View Full Version : Need Advice About A Feral *ASAP* UPDATE

04-03-2007, 04:02 AM
I know I have not been around much and I apologize thoroughly. I do need some advice now for the feral that lives on the U.S. base where my husband works.

Ok hubby called me about an hour ago from work extremely upset. KittyKat the feral he and 2 other co-workers have been caring for is in danger. He is about 3 years old and was born on the base but some SOB called and reported that KittyKat was being feed in the warehouse and also that he was going #1 and 2 inside. The general ordered that the vet clinic set traps, catch him and 'dispose' of him. KittyKat will not allow anyone near him except one co-worker who is now in the U.S. visiting family. If Iolanda was here she could catch him and bring him to her home but that is obviously impossible as she is in the U.S. So, Guido doesn't want anything to happen to KittyKat. They will not allow him to be adopted. He WILL be euthenised.

Guido has informed everyone that if and when KittyKat is trapped to call him. No matter what time it is day or night. He will go get KittyKat and take him before the vet office can get the chance to get him and kill him. The thing is we have no extra rooms in our house to keep him and no large kennel to keep him in either. Guido proposes setting him free in the country side near our house. We live in a rural area. I really don't want to do that. I would like to try to keep him here, somewhere, and try to tame him and then place him with ENPA. Who will then place him into foster care while he is awaiting a home. ENPA will not take him if he is wild which he is right now.

I have no idea what to do. What do you guys think? If we release him I am afraid he will wander and try to find his way back to the base and be killed. If he does not then we would take on the responiblity of feeding him and getting him any necessary vet care. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much and please spare a few prayers for KittyKat and hope for a PT miracle.

Thanks so much

04-03-2007, 08:37 AM
WOuld the ENPA lend you a large carrier or dog cage to keep him in? Maybe a live trap with good food in it - I don't want to think about what traps the 'boss' would be using. :(

He might likely need neutering, which will help his wandering.

Bless Guido for what he is doing! And you for wanting to give kitty the best chance.

A live trap with food might be best. Then cover with a thick towel so it stops him being scared, if he is - he might panic.

You'll get lots more good advice!

04-03-2007, 09:22 AM
Please excuse my ignorance but I'm not sure I understand. Who will not allow him to be adopted and will insist on euthanizing him? Who has the right to make that call anyhow? Having been an Air Force wife, I know that things are different on base. But can they just arbitrarily impose their will like that?

As for the feral cat, get a Have a Heart live trap, put some good smelling food in it. Others have covered the trap w/a towel. I've trapped a lot of ferals and the towel didn't seem to matter one way or the other, so it's your call. Then get him neutered. If you really can't keep him, then see if you can find a no kill shelter until he can be adopted.

Bless you both for caring for an animal who has no voice in the matter.

04-03-2007, 09:28 AM
No-kill shelters are rare in Italy.

Bless Guido for helping KittyKat. Hopefully they can stall things - for how long is Iolanda on leave? Is there somewhere on base they could keep him indoors and litter-box train him? Any possibility of arguing he's there for mouse control, and things would be worse without him?

04-03-2007, 09:38 AM
Do you have a cellar where he can be kept?
I am having a bit of trouble with Tubster as he insists on going out, he wants to roam now that hes back in his old neighborhood.
Hes crying to get out but its just not safe.
Bless You and Guido for wanting to tame and make that Cat safe.
Thats a reason I love to come onto Pet Talk.

04-03-2007, 09:41 AM
Mary...it was a vet tech that told Guido about him not being adopted out and being euthenized. The tech claimed it was orders from the general. As the cat was posing a health issue and being a nuisance. There is no shelter at all on the base so any stray must go through the 'procedure' which is quarentine, tests, vaccinations, alter and then and only then will they decide if he or she is going to be sent to the city shelter. If they reach the city shelter they pass into the hands of ENPA and will then go into fostercare. In the last few years there have been new rules implimented in Italy and no animal will be unduely euthenized. They must be suffering and incurable. Beyond any help in other words. So there is no longer any such thing as a kill shelter here.

Guido called to speak directly to a vet as he is a friend of his. The vet is suppose to call back this evening. He is the head vet there so nothing will be done with KittyKat until he says so and is there to do it. Guido is hoping this vet will help save KittyKat's life. So please keep those fingers crossed and the prayers coming. Guido said this vet friend of his is a good guy and he expects that is at all possible he will help. He has been here as the head vet for over 15 years so he should definately have some clout.

Thank you all for your concern, advice and comments.

(((HUGS to all)))

04-03-2007, 09:44 AM
I'm really sorry for not having paid attention to where the post was coming from. No excuses on my part, though. Good luck.

04-03-2007, 09:52 AM
I'm really sorry for not having paid attention to where the post was coming from. No excuses on my part, though. Good luck.

That is not a problem at all. :) We thank you for being concerned and wanting what is best for KittyKat. The world could use more people like the great, caring and compassionate folks here on PT.

04-06-2007, 05:50 AM
Sorry guys...I was in the process of updating this thread yesterday when my internet went down. :mad:

KittyKat is elusive. They cannot caught him. hehehe but if and when they do he will not be euthenized. Guido was talking to his vet friend and apparently the info the vet tech gave was WRONG!!! The issue was KittyKat has yet to be tested, vaccinated or neutered. So what will happen is this. When and if trapped him will be brought in for testing. If he tests positive for felv or fiv he will be coming to live with us. If he tests negative then all the things that need to be done will be done and then he will be released back into the territory he knows. So he will remain living on the base. If he is positive then he will get neutered and microchipped and whatever else they feel necessary and he will come here. Pretty good huh???

04-06-2007, 06:22 AM
Thats really good! I am so glad he wont have to be euthenized! Its good to kno tht if he is positive for FIV etc he will have a good home where his new owner will obviously take care and look after him!

Well done kittycats_delight you could be saving a life by offering a home if he is FIV positive! Thank godness for people like you! :)

04-06-2007, 08:45 AM
Very good, indeed. Another happy ending.