View Full Version : My shrimp

04-02-2007, 06:49 PM
As some of you know, I got an ecosphere which is a whole mini ecosystem in a glass sphere, lol. You can't open to feed the shrimp and they need plenty of light for the algea to grow, and trust me I've been giving them plenty of light, they are right by my window and they are thriving. I got some pics of my shrimp, and I named them. Some people may call me crazy for naming shrimp but they do make wonderful pets and they are just as important to me as any other pet I own. I have recieved some hateful and really rude comments on other forums but I know you guys will be really nice about my craziness. :D

The white shrimp is named Jack Sparrow. The other two(bottom) is Davey jones and Will turner whom is on top.

Davey Jones the one looking at me, and Twirp swimming away. lol

I'm not sure who this is, too dark.

So all togather I have 4 shrimp named Jack Sparrow, Will turner, Davey Jones, and Twirp. They may not be the prettiest of things but I really like them lol.

Hope you enjoyed! :D

04-02-2007, 06:52 PM
Lol at first I thaught you were ABSOLUTELY out of your right mind, trying to name them, tho I thaught they would be like sea monkies and didn't say anything! But now I see that you have four, and I can definately can tell how you can tell them apart!! hehe LOVE the ecosystem with all my heart <3

04-02-2007, 07:01 PM
When you first mentioned them I thought they'd be too little to see, but I'm glad they're not! :D I think they're really cute and I don't think you're crazy at all for naming them!
Congratulations on the little guys.

04-02-2007, 07:09 PM
Your shrimp are very interesting. I don't think it's silly at all to name them. ;) How big will they get? You say you can't open it? Does it ever need cleaned, like do they go to the bathroom? :o

04-02-2007, 07:16 PM
Your shrimp are very interesting. I don't think it's silly at all to name them. ;) How big will they get? You say you can't open it? Does it ever need cleaned, like do they go to the bathroom? :o

Well if you look at the 2nd picture of Davey Jones that's probably the biggest they get. Jack Sparrow and Davey Jones are fully grown and Will Turner and Twirp aren't yet, they are babies I think. So I am assuming that one of the older and bigger ones is a girl. I can't tell apart gender. :rolleyes: Yes, it does need to be cleaned but very rarley. It came with an outside magnet and there is one inside the tank so when you put the outside on on the glass the indoor one follows the outside one and cleans the inside of the glass, it's pretty tricky but I'm pretty good at it.

04-02-2007, 07:59 PM
Aww they are really cute.I love there names.Very adorable. :D
I don't think it's silly to name shrimp. :) I would.

04-02-2007, 08:00 PM
Cleaning with a magnet, now that is interesting! I have to say, I've never known anyone with pet shrimp.
They're cute.:cool: