View Full Version : OK thats it! Penny owes me a weekend! :) pics on post 24 sigh

04-03-2007, 06:25 PM
I know I know she already said she would critter sit.......but I think I had heart failure today. We had a tornado watch and bad tstorms nothing new for Illinois.
Well the roof in the library began to leak,so I put a bucket under it, made a great sound to get the birds going. Boy arrives from school, and all cats hiding , he sees a cat race out! :eek:

3 hours and 13 cats later we find all cats safe and sound in corners closets and false fireplace. who was the the cat he swears he saw??..............seems in honor of aunt Penny he took in a stray 3 days ago to surprise me for Easter! :rolleyes: His comment? well if aunt Penny was willing to lose her house Mom, then I figured you wouldn't mind another and everyone liked her!

Guess what? we need a name for a fluffy tiny scared wet kitty, that will go to the vet tomorrow.......................and yes it is a tiny tuxie which I am not fond fond of tuxies ...................yeah ok so that isn't true but still, *sigh*

So how is it that Penny is to blame???

Now to plan my vacation...................................... :p

04-03-2007, 06:28 PM
That is a great end to a great story, that All the Cats are safe and accounted for.
That truly must have been a relief to you.

04-03-2007, 06:32 PM
Gary, my guys I wasn't woried about as they all come out with mom on occassion, I was terrified I would be calling a friend with awful news, after searching and doing the head count 3xs to be sure I cornered said son and ARE YOU CERTAIN a cat ran out.??...........confession of said cat ensued. Releif is spelled S . A . F . E.!!!!

04-03-2007, 06:36 PM
:eek: :eek: but at the same time. LOL LOL LOL a "spare cat", just what you need. hee hee hee

04-03-2007, 06:38 PM
Hee hee hee hee heeeee! ;) Is the wee tuxie a boy or a girl?

04-03-2007, 06:40 PM
Hee hee hee hee heeeee! ;) Is the wee tuxie a boy or a girl?

Quit giggling young lady!!!

and said "wee" cat is a girl :rolleyes: ....hence vet tomorrow, shots and spay if I have to do it myself!! :eek:

04-03-2007, 06:46 PM
Guess what? we need a name for a fluffy tiny scared wet kitty,
Hermione? perhaps.

Prairie Purrs
04-03-2007, 06:51 PM
Just add another weekend to my bill--I figure I already owe you quite a few!

A little fluffy tuxie, eh? If she looks like Hagrid (presumably a much smaller version), perhaps she could have a Harry Potter name as well. Fleur, perhaps? Or Hedwig?

04-03-2007, 06:56 PM
Just add another weekend to my bill--I figure I already owe you quite a few!

A little fluffy tuxie, eh? If she looks like Hagrid (presumably a much smaller version), perhaps she could have a Harry Potter name as well. Fleur, perhaps? Or Hedwig?

LOL you didn't owe me any until I was wet nervous and had to recount!

And this "thing" is not much bigger than Hagrids head! ( without a huge weight lifting program she has no chance of looking like her Hero :rolleyes: )

Harry Potter names would be good, she is a really lovey cat, but then again if some one let me back in all wet drippy and smelly......................what gets me is that Adrian had her hidden in the bathroom with Angel......maybe that is why he didn't want to come out? he had his own playmate? :eek:

critter crazy
04-03-2007, 07:01 PM
Oh my!!! What a day! so where are the pics of this newest member to the Dr. G clan??? he he he he!:D

Prairie Purrs
04-03-2007, 07:04 PM
LOL you didn't owe me any until I was wet nervous and had to recount!

And this "thing" is not much bigger than Hagrids head! ( without a huge weight lifting program she has no chance of looking like her Hero :rolleyes: )

Harry Potter names would be good, she is a really lovey cat, but then again if some one let me back in all wet drippy and smelly......................what gets me is that Adrian had her hidden in the bathroom with Angel......maybe that is why he didn't want to come out? he had his own playmate? :eek:

Angel no doubt loved having a new little kitty to play with! He used to try to make friends with the local ferals whenever they'd come up to the bedroom window. He may not be fond of humans, but he adores other cats.

04-03-2007, 07:05 PM
Oh my!!! What a day! so where are the pics of this newest member to the Dr. G clan??? he he he he!:D

*stomps feet* Who said this kitty is staying!! I have enough cats!! and I have enough .....uh dogs and stuff!

yeah and all those other arguments I am thinking of...and pics mean it IS staying ..............so I refuse to fire up the cam *crosses arms and pouts*

04-03-2007, 07:10 PM
so I refuse to fire up the cam

What if Jas does it??? :p

04-03-2007, 07:13 PM
HA hah ha, giggle, snort, laugh out loud! Oh my goodness! What a place you have going there!

If you REALLY don't want her, I'll take her - I am sure we can arrange transport. I'll even take her sight unseen as you are NOT firing up the camera, because that would mean she is staying.

Hermione is a great name, but rather long for a tiny girl. Hmm.

And I've been thinking about Angel in the bathroom, now we know WHY he was happy to remain there, te hee. His own little Harem. (Alright, technically he needs more than one female to have a harem, but you know what I mean.)

04-03-2007, 07:17 PM
What if Jas does it??? :p

Candace he needs no help from the peanut gallery! :p

We just got Jupiter all settled in and I took my deep sigh of relief! .............who in their right mind has this many cats as keepers??? Oh don't answer that!

Freedom, I may hold you to that offer! if I can weasel out of keeping her, my men are packing my bags for the guilt trip they are giving me!

04-03-2007, 07:18 PM
I REALLY like the name Hedwig! :D

Course, I will need a pic to see if it SUITS her or not...or I GUESS we can take your WORD for it... :rolleyes: :p

04-03-2007, 07:19 PM
No problem, any time, te hee. *Packages up batteries for teh camera to ship to Kym**

04-03-2007, 07:19 PM
I REALLY like the name Hedwig! :D

Course, I will need a pic to see if it SUITS her or not...or I GUESS we can take your WORD for it... :rolleyes: :p
You are Evil, ............I am not rising to the bait.............takes hand from where cam is.......slaps own hand.............can and will resist..........

Prairie Purrs
04-03-2007, 07:20 PM
HA hah ha, giggle, snort, laugh out loud! Oh my goodness! What a place you have going there!

If you REALLY don't want her, I'll take her - I am sure we can arrange transport. I'll even take her sight unseen as you are NOT firing up the camera, because that would mean she is staying.

Hermione is a great name, but rather long for a tiny girl. Hmm.

And I've been thinking about Angel in the bathroom, now we know WHY he was happy to remain there, te hee. His own little Harem. (Alright, technically he needs more than one female to have a harem, but you know what I mean.)

Somehow I doubt that little girl will be going anywhere. ;)

And I don't think Angel would have much of a clue what to do with a harem--he was deprived of the necessary "bits" as a youngster. :D

04-03-2007, 07:22 PM
And I don't think Angel would have much of a clue what to do with a harem--he was deprived of the necessary "bits" as a youngster.

He can dream, can't he???? :D

04-03-2007, 07:24 PM
Very true Penny, but I think he taught the word spoiled to his protoge............now he has bits.......bits of salmon and Haddock and Yellowfin, bits of chicken..........all delivered and he was being bribed to keep his friend secret. Here I blamed Jen for his holding out, and all along it was cause he already had a friend! :rolleyes:

*has Idea Jen put kid up to the Cat :eek: *

Prairie Purrs
04-03-2007, 07:31 PM
Very true Penny, but I think he taught the word spoiled to his protoge............now he has bits.......bits of salmon and Haddock and Yellowfin, bits of chicken..........all delivered and he was being bribed to keep his friend secret. Here I blamed Jen for his holding out, and all along it was cause he already had a friend! :rolleyes:

*has Idea Jen put kid up to the Cat :eek: *

Angel, spoiled? It's not like I ever, like, spoon-fed him or anything.


