View Full Version : I danced with a Ninja because I cannot control myself

04-06-2007, 10:58 PM
This was actually cute

This is TOO funny - type out the sentence you end up with, in the subject line and forward to your friends...also, send it back to the person that sent It to you.

Pick the month you were born:
January------I kicked
February-----I loved
March---------I smoked
April-----------I dry humped
May-----------I choked on
June----------I murdered
July-----------I did the Macarena with
August-------I had lunch with
September---I danced with
October------I sang to
November----I yelled at
December----I ran over

Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1-------a birdbath
2-------a monster
3-------a phone
4-------a fork
5-------a Mexican
6-------a gangster
7-------my cell phone
8-------my dog
9-------my best friends' boyfriend
10-------my neighbor
11-------my science teacher
12-------a banana
13-------a fireman
14-------a stuffed animal
15-------a goat
16-------a pickle
17-------your mom
18---- ---a spoon
20-------a baseball bat
21-------a ninja
22-------Chuck Norris
23-------a noodle
24-------a squirrel
25-------a football player
26-------my sister
27-------my brother
28-------an ipod
29-------a permanent marker
30-------a llama
31-------a homeless guy

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White--------because I'm cool like that
Black---------because that's how I roll.
Pink----------because I'm NOT a homosexual.
Red----------because the voices told me to.
Blue----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
Green---------because I hate myself.
Purple--------because I'm cool.
Gray----------because I was drunk
Yellow--------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange-------because I hate my family.
Brown--------because I was high.
Other---------because I'm a ninja.
None----------because I can't control myself

04-06-2007, 11:16 PM
I did the Macarena with a Ninja because.....hey, I am wearing a multi-coloured sweater here! :p

04-06-2007, 11:24 PM
I did the Macarena with Chuck Norris because because I'm sexy and I do what I want.

Who'da thunk it?

04-06-2007, 11:31 PM
I ran over a fork because I'm cool.:p

04-06-2007, 11:34 PM
I murdered my science teacher because I hate myself???

04-06-2007, 11:48 PM
I did the Macarena with a fireman because that's how I roll and because I was drunk.

Alrighty then. LOL And, you know, back in my younger days ... I just MIGHT HAVE done the Macarena with a fireman because that's how I roll and because I was drunk.


04-06-2007, 11:59 PM
I did the Macarena with a gangster because I'm cool like that. :cool:

Aspen and Misty
04-07-2007, 12:06 AM
:eek: I choked on a banana because I'm sexy and I do what I want. :eek:


04-07-2007, 12:26 AM
I smoked a baseball bat because I was drunk! lol I guess that would make sense. ;) :p

04-07-2007, 01:02 AM
I loved my best friends boyfriend because I hate myself. OMG Sorry Kim I never wanted you to know.

04-07-2007, 05:36 AM
I had lunch with a banana because I was high! Please pass the juice banana! LOL!

04-07-2007, 07:31 AM
I danced with Chuck Norris because I'm cool like that.


04-07-2007, 07:31 AM
I did the Macarena with a gangster because I'm cool like that. :cool:

LOL Pat!!

04-07-2007, 07:40 AM
I kicked a monster because I'm sexy and I do what I want.

04-07-2007, 07:41 AM
I murdered my dog cause I was drunk :eek: Mines terrible!

04-07-2007, 08:16 AM
I kicked a llama becuase the voices told me to

04-07-2007, 08:28 AM
I loved a fireman because I am cool. :rolleyes: :cool:

04-07-2007, 09:01 AM
Dang! I knew I shouldn't have worn a blue shirt today. :p

04-07-2007, 09:04 AM
I danced with your mom because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars :rolleyes:

04-07-2007, 09:57 AM
I choked on a birdbath because I'm cool like that. :D

04-07-2007, 10:02 AM
I kicked a llama becuase the voices told me to
:eek: Whoa, gotta watch out for those voices, Amy! Have you seen a shrink? ;)

04-07-2007, 10:09 AM
Wom, sounds just like you. LOL

Buttercup sorry about yours. Mine isn't much better.

I kicked a monster because I'm sexy and I do what I want.

