View Full Version : Tiger has a new way........

07-07-2002, 08:53 PM
of expressing her desire to receive some scritchies. Since I have been gone for the past 9 days, my furkids are now sleeping on all of the packed boxes, cartons, and plastic tubs that I plan to take for the move. I think they are afraid that I will leave them alone again. (Never again, this time they are going with me). However, since I got back Tiger has found a new way to tell me that she loves me and wants some special scritchies. She places her front paws on my shoulder and then nibbles my hair! This is a new behavior thing with her, as before and even now, when she is hungry, she will continually walk in front of me between the computer screen. But this paws-on-shoulder thing is not a sign of being hungry, but rather one of affection.


07-07-2002, 11:33 PM
How sweet. Storm will sometimes tap me on the shoulder so that I'll give him attention. Your furkids sure did miss you Wayne. http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/Gif/felix1.gif

Former User
07-08-2002, 01:53 AM
Oh, that sounds so adorable!
Good luck with the moving Wayne!

07-08-2002, 06:40 AM
Yes, and I am reluctant to state that they did miss me more than I realized. As the days went on, their behavior became more bizarre, and literally tore up the place, littering everywhere. My neighbor keeper gave up in exasperation, because of the mess they were making. Also, the number of felines in the house didn't help either. However, never again do I plan to leave them alone for more than a day or two. Since I am leaving here to live in a much larger house, it is supposed that they will also find more room to play in. the last time I left for a 10 day vacation was in 1998, and then I only had a few outdoor utility cats. They missed me also.


07-08-2002, 12:49 PM
I bet that is so cute.

07-09-2002, 03:09 PM

Noah does that exact thing to my husband! It is the cutest thing...see? They LOVE you! :)

07-09-2002, 03:41 PM