, she was hissing at the cat.

I'm not sure if they are able to recognize themselves (which leads us back to a very old post of mine, Do cats have an awareness of the self? (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=14924)), but who knows! As far as I know, this is an ability that - according to scientists - only elephants and dolphins have - well, and apes, I think. But there is so much we still do not know about the animals of this planet! They don't deserve to be considered as beings without an intelligence! Go figure that many still don't want to believe that they have a soul!! I'm sure - without a doubt - that they have one! My theory is that many people don't want to think so because that way it would be harder to accept what we do to them (meat production and other kinds of abuse).


Laura's Babies
04-09-2007, 12:53 PM
Giz was a riot when she spotted herself in the mirror. Growled at the cat she saw, kept looking behind it for the kitty and came back to continue growling. That went on for awhile too!

04-09-2007, 04:53 PM
They do not react much to two dimensional photos, but if the video of Moose the Magnificent Angel plays , his Cat Friends will run and respond to his pigeon purrrr, as I think that they do miss thier Dear Old Friend so much!!!
Thats funny that your Cats can see another Cat sitting there.

04-09-2007, 08:38 PM
None of my kitties ever were very interested in mirrors. I think that they knew what was in there, because the first time seeing one they'd study it, only with their eyes, for maybe a few minutes, maybe sniff it, then walk off, going "Ehh, so it's my reflection, so what?"
Or at least that was the message that I got from them.

They also know the concept of how glass reflects, and whenever I shine the lazer light in the mirror, they automatically look in the opposite direction for the light on the other side of the room!

Though Clover likes to examine the pictures I take of her. I swear, she's thinking, "That's not a very good picture of me, I look fat, but Oh! Here I look nice! Keep this one!"

Either Echo just doesn't care how she looks, or she doesn't have a very big self-image, but she just ignores mirrors for the most part, and won't even look at the pictures I take of her.