Ooops--caught in the act! :o

04-03-2007, 07:34 PM
I pretty much figured out they were ruined when you brought separate dishes for all. ;) ......................and here my poor guys all eat from 3 :p

Prairie Purrs
04-03-2007, 07:46 PM
I must join the chorus clamoring for pictures of the little tuxette, though--if she's hanging around with my little boy (his sixth birthday is this Thursday, but he's still my baby), I really should get a look at her. :p

04-03-2007, 07:48 PM
Since Candace and Sandra let Jas take a few pics against my better judgement, here are a few and will ad some of the randome kitties and the unamed Kat.

Prairie Purrs
04-03-2007, 07:53 PM
Oh, my! The white marking on her face really does look like Hagrid's!

04-03-2007, 07:54 PM
that is Hagrid!!

I havent uploaded her pics yet! Hagrid hangs out next to my crystal ball and on my desk in the library now! and he never shuts up! LOL

Prairie Purrs
04-03-2007, 07:56 PM
that is Hagrid!!

I havent uploaded her pics yet! Hagrid hangs out next to my crystal ball and on my desk in the library now! and he never shuts up! LOL

LOL!! Don't tell the poor boy I didn't recognize him! He's no doubt mad enough at me as it is! :o

04-03-2007, 08:02 PM
Of all your babies hun, he is the one making the most of this visit! He like Angel believe you have left him a 5 star! now the rest may have plenty of stories to tell on me :eek: Gatsby thinks I should walk off a short pier with sharks in the water(did I mention he didn't like his antibiotics?) Katie has only 2 uses for me (she gets the cuddles from the boy) so I am only for food and litterbox duty :rolleyes: Cricket....well the way to her heart is her tummy, and if I have nothing for the tummy then she really could care less, Bob is electronics school he will be able to build you a stove when you arrive ;) and Angel was in cahoots for the extra treats for his silence of the interloper.

I did find out though that Hagrid and Angel both really like the kittens, Gatsby doesn't mind them as long as no one sees him enjoy them, and Cricket could care less. Katie will play a bit with them, but makes sure we know they are NOT hers and NOT going home!

04-03-2007, 08:19 PM
Here I blamed Jen for his holding out, and all along it was cause he already had a friend! :rolleyes:

*has Idea Jen put kid up to the Cat :eek: *
I think I deserve an apology!! (after I stop snickering about the possibility that I had a hand in the "extra cat")

And I too was thinking............WOW, I don't see any WEE LITTLE CAT!!!! Only Hagrid, a DAWG :eek: and a bird. :rolleyes:

04-03-2007, 08:23 PM
I think I deserve an apology!! (after I stop snickering about the possibility that I had a hand in the "extra cat")

And I too was thinking............WOW, I don't see any WEE LITTLE CAT!!!! Only Hagrid, a DAWG :eek: and a bird. :rolleyes:

NOT going to post the pictures that weren't supposed to be taken of the cat that isn't staying! I know you had a hand in this to get me back for bribing the transport to bring Jupiter here!!(and I out bribed him with chocolate btw! :p )

(would say sorry but I know she still has evil plans for Jupiter......)

04-03-2007, 08:35 PM
jaaasooonnnnn.....post widdle kitty pics pleeeeze... ;)

04-03-2007, 08:48 PM
2 of Goofball and 1 of the scardey cat that Candace bribed Jasper for, he is SUCH a pushover over for ladies :rolleyes:

*makes mental note to teach her hubby how to say NO* :p

04-03-2007, 08:57 PM
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So widdle and sweet! :)

WHO is Goofball???? Hagrid?

Ummmm....I called him "Jason" and not "Jasper"....and he STILL posted them!

