View Full Version : Mandy

07-07-2002, 03:02 AM
Oh my, what a beautiful skunk you are Mandy! I never knew people keep skunks as pets!:eek: I also never knew there was a such thing as a white skunk! I thought all skunks were black and white! Its so cool to see a skunk as out pet of the day! You are very pretty Mandy, but I hope you don't smell! Oh I'm sure you smell lovely! :D:D:D Congratulations on being a very special POTD today! I hope your family gives you lots of treats on your very special day!!!

07-07-2002, 03:59 AM
I was so delighted to see you there today, Mandy! What a beauty you are! I never have seen a white skunk either, and am curious now as to how many variations on you lovely critters there are?!?!
I had the priviledge of having a skunk (traditional B&W) as a pet years ago. He was sooooooo much fun - they are wonderful companions. Although he had been "de-scented", he sometimes left a bit of an odour when he used the litter box. But then, so do cats :cool: :D :rolleyes: (Sorry, Grasshopper)
Since I had to move, I ended up giving him to a local park where he was the stud king, and quite happy! He fathered many a beautiful skunk, and the girls loved him!
How fortunate your humans are to have you in their life, Mandy! You are a beutiful Pet of the Day!!!

07-07-2002, 06:20 AM
I must agree with the others here , never knew that skunks could be hold as pets !!! But the first thing I said as I saw your picture was a long aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !!!!
Sooooooooo cute !!!!!!!
Love to have you as Pet of the Day Mandy !!!!


btw : your tail is just gorgeous !!!!!!

07-07-2002, 12:26 PM
Gosh, Mandy, sounds like you are teaching us a nature lesson today. I didn't know there were any other color of skunks but black and white either. What a beauty you are! I'd love to see you do your tricks. You could high five me anytime. Congratulations on being our sweet special Pet of the Day today!:)

07-07-2002, 01:30 PM
Oh darling Mandy!!! You are such a stunner! A real "glam girl!":) And add me to the list.... I never knew of a white skunk either!! How magnificent! And Mandy, that tail of yours is to DIE for!! I'll bet all the guys swoon at the swish of your tail! But Mandy, what I love about you most of all is your sweet, lovable, gentle personality! What a cuddle muffin! And you just may be the smartest skunk on the planet, to boot! What a bundle of furry perfection! What a lucky family!!!Congratulations to you sweet Mandy! You're our most adorable and beautiful Pet of the Day! Have a very happy day celebrating your honor, precious. You surely deserve it!!

07-08-2002, 12:19 PM
Oh Mandy, what a pretty girl you are. I have never seen a lovelier skunk. Congratulations on being the pet of the day!!!