04-07-2007, 12:07 PM
I sang to a fork because I was drunk .... yup, that WAS me. :D

Toby's my baby
04-07-2007, 12:43 PM
I ran over a banana because I was drunk.

04-07-2007, 01:00 PM
I did the macarena with a ninja because I was drunk.

I would never do the macarena with a ninja. *shakes head*

By the way, this thread is making me lmao. :p

critter crazy
04-07-2007, 01:13 PM
I had Lunch with a Llama, Cause I am Sexy and Do what I want!!

ROFLMAO!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!:D :p :D

04-07-2007, 01:15 PM
I had lunch with a pickle because that's how I roll.

Oh Yeah :p

04-07-2007, 01:45 PM
I smoked a football player because that's how I roll. :confused: :eek:

04-07-2007, 01:45 PM
I murdered my dog cause I was drunk :eek: Mines terrible!

Mine is bad too:
I murdered a llama cause I was drunk!

04-07-2007, 01:58 PM
I ran over my dog because I'm NOT a homosexual and thats how I roll.

04-07-2007, 02:49 PM
I choked on a stuffed animal because I was drunk.
I never thought I would confess something like this at PT :D

04-07-2007, 03:53 PM
Wow I have a lot of murderous friends!! I will go back to dancing with my Ninja lmao

04-07-2007, 04:04 PM
I did the Macarena with a homeless guy because that's how I roll.
Too funny!

04-07-2007, 06:41 PM
I ran over my cell phone because I'm sexy and I do what I want..

04-07-2007, 07:11 PM
I sang to a noodle because I hate my family. YEA...really me.. :cool:

I'm laughing so hard right now at these sentences, they are so funny! This is awesome! :D Thanks for sharing, Kym.

Suki Wingy
04-07-2007, 11:07 PM
I loved my neighbor because I'm sexy and do what I want! :D :p

04-08-2007, 12:14 AM
I ran over an ipod because I'm sexy, and I do what I want. Now why would I want to run over an Ipod!?

Willie :confused:

04-08-2007, 12:35 AM
I ran over an ipod because I'm sexy, and I do what I want. Now why would I want to run over an Ipod!?

Willie :confused:

Because you're sexy ??? LOL

04-08-2007, 01:00 AM
I did the Macarena with a goat because the voices told me to.

04-08-2007, 01:27 AM
I yelled at a squirrel because I'm sexy and I do what I want and that's how I roll.

Anita Cholaine
04-08-2007, 08:12 AM
I danced with a goat because that's how I roll :p

04-08-2007, 12:48 PM
I yelled at a fork because that's how I roll! :D

04-08-2007, 07:10 PM
Well...I sang to a monster because I'm not a homosexual.

04-08-2007, 08:24 PM
I danced with a spoon because the voices told me to. :D

04-08-2007, 08:35 PM
I murdered my cell phone because I hate myself.

(I don't even have a cell phone ;) )

04-09-2007, 12:13 PM
i had lunch with my dog because i was drunk......hahaha so funny i dont need to be drunk to have lunch with my doggies :p

04-09-2007, 12:41 PM
I loved my cellphone because I hate myself.

LOL, wth??!

04-09-2007, 03:21 PM
I murdered a squirrel because I'm NOT a homosexual.

oookay. :eek:

Queen of Poop
04-09-2007, 03:35 PM
After many giggles at this post I had to add mine to the list:

I yelled at a pickle because I hate myself!!!????

04-09-2007, 09:03 PM
:eek: Whoa, gotta watch out for those voices, Amy! Have you seen a shrink? ;)

Today I kicked the llamma, becuase I hate myself...guess it is back to the shrink.....


04-10-2007, 05:43 PM
I danced with my cell phone because I'm a Ninja. O-Kay.

04-10-2007, 05:55 PM
I danced with my cell phone because I'm a Ninja. O-Kay.
Fine with me since I am dancing with one LOL :eek:

04-10-2007, 06:04 PM
I just did my mom's birthday and hers is..

I murdered a ninja because that's how I roll.

I also did my Grandpa's.