Kym, maybe it was his evil twin that did it! :rolleyes:

04-03-2007, 08:58 PM
Goofball is my psychotic cocker spaniel :D

Prairie Purrs
04-03-2007, 09:09 PM
Hmmmm . . . are you sure that scaredy cat isn't Gatsby? Methinks the tuxies need to start wearing name tags! :D

04-03-2007, 09:12 PM
Somehow I doubt that little girl will be going anywhere. ;)

And I don't think Angel would have much of a clue what to do with a harem--he was deprived of the necessary "bits" as a youngster. :D

You can always name her Harem... then atleast he can say he was with one in the bathroom, lol. :p ;)

04-03-2007, 09:26 PM
There's some Goofy pictures!! And I had to find them in Cat General. :eek:
Goofball is such a little black ball of fluff!! :D

So, does the little kitten that is NOT staying have a name yet?? :p :D

04-03-2007, 09:44 PM
Hmmmm . . . are you sure that scaredy cat isn't Gatsby? Methinks the tuxies need to start wearing name tags! :D

Nope the pics of Gatsby are to be posted soon, and he has claimed the cat bed under the futon. As of now none of your cats like the birds enough to hide under the cages LOL

04-03-2007, 09:45 PM
There's some Goofy pictures!! And I had to find them in Cat General. :eek:
Goofball is such a little black ball of fluff!! :D

So, does the little kitten that is NOT staying have a name yet?? :p :D

How about Emanon?? Noname spelled backward..................unless I can send Penny home with 7 :eek:

And Goofy figured since she looks like a Tuxie cat whines like a cat ......well you get the idea ;)

Prairie Purrs
04-03-2007, 09:50 PM
How about Emanon?? Noname spelled backward..................unless I can send Penny home with 7 :eek:

Sounds like I'd better count tuxie noses when I pick my guys up! Or perhaps I should count tuxie toes, since my tuxies are polydactyl. :D

04-03-2007, 09:52 PM
Hey if I just hide this one under Hagrid you won't even SEE her till you are home *evil evil laugh*

04-03-2007, 10:09 PM
Might she be a Callisto?
Or Marlena (after the actress who famously wore a tuxedo ...)

04-03-2007, 10:17 PM
She looked like a wet and drippy Spike! but she is obviously a quiet and happy cat as she went unoticed in my bathroom for almost 3 days......I may not have noticed her until Easter if it hadn't been for this storm freaking her out and her mad dash out the door.

Marlena is sweet but, she sits under the bird cage and mews at Hagrid, I think she misses the bathroom and is too frightened to brave the Goofy dog yet. So Marlena wouldn't fit, not enough confidence to carry that one off. Hagrid is sitting on my desk and looking at me as if to say " It is NOT coming home with ME!"

Prairie Purrs
04-03-2007, 11:46 PM
Let's see, more Harry Potter names . . . Luna? Arabella? Padma? Minerva?

04-04-2007, 01:36 AM
She looked like a wet and drippy Spike! but she is obviously a quiet and happy cat as she went unoticed in my bathroom for almost 3 days......I may not have noticed her until Easter if it hadn't been for this storm freaking her out and her mad dash out the door.

Marlena is sweet but, she sits under the bird cage and mews at Hagrid, I think she misses the bathroom and is too frightened to brave the Goofy dog yet. So Marlena wouldn't fit, not enough confidence to carry that one off. Hagrid is sitting on my desk and looking at me as if to say " It is NOT coming home with ME!"

That's why I suggested Marlena - to boost her kitty confidence, so that one day she could walk with a bold stride! Still like Callisto, thou, too! It sounds kinda like Calypso, which was Jaques Cousteau's ship, and he spent a lot of time underwater, like wee tuxie is spending time under the radar - or under the bed or both!

04-04-2007, 09:29 AM
I'm stayin' outa this one. :p

04-04-2007, 09:41 AM
Uh Huh.......................shows kitty pics of Medusa and says look your new meowmie!! ;)

04-04-2007, 09:43 AM
Medusa...Medusa...that name doesn't ring a bell. Nice try, though. LOL ;)