View Full Version : Update on stolen bike

04-04-2007, 06:21 PM

Dedrick is all smiles agian now that he has his bike back thanks to one of Isabeau's school mates today. Even though it is busted and he can't ride it till the handlebar is welded back on he is still very happy. Luckily hubby is a welder and will fix it at work tomorrow. It was stolen on Friday and on Saturday one of Isabeau's friends who plays here regularly saw it in an alley when she was out with her parents. She recognized the bike but couldn't remember who's it was. So she and her parents brought it home and put it into their trailer till she could remember who owned it. Then today when she came over to play with Isabeau and Isabeau told her about the bike she remembered and went and got it. Who ever took it busted off the handle bar so that the only way to fix it is to weld it. But that is no problem for us. We are just happy to have it back. So I gave each of the kids $3 dollars(all I had in small change) as a reward. They all jumped and cheered and were excited by that. lol. Either way it is a happy ending. From now on all bikes and such are locked in teh house or the garage. Can't even trust people in small towns anymore.

critter crazy
04-04-2007, 06:39 PM
YAY!! I am sure dedrick is so happy, even if it is broken!! So happy you guys got it back! Cant wait to see pics of him riding it, once it is all fixed up!!

04-04-2007, 07:33 PM
Whew! The Easter Bunny was wondering how he was gonna fit a new one in his basket with all those eggs! Great news!

04-04-2007, 09:55 PM
Thanks. We are all glad it is back. Hubby and I have no clue how they broke hte handle off the way they did. They had to be doing it on purpose because where it broke it is fairly strong and one whole length of metal. Doesn't matter though. It will be a simple matter of welding it and hubby said he can make it look pretty good agian. I personally don't care how it looks as long as it is rideable. Dedrick has tried attaching it several times himself tonight. He knows daddy will do it tomorrow though so he is happy. All in all we are happy.

04-04-2007, 10:39 PM
Im so glad to hear that hun! How wonderful for all of you. There are some very sick and strange people around. Hugs to you all! How are you and the newest one feeling? Any news on ultrasounds (pics hint hint)??


04-04-2007, 10:55 PM
That's rotten that someone took a tricycle, of all things! Glad you got it back...daddy will be a big hero (even more so) when he gets it fixed!

04-05-2007, 01:41 PM
Well we were right about one thing who ever took it purposely cut the handle bar off and tried to grind through other areas as well on the bike. Hubby took a look at it when he got home last night. He showed me where the metal is discolored, no bending to it at all to change it's shape either and the cut is fairly smooth. So who ever took it took it with the soul purpose of distroying it. Why? I have no idea. Who? I have no idea. Hubby says they had to be old enough and strong enough to know how to use a grinder to grind off the handle bar that well and take chunks out of other areas. Which I don't understand at all. Why steal a trike from a 2 yr old only to destroy it like this? What could they possibly gain from it? I guess I will never understand some people. Either way hubby says he can fix the handle bar and fill in the chunks grinded out. He will make sure it is all smooth so Dedrick can't cut himself. This whole situation though is very confusing.

As for me and the pregnancy the morning sickness is really bad and lasts 24/7. Even meds from teh docs are not helping. Which is why I am rarely online any more.

04-05-2007, 03:31 PM
Who steals and tries to destroy a tricycle?! Honestly! The nerve of some people.

So glad you got the bike back! :)