View Full Version : 4th of July Scare!

07-05-2002, 10:09 PM
Well, we don't usually anyone around us setting off fireworks, so we didn't think what would happen if we left to watch the fireworks last night.
We got home around midnight and went to the back door to let the dogs in. Angus & Roxey were there, but no Huney. Oh no, she's gone! I called her...nothing. So me & Mark got the flashlight and went looking through the yard for her, and to see if she had dug under the fence anywhere. We didn't find anything. When we were almost back to the house, we were calling her name & we heard the fense rattle. It was Huney! She ran around by the gate, and got back in the yard! I guess it was wore down enough (Keisha used to lay there and Roxey had dug a little, so it was kinda low there) for her to squeeze under.
She was panting really hard, you could see how scared and at the same time happy she was to see us. Poor Girl:( I felt so sorry for her, and felt guilty at the same time for leaving her.
She must have been kinda far away because she didn't hear us calling her at first. I was so amazed that after only a week, she knew this was her home and she wanted to come back! Can you believe it? It's still hard for me to believe. I now definetly feel she was meant to be with us, and I think she feels the same way. I thought maybe she was trying to find her way home or something. She was......our home!
All she wanted was for me or Mark to love on her for the rest of the night. If we went outside, she was right under Marks feet, laying right there, she wasn't letting us out of her sight. She wouldn't even go out in the yard to potty, even with us there.
But today is better, she went out with the dogs in the yard and everything, but she still seems a little weirded out.
We're just trying to pay lots of attention to her and let her know how much she is loved. I'm so happy she wants to be with us!
I guess I was just so amazed I had to share!

07-05-2002, 11:09 PM
Eeeeeeeek! That does sound like a scare! We got a lot of calls today at the shelter from people missing their dogs (who most likely got spooked from the fireworks last night too). Hopefully she won't find a reason to squeeze under the fence again :eek: I'm glad she's okay!

07-06-2002, 03:56 AM
OMG, what a scare! :eek: Glad to hear she came back and everything worked out- I bet you were relieved! :)
Personally, I can not stand fireworks because they seem to do alot more harm than good. I just wish they would ban them entirely :(
They don't seem to bother my dog much at all, thank god. Now my cats, that's another story.

07-06-2002, 08:40 AM
We just don't go to the fireworks and stay home with the dogs. I love fireworks because they're so beautiful, but they are WAY to stressful on the dogs.

Anna, I'm sorry Huney gave you such a scare, but, you're right...she does seem to be meant to be with you guys. I'm also sorry she was so scared herself. Hugs to you and Huney.

07-06-2002, 08:46 AM
I always make a point to stay in that night, or confine my pets. Many of our dogs, in the past, were terrified when they heard the noises. So glad to hear that Huney the furball dog, is claiming you and your home now. What a perfect match!

Hope she feels ok soon - and will soon not be your shadows! I am sure she will calm down from the shock soon!

I am just so happy that you decided to keep her as your own. What a lucky, lucky pup! You two seem so devoted to your dogs and any dog would love to be a part of your family. I am also happy that your two pups decided it was ok to let a third pup into the circle.

Sam's My Baby
07-06-2002, 08:55 AM
That must have been really scary:eek: Fireworks scare lots of peoples pets, some even get so scared that they get sick.:( I am so glad she knows that you are her real owners and that she came home safe and sound.:)

07-06-2002, 09:21 AM
How scary! Huney must really feel at home there to come back so quickly! Glad everything worked out.

We spent the 4th at Ralph'sparents house and they always get a few little fireworks to set off...sparklers for the kids, a few fountains that shoot sparks. We had the girls out there, watching, no big deal. Both were just laying there watching. I had one leash in each hand and was sitting in one of those plastic chairs. Toward the end of it all, one was lit, that unknown to everyone shot up in the sky. It was really pretty, but it scared Cincy so bad! She took off running knocking me over backward. I tried to hang on, but she kept pulling and I lost grip of her leash. She ran to the corner of the fence and hid under the lillies. Poor thing was so scared when I finlly got her out, she had to poop! And this was not planned...it was next to and on my leg while I holding her! After cleaning both of us up I took her in the house and she ran to the front room, under a chair and hid. As people came in the house she came out of hiding, but the tail was still pinned and the ears back. Once we gothome she was doing a little better abd yesterday she would go outside, but whenever she heard a noise, run to the house. Today she still peers out, before she goes out, but seems to be doing even better. Poor Baby!

07-06-2002, 10:25 AM
Oh poor Cincy, I'm sorry you had a bad scare too:( Like Huney, you'll soon get over it, but will probably not like fireworks anymore either!
Bad, Bad Fireworks!!!

07-06-2002, 12:50 PM
Aw, poor Cincy and Huney. I do hope they are mostly over the scare now and do not have any lasting effect from their nasty experiences.

As you may or may not know over here in the UK we have two yearly firework events, the big one is Bonfire Night on November 5 and just over the last few years and to a lesser extent Halloween.
My sons dog is a nervous wreck during this time, he has to have tranquillisers to help. He is a rescue dog and we think he must have been really scared by loud banging noises at some time in his life because he also get scared when there is a pheasant shoot taking place within earshot, his earshot, as we know dogs can hear a lot more than we can.
My Springer Spaniel, Bob, is fine about it all, barely registers at all, but I NEVER let him out in the yard at all, or take him out for a walk, on the actual nights and am careful with him on the weeks leading up and after.
There is good reason for this, children/young people/whoever set up a seemingly never ending barrage from around two weeks before Halloween to about two weeks after Bonfire night. Nearly every night they are out and about letting off the bangs. Besides scaring the elderly and generally driving everyone nuts, countrywide each year there are always lots of cases of animals being hurt. A couple of years ago, just a little distance from where I live, a dog was seriously hurt when it caught a firework thown at it which exploded in its mouth.

07-06-2002, 01:49 PM
Anna that was a scary story but I think the main thing it pointed out to me at least is just how at home Huney feels with you in such a short time and that she has certainly learned her name in order to be able to come when you called. (Bella sometimes doesn't do as well after over a year :rolleyes: ). She knows she has found "the good life" and I am sure was just as upset about being lost as you were.

Yes, fireworks can really scare the furkids. My toy poodle, Pumpkin, (Rainbow Bridge) would shake and occasionally throw up if they were being set off too close to our house. A former neighbor used to shoot a gun at midnight on New Year's Eve/Day and that bothered him too (and us as well). Fortunately for us this screwball moved. The cats, however, could sleep through anything. They are totally unphased by noise. :rolleyes:

07-06-2002, 04:33 PM
I am sorry that you had such a scare, at least everything turned out alright.