I yelled at a Mexican because I'm sexy and I do what I want.

And I also redid mine for today and today it's..

I did the macarena with a Ninja because that's how I roll.

I would still never do the macarena with a Ninja.. :rolleyes:

04-10-2007, 07:52 PM
I just did my mom's birthday and hers is..

I murdered a ninja because that's how I roll.

I also did my Grandpa's.

I yelled at a Mexican because I'm sexy and I do what I want.

And I also redid mine for today and today it's..

I did the macarena with a Ninja because that's how I roll.

I would still never do the macarena with a Ninja.. :rolleyes:

Yes you would LOL ;)

04-10-2007, 07:58 PM
Yes you would LOL ;)
Nuh-uh. Ninjas are evil.

04-10-2007, 08:00 PM
Says who? I had a crush on Donnatello many years ago..........wonder if thats who I am danicng with? :p

04-10-2007, 08:01 PM
Says who? I had a crush on Donnatello many years ago..........wonder if thats who I am danicng with? :p
Says a Pirate :p. Cuz Pirates are better than Ninjas. ;)

04-10-2007, 08:06 PM
I would love to roll with Johnny Deep.

04-10-2007, 08:09 PM
I would love to roll with Johnny Deep.
Wouldn't we all? ;)

04-11-2007, 10:08 AM
I had lunch with a noodle because that's how I roll.

This thread is going to get me into so much trouble, because I burst out laughing reading this thread :D

04-11-2007, 10:11 AM
Wouldn't we all? ;)

Nope :p
You know who I'm after hahaha

Pawsitive Thinking
04-11-2007, 10:33 AM
Not going to tell you........ but that poor squirrel :rolleyes:

04-11-2007, 02:57 PM
Nope :p
You know who I'm after hahaha
Well, you don't count xD!

04-11-2007, 10:17 PM
Mine is ok....
I kicked my best friend's boyfriend because I was drunk. :rolleyes: Hrm... doubt that would happen cause I don't drink. At least not anymore, lol. Had this been 15 years ago, it would have probably happened a few times!!

I like my mom's though...
I dry humped a pickle because I am not a homosexual. (my mother hasn't humped anything in years... :p )

Here's my dad...
I smoked my cell phone because I was high. (nope, that would be my brother!)

04-11-2007, 10:22 PM
I sang to a homeless guy because I am NOT a homosexual!!

This is TOO funny - type out the sentence you end up with, in the subject line and forward to your friends...also, send it back to the person that sent It to you.

Pick the month you were born:
January------I kicked
February-----I loved
March---------I smoked
April-----------I dry humped
May-----------I choked on
June----------I murdered
July-----------I did the Macarena with
August-------I had lunch with
September---I danced with
October------I sang to
November----I yelled at
December----I ran over

Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1-------a birdbath
2-------a monster
3-------a phone
4-------a fork
5-------a Mexican
6-------a gangster
7-------my cell phone
8-------my dog
9-------my best friends' boyfriend
10-------my neighbor
11-------my science teacher
12-------a banana
13-------a fireman
14-------a stuffed animal
15-------a goat
16-------a pickle
17-------your mom
18---- ---a spoon
20-------a baseball bat
21-------a ninja
22-------Chuck Norris
23-------a noodle
24-------a squirrel
25-------a football player
26-------my sister
27-------my brother
28-------an ipod
29-------a permanent marker
30-------a llama
31-------a homeless guy

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White--------because I'm cool like that
Black---------because that's how I roll.
Pink----------because I'm NOT a homosexual.
Red----------because the voices told me to.
Blue----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
Green---------because I hate myself.
Purple--------because I'm cool.
Gray----------because I was drunk
Yellow--------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange-------because I hate my family.
Brown--------because I was high.
Other---------because I'm a ninja.
None----------because I can't control myself

04-11-2007, 10:22 PM
I sang to a pickle because the voices told me to.

04-12-2007, 09:24 AM
Mine is "I dry humped a Noodle because I'm cool like that" Food for thought (sorry couldn't resist)..... http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_1_100.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxdm119YYIE)http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_1_219.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxdm119YYIE)